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Vaccine Side Effect Case Reports From Around The World

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posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: enament

"I know of several injuries and a few deaths from the shot."

Well, who could possibly argue in the face of such compelling evidence, eh?

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
I have telegram channels that show a non stop stream of young people dropping dead for no apparently reason. It's a constant flood of people that die with no warning while they are walking down the street or eating dinner.

can you give a link to the channel or even give an amount, i take it it must be in the 10,000s , you say a non stop stream, lets say each clips is 10 seconds long, in just one hour thats 360 poor sould, have you verified each one is different and that they are young people?

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: UpThenDown

What the OP isn't telling you is that most of these people don't have a verifiable social media presence dating back before the vax was created. Many don't even have names, and fewer still have photos available.

It's almost as if they have no verifiable existence outside of posts saying that they were killed by the vax.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

its the use of over sensationalized language ala the bad 'MSM' that really makes me chuckle

from the next quote how many people/videos have they seen on the telegram channel

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

Your comments keep getting more ridiculous. These are a couple examples from around the world, not every example. I have telegram channels that show a non stop stream of young people dropping dead for no apparently reason.

It's a constant flood of people that die
with no warning while they are walking down the street or eating dinner.

So how many, 100s, 1000s, 10,000s, it sounds like the WHO when they describe something to be scared of, and that for me is my real issue, calling one source out for the way they report and then doing the exact same thing when there reporting

The MSM calls people who dont watch the news 24/7 conspiracy theorists, yet if you dont follow the non MSM sources 24/7 you get called a shi11, both side like to label people who question them, bot sides make ridiculous claims, both sides offer little facts just a barrage of scare mongering

sidenote - why do people film themselves eating dinner?

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Bull#. Where's your source for the claimed figure of 70%...? Your post history presents as clear a case as any on ATS for someone who is shilling for the government & big pharma, rejoicing in the suffering of the innocents & the weak. Licking the heel of the jackboot on your neck will get you nowhere when the 'Liberal World Order' asserts itself, in the aftermath of the chaos they are unleashing against the nations & peoples of the world, all with the aim of increasing compliance with deeply harmful policies, one of which is the mandated vaccines & boosters, leading to a measurable 40+ % rise in all cause mortality, specifically measured by the life insurance industry in the USA.

So even if you yourself, and the friends & acquaintances around you have been exceedingly lucky to avoid adverse effects, your only source is an anecdotal assertion which may or may not be true. The statistics for all cause mortality of working age people in the USA cannot be anecdotally challenged by your simplistic tactics. Each time I see your avatar in a thread about COVID I get a chill running down my spine, I have an instinctive shudder response to know that people like you are deliberately seeking to enhance the ignorance of the masses regarding these harmful bioweapons. Most of the world got placebos in the first rounds, so the murder was less obvious to those who refuse to inquire regarding the validity of what the Great Narrative is pushing into their minds. Only a few batches were deliberately tainted with the real technology behind the plan to depopulate, test beds of targeted individuals used to assess the insidious effects on health & capacity for life. Ultimately, the cumulative effect of more & more tainted batches as the booster program continues to be rolled out will have the effect of massively increasing all cause mortality even further than it has already been measured to have increased. I would try to persist in educating you with the links which support the facts I have discussed here, which Virtu0so so excellently documents in his many threads, committed to the cause of educating, informing, supporting & saving the health & lives of as many as possible, operating as a lone soldier in the war for the minds, hearts & souls of this world's peoples. But based on your inane responses to Virtu0so's excellent posts on this subject, I know you will pay not a jot of attention, instead deflecting, deceiving & subverting the positive & relentless efforts he & others are making to positively educate the people of the world.

This is especially galling when we're talking about the innocent children lost in miscarriages & those now being born with birth defects due to their mothers being coerced into accepting the noxious substance which evil people have conspired to poison us with. You truly live up to the spirit of your choice of name for an ATS avatar (Google his avatar name folks) - your duplicity & deception is sickening, literally causing a gag reflex when I think about the death & destruction which your words are supporting (even evidenced with an obvious glee as your self-indulgent & psychotic reward, imaginging all that suffering, rejoicing in the barbarity of what is unfolding). You are one of the members I would be sorely tempted to block, but on principle I won't shield my eyes from the evils of this world, I will not look away when the devil comes calling to promote theft, destruction & murder, with his sights set on the most innocent in the human family.

Diabolical, you are.


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