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Were Covid vaccines pre made?

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posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 02:28 AM
It is an interesting concept notwithstanding the amazing speed Klaus wrote his book about the reset, we have it seems an anomaly with regards to billions of doses of vaccines being made fit for purpose in an impossible amount of time. If a vaccine is approved, it usually takes two years to make swimming pool amounts stable enough to put in the vials for distribution, it is a fact that this alone requires years or R and D to do properly.. If it was rushed they will be pumping out unstable doses, if it wasn't rushed it was

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 02:44 AM
Ofcourse! China was the testing ground and CV was the cover. As i've asked before, Why did those videos back in 2019 during the start of this look identical to todays adverse reaction videos?

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 03:34 AM
Looks like the mRNA technology and other adjuvants was already in place. As for the specific mRNA sequence had to wait until what version got released from the lab. Did not take long once a genetic sequence was published.

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
It is an interesting concept notwithstanding the amazing speed Klaus wrote his book about the reset, we have it seems an anomaly with regards to billions of doses of vaccines being made fit for purpose in an impossible amount of time. If a vaccine is approved, it usually takes two years to make swimming pool amounts stable enough to put in the vials for distribution, it is a fact that this alone requires years or R and D to do properly.. If it was rushed they will be pumping out unstable doses, if it wasn't rushed it was

IDK where to find this story online I am about to share so don't ask for a source but maybe you can comb the internet to find out exactly what the # I am about to say and you to read...

Anyways with that out of the way.

So I read a long time ago in a PA fish and Game magazine well before the covid about saving the salmon in NY state. It was an article I normally wouldn't give 2 flying #s about but my Grandpa who was still living at the time (2017 he passed non covid related period) loved fishing near Niagra for salmon so I read the article. According to that source there was a sickness infecting and killing the salmon there and killing them off very badly apparently it was a devastating sickness etc etc. and they were talking about what is being done about it.

Well it turns out there were people working on an experimental MRNA therapy or vaccine I don't remember which one they called it at the time that at that time already had I think something like 5 years of research and testing on fish in a lab with a success rate that was really high.

Years later again prior covid I believe in 2019 the mnra drug developed for the fish was denied practical use in NY they didn't want to use mnra on fish. I remember that article too cause I read about the one previous to that I just paraphrased and then the mrna covid #.

IDK if any of the two are linked I don't remember who worked on the denied MRNA # and I don't exactly remember why they wouldn't give it to fish but maybe you find interesting and want to look for what the hell I am talking about more deeply as now I dont got time for it

this might help but Im not a scientist but it is somewhat about what I am talking about

2015 research and all that
edit on bWed, 27 Jul 2022 04:29:13 -050020223104America/ChicagoWed, 27 Jul 2022 04:29:13 -050007am7 by Brotherman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 04:28 AM

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 05:14 AM

originally posted by: Cymru
a reply to: Brotherman

Thank you bro

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 05:23 AM

originally posted by: Brotherman

originally posted by: Cymru
a reply to: Brotherman

Thank you bro

No bother at all.

They underscore your OP quite nicely.

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: anonentity

This was the first reason that i refused to take the shot. Of course, there are many other reasons now and it's clear that I made the right decision. The speed at which they were brought to market was for me, however, the first big red flag.

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Yes China had then already ad testing them withing their population, Russia was the next country to supply the jabs to citizens. But Russia also was the first country to stop as they realized the the jabs were useless.

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 09:05 AM
Its proof we have been had. Mathematically impossible to manufacture the amount of doses we had with the limited amount of manufacturing centers.. PERIOD.a reply to: anonentity

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: tacoman101

That is a VERY good point! Those people just randomly passing out in the street look like all of those reporters passing out live on TV.....

the 'vaccine' IS the weapon
covid is just a tweaked cold which is far less dangerous?

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

Yes, but not just that. There were many videos of people going into full blown grand mal seizure type events and it looked like they just died after, back in 2019. There are many recent videos of people receiving the shot and this exact same thing occurs but to a lesser extent. As if they got the dosage correct after testing. Before the "The great firewall" went up, there was quite a few sites that you could watch cctv cams live inside wuhan. I personally witnessed these events and so much worse. Body's lining the streets, cats and dogs being thrown from huge buildings, people jumping to their doom....The sun blotted out by crematory smoke. SO much death, that i'm still scarred to this day from it.

I do not know the purpose of the CV vax but i do know the purpose of CV.
edit on 27-7-2022 by tacoman101 because: missed a R

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 12:49 PM
are those vids backed up anywhere you know of?

a reply to: tacoman101

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

I haven't tried to find them since, back then alot of the videos were on sites like best gore, live leak, the ync and such "alt video hosting platforms that don't censor". I personally didn't put two and two together till around march 2021 or i would of downloaded them myself. I figured by then, most of the evidence would of been wiped.

Now that i go back and look, 2 of the 3 sites don't exist anymore. Go figure. However anyone who watched these videos back then will know what i'm talking about.

I mean, i personally didn't think anything of it at the start. I thought this virus could cause you to have a grand mal seizure/death, which is why i was so freaked out at the start.
edit on 27-7-2022 by tacoman101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 01:32 PM
How to take over the world

Looks to hit a little close to home if you ask me.

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 06:20 PM
Didn't Moderna have a patent in 2019? Aah sigh, people still think it was China. US funded labs is much closer.

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: anonentity

I think you win the prize here! It would be good to go digging into the Gov Germ Warfare and CCD pr0grams from the late 1980's.

They divuldged we have millions and millions of doses of everything you can think of...and we have TONS of deadly horrible world ended viruses , and plagues in storage at the CDC.

My question and suggestion to you is can we find out what and how much of "vaccines" all different do we have.

Absolutely COVID vaccine couldve been pre-manufactured.

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Im a bean counter and asked this early on. My opinion yes they were.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: tacoman101

I saw a video, where there were lots of dead on the streets, but was it set up? I also saw one supposed to have been taken recently where they are collapsing, some are falling badly and hitting their heads, and some very distressing ones with one little boy crying over his mum's body. some look real but how can you really tell.
There were others with the locked down people shouting "It's all fake" and others in body bags having a smoke break.

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