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Millions Of Americans Shafted After Wall Street Vultures Target Trailer Parks

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posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 01:13 PM
Catherine Austin Fitts describes in the linked article how property is bought up in “opportunity zones” which are properties not subject to capital gain taxes. She’s implying nefarious means are being used to make life so miserable that people sell out cheaply. The example used in the article are areas in cities that were hit hard by Antifa and BLM riots, but Swap Bucks post mentioning Grandfathered in properties made me wonder if this isn’t the same sort of thing ?

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: surfer_soul

It’s not the capitalist system, it’s a corrupt corporate monopoly more akin to fascism at fault here. Capitalism should offer competition and therefore choice, what’s actually happening is a new kind of fuedalism.

Agree with your assertions it’s turning in to a new feudalism, if it hasn’t been established for decades now. The corporate monopoly can only thrive in a capitalist system.

I’m in absolutely no way suggesting we do away with capitalism, I like being able to make more money because I work my a** off and make smart choices but, how much money does one really need to be comfortable? How many billions in profit do corporations need to hoard?

Greed will be rife in any system we have. That’s not down to the particular ideology but a sickness within the very soul of humanity.

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: incoserv

As I’ve mentioned in the above post, I agree with the problem of greed and believe it to be a problem within the very soul of humanity regardless of financial system or ideology in the society.

The problem with the insane wealth of certain individuals and corporations mean they have the power and influence available to them as private entities to supersede the integrity of our elected officials and public institutions.

Biblical values, that of various indigenous peoples, something else...something has to change I agree.

“Only when the last tree has been cut down, only when the last fish has been caught, only when the last river has been poisoned, only then will you learn that money cannot be eaten” -Cree prophecy

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 05:00 PM
Now I’m not saying anything but Meth Labs and trailer parks go together like tornadoes and trailer parks. And Meth Labs have a tendency to explode rather violently when disturbed.

Not saying there is going to be a whole lot of explosions, but that’s how you get a whole lot of explosions…just pointing it out.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: Ahabstar
Now I’m not saying anything but Meth Labs and trailer parks go together like tornadoes and trailer parks. And Meth Labs have a tendency to explode rather violently when disturbed.

Not saying there is going to be a whole lot of explosions, but that’s how you get a whole lot of explosions…just pointing it out.

Mobile meth labs are pretty popular in these parts. Those guys drive around cooking it in the trunk of their cars. I don't know where those people live but there is always more trouble around the trailer parks in the area. I know good people who live near the closest trailer park and they have things stolen all the time. There are also hobo style homeless types that camp on public land and around the river. I'm not sure how many of those are meth heads but I figure those types are alcoholics.
edit on 28-7-2022 by MichiganSwampBuck because: For Clarity

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 03:36 PM
I live in a trailer park in upstate NY. I can verify that it's been nothing but rent increases the past 5 years.

I don't know when I will be leaving but when I do I'm tempted to douse the damn thing in kerosene and light it up. F the landlord he won't be charging another tenant rent for MY home.

He can try to woo new tenants with fancy new homes with his sky-high lot rent. I don't think there will be many flocking to live in this #hole.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Some states have laws that encourage trailer owners to organize into a home owners association and buy their lots.
Federal programs could guarantee or even supplement the cash for those buyouts but of course they don't.

"free market capitalism" on the other hand usually finds a way to empower the developers and landlords, but it is popular because it stimulates the economy.

Most of those older trailer parks look a little depressing to people that aren't looking for basic functionality.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 07:24 PM
That's literally what the kids are calling late stage capitalism.

It's a feature of the type of economy we are using. They suck up all the money and jack the prices up on everything. Sooner or later at this rate the CEOs will be able to start making bold moves to assume positions of authority without having to hide behind politicians.

If it were truly a free market we wouldn't have to deal with this. Instead we have our government paving the road for corporations to acquire and maintain monopolies and influence legislation and regulation, and more.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 07:35 PM
As I see more and more threads like this across the internet it's amusing watching so many people who ascribe all things leftist as evil starting to warm up to the economic issues many so-called leftists have been warning about.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 02:51 AM
I happened to have done some research on this very thing in the last 6 months.
What I found was that Warren Buffett got into the manufactured housing industry.
On the other side of that coin, we have a socialist model of land management proposing to be the solution. However, it is collective ownership with everyone having rents which are supposedly stabilized to stay low. Who benefits from that ? Organizations like rocusa who get financing for such projects. Interestingly the meetings with the residents are eerily like the Delphi Technique used in UN Agenda 21, and which technique was exposed by Rosa Koire in her book, “Behind the Green Mask.”
On their website (rocusa) there was a page which mentions Paul Bradley the president of the org having a position in the Aspen Institute. Recently they took down that page. Bradley also has a page with a message convincing everyone to write their Congress people to pass the infamous Build Back Better bill which actually failed last winter. He had a sample letter on the page. There are three different pages on the rocusa site referencing Build Back Better.
Another interesting point was that Bradley was introduced in a forum on affordable housing by an executive of the radical socialist Democracy Collaborative
Northwestern Research Institute also has pages discussing socialist land management

“In perpetuity” means “forever”, and the designation of the land can never be changed. So if the land was needed for a better use at some point in the future, it couldn’t happen. It essentially removes the land from its possible “highest and best use” by second-guessing what will happen 20 – 50 – 100 years from now.

Today, this utopian idea is being promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF has become an outreach of the United Nations. One solution put forward about housing is “Partnerships between community land trusts, which own and steward land on behalf of a community, and municipal land banks, which acquire vacant land and prepare it for development. “

Here’s another article on Buffett’s housing empire ( in case one article isn’t enough )
Here’s another related article /
By the way rocusa requires residents to approve their version of bylaws to get financing and tacked on to they set of bylaws and rules is a set of principles sounding eerily like Agenda 21. I followed the link on the bottom of the page. But it’s late and I would have to do another search to find it. Suffice it to say that it reeks if Agenda 21 with talk
About “ Sustainability”. So now even mobile home parks have to be in accordance with sustainable development such as (and I kid you not) requests to have outside lights on fur as short a time as possible so as not to add “light pollution”.
Maybe more on this tomorrow ...

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