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Joe Cunningham Best Political Ad

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posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: GlobalGold
If the young progressives all keep playing the "old washed up politician" card, that eliminate both Biden and Trump

That's the plan.

Yep, eliminates 2 birds with 1 stone

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: schuyler
Guy reminds me of Logan's Run. Hope you're not too young to know what that means. I get a kick out of the router comment. He's portraying older people as not understanding technology, In fact, older people invented it. The "Boomer" generation invented all the technology "younger people" use, but don't understand themselves.

Who invented the computer? Boomers.
Who invented the language used to write the software? Boomers.
Who wrote the software? Boomers.
Who invented the Ethernet? Boomers.
Who invented the mouse? Boomers.
Who invented the Internet? Boomers.
What did you invent? Nothing.

EVERYTHING you use technology wise was invented by the older generations. YOU are just an end-user, someone who was taught how to answer the questions the computer and software puts to you. You couldn't invent what you are using to save your life. It was all handed to you.

This guy is telling you we need to work together instead of be divisive with each other. How do we do that? By blaming old people for all our ills. That's pretty typical. Let's blame someone else for all our problems and not take responsibility for any of them. H's blaming old people this time. Last time it was the Jews.

Wrong; "A" boomer may have invented some of the current technology; though its far more likely that "A" boomer ran the business while his/her younger staff invented the technology.

But as a generation as a whole; the boomers are playing catch-up on technology adoption. And its 100% likly that Congressman from that generation where not among the small group of engineers from that generation who help develop the technology.

On that count the ad hits home. On a much smaller scale as a engineering manager at a large electronics company I personally encounter this problem all the time. Those from the Boomer generation are not up on the current technology and they are as a group unable to think outside the box they have built for themselves over the decades. Now I'd like to make it very clear that I have a lot of respect for some in this group who mentored me over the years; and I am more than happy to run cover for them as my way of paying them back. And for some of then I would gladly fall on my sword. But increasingly they are getting in the way more.
edit on 24-7-2022 by dandandat2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: GlobalGold
If the young progressives all keep playing the "old washed up politician" card, that eliminate both Biden and Trump

I think thats what the majority wants.
You have the vocal left and right, but that isn’t the majority…

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: schuyler
Who invented the computer? Boomers.
Who invented the language used to write the software? Boomers.
Who wrote the software? Boomers.
Who invented the Ethernet? Boomers.
Who invented the mouse? Boomers.
Who invented the Internet? Boomers.
What did you invent? Nothing.

This is clearly a vast simplification of reality. The main reason most of those things were invented by boomers is because they were in their prime when the digital age started to begin. Once computers emerged is was only a matter of time before all those other technologies were created. Boomers may have created the original computers, but many people have improved that technology since then, our current computers are clearly much more advanced than our first computers. It's also clearly not true in any way to say boomers are the only people to invent meaningful technology. Plenty of advanced technology and computer software is written by younger people, especially now most boomers have retired.

This guy is certainly right about one thing, there are way too many skeletons clinging to power in politics, it's a prime reason our governments are so inefficient and so corrupt. The guy strikes me more as a Libertarian than a Democrat, especially when he says things like we should enforce term limits and age limits, we should legalize marijuana and gambling and then use the tax money to fund education. Then he wants to eliminate the state income tax... not the types of things promoted by your average mainstream Democrats. Term limits are definitely a good thing, but this isn't about old vs new, it's not about the past vs the future, as he puts it. It's about elitist control freaks of all ages who think it's their right to direct the path of humanity vs the average person trying to live a free and prosperous life.
edit on 24/7/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: dandandat2

Most of it predates the Boomers, even. A lot of the ground work for what became WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, and other technologies we take for granted today came from one important woman: Hedy Lamarr.

She was born in 1914.
edit on 7/24/2022 by cmdrkeenkid because: Fixing typo.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: cmdrkeenkid

Or how about Nikola Tesla, born 1856.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

The guy strikes me more as a Libertarian than a Democrat, especially when he says things like we should enforce term limits and age limits, we should legalize marijuana and gambling and then use the tax money to fund education. Then he wants to eliminate the state income tax... not the types of things promoted by your average mainstream Democrats.

Totally agree. Just curious if the states that have weed & gambling proceeds going to schools, is it ReallY going to schools?

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

This add brings exactly what I have been saying. We need new blood in politics. If a politician is past the age of life expectancies they probably shouldn't hold office.

Their is no way I want a Brandon Trump ticket, in 2024. Pelosi, McConnell, Feinstein and more, should have retired years ago.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 06:46 PM
If Joe gets into office, we'll see how long he stays in office once he gets a taste of that corporate lobbyist money, Dark campaign contributions, under the table bribes, etc....Even in the state houses, money flows like water.

as always Money talks and Bullsh!t walks; especially in politics.

Anyway Joe is sure to get the AARP out to vote, probably for his opponent.
eta....during state/local campaigns, I often work for the GOP as a media geek. Those old geezers that write my pay checks aren't going anywhere. And even if they get voted out of office, there's a corporate board or lobbyist gig waiting for them. Then they spread the political favors/money around to those in office.

Joe must have a good crew, because that ad was verryyy effective, he's good lookin, articulate, and has a nice demeanor. That means alot to the female voters.

My moneys on him to win the Govship.

edit on 24-7-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 07:44 PM
All politicians say one thing then get in and do another. He is a politician.

Are you guys paying attention? He is playing divide and conquer, us against them.

There is a leader on the way who will unite America, and unite the world. Im hopeful that I wont be present when he arrives, but I can promise that he is alive now, and on his way.

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