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There seems to be an inevitable scenario developing

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posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 03:49 AM
Forgetting about MSM propaganda and Russian propaganda, you can only really analyze what seems to be happening on the ground. Then wait for the trends to build and become the main operating scenario to determine a timeline of likely events which are going to unfold and have the highest degree of probability with regard to the aforementioned scenarios. It seems that the Vanilla protests with regards to trucker convoys and farmers' protests are coming to an end. There seems to be a growing awareness that national sovereignty issues are becoming a prominent and growing meme. In the past when the degree of sexual excess in a country's leadership becomes a growing meme it is always a dangerous sign of great disruption and coming enduring change. Whether these are true or false it doesn't matter as they are the meme. There are reasons why we even hear about them as no doubt anything nonnarrative can be scrubbed from the internet at the click of a switch.
The meme is painting Hunter Biden as a pedophile. His father the same, along with an abused daughter. Which is the same as saying that the leadership of the free world is dysfunctional. Why are we being asked to believe this, as the press releases could be easily doctored as they are regularly?
The whole population of the western world has essentially had their bodily autonomy violated. With regards to a vaccine with questionable results. Now we are getting the results of the trials that were to be kept hidden for seventy-five years, but strangely got released by a system that could have easily kept them sealed.
The main problem with regards to Ukraine is that it is in constant violation of an agreement to protect world peace. The foreign policy forges ahead to escalate a problem that need not be there. Giving a missile system to a puppet government could ignite a catastrophic response.
Food and energy disruption is occuring when simple good management would have kept it minimal.
Climate insecurity is being pushed as apocalyptic, yet in Britain 1974 was as hot.
Then we have the rich kids at Davos and the world economic forum unfolding their dystopian dream. All this is steadily grabbing the attention of more and more people, which will inevitably lead to violence and protest. I wonder if we are getting played to the point where the main intention is planned self-destruction. Where the end game result actually will be the West inviting Russia and China in as a savior to restabilize the West.Because if what this guy is saying, and if it is a true and reasonable summation of the present developments it will be a possible result.No matter what the motives of the reaction are. At the end of his dialogue is a picture purported to have been taken from Hunter's phone surrounded by nymphets that look a bit too young which seems bizarre and Mabey Dicey. But the damage has been done. Perhaps the whole administration is being set up by their own excesses?

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 04:55 AM

In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. Franklin D. Roosevelt

I think we all know-or sense- there's a very specific plan being carried at a global level. It has a feeling of being heavily scripted.
The really big threats facing the world are seldom mentioned, as the media gives us fodder to polarize everybody.

The only question is what the intended result is, and that is something none of us can agree on either.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 05:29 AM
We all know it and feel it coming.
Some have been feeling it for years and years.

The WEF has announced it, and leaders spew their filth.
It's coming regardless of anyone's opinions.
The groundwork has been laid.

Everyone has their addictions in hand.
All they have to do is implement the final steps.
Of which, we are seeing them placed right now.

The new economic world order.
CBDGs, fiats being trashed, which will destroy the current system.
Hell, even Putin is warning the world.
Oddly enough.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Yes, as you said, in Britain 1974 was as hot as it is today. Therefore I don't understand your concerns. You had in the past worse rulers than those Bidens, Putins, Xins, and whatever funny names those creature are called, and you went through horrible pandemics. And here you are. So what's exactly your fear? You wonder if you are getting played to the point where the main intention is planned self-destruction. Interesting: it was not meant to be like that, but it finally is.

Why? Because... in 1974... Britain was as hot as today. See? Your own conclusion leads to self-destruction. And that last day it will be damn hot, but it will be the last hot day for you and yours.

You no longer remember the look in the eyes of the last Neanderthal. Or how he looked without understanding anything that was going on around him. He died the same way you will die now: without understanding absolutely nothing of what is happening.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: anonentity

One thought comes to mind ...


posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 06:23 AM

a reply to: nugget1

The only question is what the intended result is, and that is something none of us can agree on either.

I think that the intended result is obvious: complete control of the planet, all of its resources, and all of its inhabitants by a few who have amassed material wealth and political power.

And that is all rooted in the ancient desire to "be like God," to usurp the place of the creator over His creation (a vain and a pointless motive).

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Or, is the problem one of the absolute absence of leadership? The adoption of ESG accounting systems for US banks and financial institutions was only made possible by ratification of the Paris Climate accords. Would a real, competent, leader of the US have ceded sovereign control of the nation's banking system to the WEF?

We wait, we watch, nothing much happens. There isn't any meaningful leadership, just quiet surrender. The banks, the currency, the borders, given away. And what is jeapordized? The food supply, the Energy grid, the fuel supply system, the Navy, the domestic airline system, the water supplies and basic infrastructure.
edit on 24-7-2022 by TonyS because: Sp

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 09:14 AM
No one remembers or cares about last stupid look of Direne before it crawled back under its rock either.

Your opening paragraph revels how limited your scope of understanding really is.

Yea ok mr brow ridges because you have the answers? Lol you don’t know jack.
a reply to: Direne

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: Athetos

You sound like a monkey jumping and squealing. Is it because you want a banana? Or is that your way of attracting attention perhaps?

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 03:06 PM
According to scripture, its going to get hotter, but thats not the worst thing that is going to happen. 1/3 of all plant life and vegetation will die. 1/3 of the oceans and everything in them die as wel. I hanvnt seen anyone discussing what will happen when that goes down. Let me clue you in: Thats where oxygen comes from! Can you imagine the oxygen content in air dropping by 1/3?

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: anonentity

I'm finally seeing people realize what a very few of us have been
saying for decades. Things just had to get to that point I guess.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Are you American, and have you been taught to separate the paragraphs?, as I was taught to stagger the line in the new paragraph. Without the separation of the script. However I am generally at fault for the continuous script, but I actually thought about the separations on this one. And I still got scolded.!!

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: anonentity

Or, is the problem one of the absolute absence of leadership? The adoption of ESG accounting systems for US banks and financial institutions was only made possible by ratification of the Paris Climate accords. Would a real, competent, leader of the US have ceded sovereign control of the nation's banking system to the WEF?

We wait, we watch, nothing much happens. There isn't any meaningful leadership, just quiet surrender. The banks, the currency, the borders, given away. And what is jeapordized? The food supply, the Energy grid, the fuel supply system, the Navy, the domestic airline system, the water supplies and basic infrastructure.

Energy food and money.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 12:27 AM
There are allot of moving parts and trying to parse out what factions are doing what is a complex and nuanced job.

That being said; the fate of the USA as we have known it is sealed. This is the changing of the world order into a multipolar world. This historically almost always leads to war hence the Russiaburger.

We have as many stupid and incompetent leaders as we do corrupt leaders who have been and will gladly sell our country out for money.

The world Economic Forum wants to destroy their economies. It's the playbook banks use: create bubbles, economic crashes, centralize power.

The million dollar question is whether or not Russia and China are on board with this or are not willing to give up control for the likes of delusional tech elites and the UN.

I have a hunch that the Western Block is and has been bankrupt for a long time and it's simply just not a lucrative business anymore so the money masters are switching to China.

BRICS has announced it's creating it's own world currency and we get crickets in our media. This is an economic and existential war we're in but everyone is busy bitching about pronouns.

The bankers behind the WEF smell bankruptcy and what is really all about is coming to collect on the collateral- that means us and everything we own. Human capital markets where we are the commodity. That's it. That's their entire stupid plan because they live in a bubble far away from reality and they're all delusional as hell up there.

They don't know how any of this is actually going to work in reality and their crack fueled pipe dreams of transhumanism- being immortal via machines and turning everyone into an "internet of bodies" just reeks of moronic elites who drank the kool-Aid.

Think incompetent, inbred, power hungry cryptkeepers that crave power simply for power sake. Tyranny will continue to rise, civil war will unfold, the US will faction off and many will die before the inevitable collapse of the empire after 2030.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 01:13 AM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: anonentity

One thought comes to mind ...


I wounder if that is why no one stop't Hitler in the erly days?

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: SybiLulu

That's the big question is China and Russia on board with this? I have the suspicion that they are all cozy at the top, after all, there is no reason for them to personally antagonize each other. We have no means of any evidence like birth and death rates to make comparisons with regard to Russia and China. For all, we know it's all a charade. They have to remove historic freedoms guaranteed by law and that will be a big push when it comes down to a numbers game. In the west these freedoms are entrenched.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 01:41 AM

originally posted by: incoserv

a reply to: nugget1

The only question is what the intended result is, and that is something none of us can agree on either.

I think that the intended result is obvious: complete control of the planet, all of its resources, and all of its inhabitants by a few who have amassed material wealth and political power.

And that is all rooted in the ancient desire to "be like God," to usurp the place of the creator over His creation (a vain and a pointless motive).

The next logical step is that AI is the antichrist (non-human).
It is guiding the WEF and NWO and lays out their daily instructions for them.
Most have yet to realize the old paradigms of nations, leaders, institutions are becoming irrelevant.

edit on 25-7-2022 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: visitedbythem

starting to look bad...

Our empty oceans: Scots team’s research finds Atlantic plankton all but wiped out in catastrophic loss of life

Sunday Post,Our empty oceans: Scots team's research finds Atlantic plankton all but wiped out in catastrophic loss of life

Houston, we have a problem

That was the news in the movie Solyent Green. Life imitates art indeed. I suspect they are going to find out that the study was wrong and some natural cycle is in play. Microorganisms tend to go thru huge cycles that include a crash of the living organisms. I have raised microscopic and larger aquatic animals for biological laboratory purposes in an Environmental research lab.

Fear mongering is high lately IMO.

posted on Jul, 27 2022 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

That is good news if so, we are saved "again"

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