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Republican War On Queer Comic Books Is Dystopian And Cruel

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posted on Jul, 19 2022 @ 06:40 PM
Ah, NBC... Championing porn comic books for children again.

In this article they whine about how unfair it is to have graphic smut available to children (the younger the better). We don't allow Hustler magazine or sex to sexty comics to be available to minors, why would we have similar smut available just because LGBT activists are pushing for it?

Yeah, it is graphic but it is gay / trans positive activist porn so that makes it OK?

Funny how that works isn't it. I will link pictures from this "educational and enlightened" graphic novel that is so innocent below. Yeah, definitely something we should have blue haired activist teachers presenting and encouraging our kids with at school.

At the end of May, The Virginian-Pilot, a daily newspaper in Norfork, Virginia, ran a legal notice in its classified section warning readers that it might become illegal to sell or lend a particular book.

Maia Kobabe’s comics memoir, “Gender Queer,” had been the subject of an obscenity lawsuit in Virginia Beach, and the judge in the case found probable cause to believe that the book was “obscene for unrestricted viewing by minors.”

This is the latest salvo in arguably a years-long war on queer cartoonists and authors waged by Republicans eager to shore up support by persecuting and slandering minorities.

They display a growing bigotry toward not just real queer people, but queer characters who might help children discover their own identity. And queer comics — with their unavoidable images of marginalized people — are regularly targeted, often by conservative influencers and even lawmakers.

But huge damage has already been done by the broader censorious focus on “Gender Queer” and other books about queer characters.

This of course is backwards, cruel and dystopian. Queer comics should be celebrated, especially when they help young people learn to accept themselves.

Sure... this is real educational stuff alright. See some pictures of the material here:

Now that you got an idea of why parents would not want this crap pushed on their kids, I present you with a good summary of the issue:

Herein lies the issue. Gender queer authors and activists are pressuring schools and liberals politicians to incorporate more sexual material into sexual education classes, and supporting sexualizing children before they are sexually mature. They believe that minors should be taught about explicit sex acts, be instructed on how to use sex toys, and be allowed to have permanent life-altering gender reassignment surgery before they are legally able to get a piercing or a tattoo. These individuals claim that removing books and graphic novels that depict mature content is bigotry and an attack on LGBTQ+ rights.

Parents who oppose these ideologies and practices are often supporters of equal rights, but against sexualizing children before they are sexually mature. They do not wish for their pre-pubescent students to be allowed to read novels and graphic novels with illustrations that display minors or adults having sex or performing sex acts on each other. Unfortunately, because many public schools are being encouraged by the Biden Administration to honor the LGBTQ+ community’s movement and incorporate more gender queer materials to further “equity,” parents who wish to have the books in question removed have been vilified and denied.

Families that feel as if school boards have abandoned them and their children in the name of identity politics have had to turn to lawmakers, and political candidates who are running for office, to tackle this ongoing issue. Parental rights have been challenged time and time again, especially in regards to political bias being taught in the classroom — which includes gender queer material being promoted. School board election upsets have been witnessed across the country, and now that this lawsuit has offered parents more support, the hope is that more educators will return focus to the students and offer educational age-appropriate books instead of content that is brought in to solidify political ties.

posted on Jul, 19 2022 @ 06:46 PM
Hypocrite PEDOS!!!

posted on Jul, 19 2022 @ 06:47 PM
This crap makes me ABSOLUTELY sick!

posted on Jul, 19 2022 @ 07:09 PM
and how about the liberal war on black owned comic books creating a new, separate culture?

Libs coming out of the woodwork to drop the hard-R when talking about this new endeavor, pushing the tired, old, liberal idiots who can't even draw or come up with good comics out of their power seats.

Rageaholic made a great video called something like "become the culture" on youtube a couple days ago about this.

posted on Jul, 19 2022 @ 07:18 PM
Big reason why I left education in the rear view mirror. Its not my job, nor should it be, to teach this crap. I just want to teach my students critical thinking, how to understand and read a source and make their own personal judgement based on what they hold to be near and dear to them. No where in there is my opinion warranted or valid. And I was a social studies teacher. However, that went against the agenda of force feeding students opinions. Not my place.

With that said, it is not the place of the school/school board to teach this stuff. School is simply for educational purposes. Let me re-iterate that point. School is there to teach students reading, writing, arithmetic, science, and several other things that will help them throughout their lives. Teaching them this garbage doesn't help them in their day to day lives nor will it really ever help them. If parents are so inclined to teach these things to their children, well then, that's there job is it not? Afterall when I grew up we knew at some point in our teenage years our parents were going to have "the talk" with us. And I'm only 35. My generation knew that our parents would be the one to teach us the birds and the bees and things of that nature. When it came to school and sex ed. they taught us the basics, how reproduction works, how to check for breast and testicle cancer, you know things that might actually help us later on. I was 16 when I had these lessons in Health class. Again a class based on living a healthy lifestyle and how to prevent disease etc. Sure we learned about contraception, but again life skills, and even that was very risqué for the day. But none the less, you could at least justify these lessons as teaching us lessons that would help us in life, could you not?

Now here we are today? What value does teaching our students have about pronouns or transexuals or gays or things of that nature hold to 99% of our kids? How will that help the future generations everyday lives? I mean really I'd love an answer from liberals who are all for this? Why can you not be a parent, and if it's that important you teach your child how to use a sex toy at 13, why not teach that to your child and not force that education on the vast majority who will find it extremely unsettling?

I say liberals, you need to keep certain things in your homes or within your groups of friends. You want your child at 6 or 7 to read Tommy goes the Tranny, ok that's fine, keep it at home or within your group of friends? You say you want religion not to be forced on your children, well why not respect the idea? It goes both ways after all....

At the end of the day what upsets me the most is that this is what we focus on. Not our fledging education system and the fact that states are lowering their education standards to graduate more students. So our nation becomes dumber and dumber.... How are we supposed to advance and keep up with the rest of the world when all our students know is June is Pride month and they must get their pride flags out so they don't hurt anyone's feelings? How does that help us, your children, or your children's children? You can't run a country appealing to emotions, sorry it just doesn't work. Inequality will always exist in some shape or form, #ing deal with it.

posted on Jul, 19 2022 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: dleeb

Education isn't the goal. Recruiting is.

Thirty percent of Millennials identify as LGBTQ, according to a soon-to-be released study that is based on scientific polling data. Among Christians the numbers were lower—but only slightly, with just under 30 percent of Millennial Christians identifying as LGBTQ.

The portion of the population that describes itself as gay has varied over the years, from 10 percent, based on research by Alfred Kinsey and widely promoted by the National Gay Task Force in 1977, to less than 6 percent in a recent Gallup poll. The pollster who worked on the new study, George Barna, attributes the unusually high number he found to social and news media coverage that makes it "safe and cool" for young Americans to identify as LGBTQ—whether or not it represents their actual sexual orientation.

posted on Jul, 20 2022 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Listen to these absolute maniacs meltdown in the face of simple questions.
edit on 20/7/22 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2022 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: infolurker

"Alfred Kinsey"

Responsible for a lot of this nonsense.

Nothing but an evil, dirty, perverted nonce.

From his WIKI:

"Kinsey wrote about pre-adolescent orgasms using data in tables 30 to 34 of the male volume, which report observations of orgasms in over 300 children aged from two months up to fifteen years."

posted on Jul, 20 2022 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Sadly I agree it has become recruiting hence why i left. Not what I signed up to do. Many other teachers leaving too. Sadly they'll just be replaced with more maniacs. Guess next time Newsweek does this article it'll be 90% identify as LGBT++++++.

posted on Jul, 20 2022 @ 08:55 AM
That 'comic' book was more about hating your body and your natural bodily functions, at least in the beginning.

Seriously, I could say (satirically) the same thing about pooping. It's gross and I don't want it in me ever. So I'm going to remove everything that makes and emits poop in and on my body. And to further that along, I will stop eating so that I no longer make poop. And what 7nth grader is petrified of getting breast cancer because she is developing breasts? Maybe a few because of personal family experiences but part of her decision was based on fear of what MIGHT happen.

These are sad people. But they are free to make their choices. I wish they would quit forcing their issues on us.

posted on Jul, 20 2022 @ 08:53 PM
These comics as representations of the authors adolescence shows that they're really ignorant. Borderline stupid.

"I hate having a vagina that bleeds" Tough # kiddo.

I hate having a penis and balls that stick to my leg in the middle of the summer and are uncomfortable in certain pants and sometimes can't sleep in my favorite position because my balls are sensitive sometimes and a myriad of other reason having a penis and testicles is awkward and uncomfortable.

Doesn't mean I go cutting my junk off and pretend I'm a woman. Life often sucks and is uncomfortable, especially when it comes to the human body.

Sex itself is gross. It's smelly, sticky, your literally exchanging human juices. It's not friggin rainbows and unicorns lmao.

These kids are being led to believe they can be happier and less inconvenienced just by changing their physical appearances and putting on an act.

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