a reply to:
They are real screenshots of the weather forecast from the public broadcaster ARD. Meanwhile these channels are the worst propaganda sh!tholes only
framing and lying and using tactics like that sh!t with the weather map. In 2009, when the temperatures were higher, no Green New Deal was established
and the map is shown in normal colors. A decade further in time, slightly less high temperatures make the map look like limbo in 2019, when there was
the Green New deal established. And again three years firther in time, after all that corona BS propaganda and 80% of the people eating it, why
shouldn´t they make the weather map look like the real hell if 80% of the lemmings will eat that BS without questioning anything and fall instantly
in climate panic because of two days of summer weather in mid-summer.
These are the same propaganda channels who call green new deal terrorists, who for example "glue" themselves to the streets to eff up average german
tax payers (a felony in Germany) etc, "climate activists". At the same time these propaganda sh!tholes are happy to call people who protest against
all that madness and for democracy, constitution. freedom, existing laws etc rightwingers and nazis, anti-democratic terrorists and a danger to
The cops are the same since Corona, a standing army against the own populationwho only work for the "actual thing" but against constitution, existing
laws, common sense, the population they normally should protect. For example, they handle those green new deal terrorists with velvet gloves while
these terrorists (it´s not only that sticking to the streets nonsense, they openly propagated that the want to blow up oil pipelines among other
things) commit crimes. But if people protest against a loss of democracy, freedom, against the disregard of the constitution and existing laws, these
cops are happy to beat up oolderly people, parents in front of their kids, smashing grannies to the floor like MMA fighters, tear people off their
bikes who only loudly read the constitution in public etc.
All that BS goes hand in hand, the propaganda is one of the first steps, what they cops then do one of the next steps of the same evil plan. You
noticed how ridiculous that map from 2022 looks. Not the attempt to fool all of us with such cheap psy op tricks is the worst part in this story that
unfortunately meanwhile is reality around us. But that it works for around 80% of the people. I don´t know how people can forget what they lived
through the last decades when it comes to weather here, nothing ever changed. Except the BS propaganda to push Green New Deal, Great Reset etc. And
the former FRG turned into a GDR2.0 since Merkel who was installed to achieve exactly this like it looks now.
Yes, these screenshots are real and this is what i meant with "insult to intelligence".