a reply to:
Short answer: no.
Detailed answer: computers are machines. They work no different, really, than a calculator. Every CPU in existence has three basic sections: the
registers, the interpreter, and the ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit). That extends from the little processor in your car that monitors fuel usage, to the
biggest mainframe ever built, to the quantum processors being worked on.
The registers are just memory locations inside the CPU itself.
The interpreter takes machine language commands (1s and 0s) from the memory location pointed to by the specialized program counter register. It then
decodes the instruction and uses that information to determine how to handle the data in the next 'x' number of memory locations. For example it may
send the contents of one register to the ALU and the contents from a memory address to the other ALU input and add them together, storing the result
in another register. It is built from simple logic circuitry: NOR, NAND, OR, AND, NOT, and X-OR gates.
The ALU takes information either retrieved from memory or stored in one of the registers and performs either an arithmetic or a logical operation.
Modern ALUs can handle a lot of different operations, but all are simplistic: add, subtract, invert, logical AND, logical OR, that sort of thing. The
interpreter controls the operation of the ALU based on the instruction being performed.
That's what a computer is. That's all a computer is. It cannot think, it cannot reason, it cannot do anything except take a command and execute it.
The computer does not even know what the result of the operation is. Depending on how the programmer wrote the program, an execution of an instruction
may yield an actual binary number (an integer), a floating-point decimal number encoded in binary, an ASCII code for a letter or other symbol, or just
a result that can be tested to branch the program if needed.
The only reason we have computers doing the complex tasks we see them doing today is that programmers have learned techniques to make them handle a
variety of different inputs. A program may contain millions of instructions, each one performing some function that will result in computer
interacting with a human. But the computer is still just blindly following orders, just like a car will move forward when put in Drive and the
accelerator is pressed down. The car does not know it is moving... it simply does what is commanded of it blindly.
Artificial intelligence does not exist.