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heatwave? Suck it up buttercup!

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posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 03:37 PM
As you may know, the temps here in Europe are unusually high.
In my area we are expecting the worst on Tuesday, with temps around 40°C (104F) and up

Now before you all say that there are places in the world that have these temps every year, keep in mind that we NEVER had them and the climate conditions over here are very different. We are not used to this kind of temperatures and hardly prepared.

My home is good, I live at the edge of a forest so it's always cooler under the trees, I'm not worried for that, the kids are good, the pets are good.

But my workplace? omg... it already felt like hell the last couple of days!
The store I work in is surrounded by a construction yard where they are building new shops. The air is dry and dirty and there is dust inside and outside. Because of this we have been unable to put on the ventilation system, because it sucks the dust and sand in. On top of that we don't have air conditioner ( because the company is cheap!!!) and there are big windows almost all around. So the temps inside are rising almost as high as outside.

I called my area manager yesterday and explained my concerns for the heat that is expected next week... he told me to 'suck it up' and find a way to work through it and remember that I am not the only one who is working in a warm environment! (easy said for a guy who sits in his cool office all day during the heatwave) So simply said, no one cares!

So, over here there are laws that state that we don't have to work in these high temps, unless the company places an airco unit and there is climate control...and they have to make sure we have cold drinks for free each day that temps are over 29C. We have none of that, we will get none of that. I knew that when I signed a contract with them, but at the time the benefits for me were so high that I didn't consider the state of the building, I knew I was on my own and couldn't rely on any area manager to fix my problems. All I have to do is 'show up' and do my job and they leave me alone. Actually, the benefits of the job are still pretty high...
But right now, they are not high enough for me to risk my health, or at least I think there will be a health risk, not sure because again, never experienced this kind of weather before and certainly not in dry dirty air! I just don't think it's going to be doable and that I'll probably suffer a heat stroke or something!

If I call my union guy Monday or Tuesday he will tell me to lock up and go home.
I can do that, but I will probably loose my job if I did... even though they can't fire me for it, they will find another reason!

BUT, there is another thing, why I probably will not call my union or have someone come and check out the working conditions.

Maybe it's the same in other places but over here, the last 3 weeks of July is when all construction workers in the country go on leave, construction leave. So there isn't supposed to be any activity going on right now, except there is.
One crew is still working. Some of the guys came into the store yesterday to buy a radio. The guy just pointed to it and gave me money. He didn't speak Dutch, nor English, nor French or German.... Then he said 'Ukraine'

The supermarket chain that is building a new store next door has hired a crew of Ukraine refugees to work during a heatwave, on the roof, while everyone else is taking a vacation!
This is just so wrong in many, many ways...
but I'm not going to be the one to tell on them! These guys only want to earn some money and they work hard for it!

well... If you don't see me posting again after Tuesday, I probably died while serving a customer that was stupid enough to go outside during the heat to buy a fan, because he is one of those people that always wait until the last minute to buy these things. That's the kind of customers I'll be working for next week...
Not sure what I'll do yet... wish me luck

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

stay hydrated, limit your energy, and move on. I promise, you will not burst into flames.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

As network said...plenty of water and maybe bring a small fan of there is somewhere to put it. I live here in Las Vegas and its currently like 112°F and I haven't had any heat stroke issues. I do try to drink around a gallon of water while at work on a 10-12hr day.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

stay hydrated, limit your energy, and move on. I promise, you will not burst into flames.

no, I'll just melt and my insides will become liquefied.....

My husband just said that we received 9 aircoolers today, to sell, not for us. It's not exactly an airconditioner but I'm unpacking them all and let them run all day in the store!
I'm keeping them!

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

As network said...plenty of water and maybe bring a small fan of there is somewhere to put it. I live here in Las Vegas and its currently like 112°F and I haven't had any heat stroke issues. I do try to drink around a gallon of water while at work on a 10-12hr day.

There are already 12 fans in the entire store, they just blow hot air.

I'll keep in mind to stay hydrated.

112F ? Jeez! how do you keep up with that?

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

I would fake a positive kung flu test.

(SNIP) em.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 04:27 PM
Set up a garden sprinkler just outside the door/doors. One of those ones that moves in an arc and set it to run over the doorway from left to right or right to left.

This means customers won't get wet unless they want to. Put a couple of signs up just in case someone plays stoopid.

You can nip out every now and then for a freshening up.

AND gain some Kudos with the asses in offices with a good customer service and marketing strategy that could bring in more business and make existing customers very appreciative. Just to put a hand in that cold sprinkler would bring relief and a smile. Heck, just seeing it would work.

Also, it's possible to tape around a few of the tiny nozzles on the moving bar and regulate the pressure and spread via the tap/faucet. This means you are not wasting water but using it wisely. Experiment and have FUN in the sun.

It would also stop so much dust from getting into the store by taking it out of the air and also catching it on the ground before it blows in.

I'm in SW France so understand how hot it is.

MAKE IT RAIN! And be well.
edit on 16/7/2022 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

Inflatable pool, a water socket and hose, keep that fresh water flowing... Get out only if pressing matters arise

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: KindraLabelle2
As you may know, the temps here in Europe are unusually high.
In my area we are expecting the worst on Tuesday, with temps around 40°C (104F) and up

Now before you all say that there are places in the world that have these temps every year, keep in mind that we NEVER had them and the climate conditions over here are very different. We are not used to this kind of temperatures and hardly prepared.

My home is good, I live at the edge of a forest so it's always cooler under the trees, I'm not worried for that, the kids are good, the pets are good.

But my workplace? omg... it already felt like hell the last couple of days!
The store I work in is surrounded by a construction yard where they are building new shops. The air is dry and dirty and there is dust inside and outside. Because of this we have been unable to put on the ventilation system, because it sucks the dust and sand in. On top of that we don't have air conditioner ( because the company is cheap!!!) and there are big windows almost all around. So the temps inside are rising almost as high as outside.

I called my area manager yesterday and explained my concerns for the heat that is expected next week... he told me to 'suck it up' and find a way to work through it and remember that I am not the only one who is working in a warm environment! (easy said for a guy who sits in his cool office all day during the heatwave) So simply said, no one cares!

So, over here there are laws that state that we don't have to work in these high temps, unless the company places an airco unit and there is climate control...and they have to make sure we have cold drinks for free each day that temps are over 29C. We have none of that, we will get none of that. I knew that when I signed a contract with them, but at the time the benefits for me were so high that I didn't consider the state of the building, I knew I was on my own and couldn't rely on any area manager to fix my problems. All I have to do is 'show up' and do my job and they leave me alone. Actually, the benefits of the job are still pretty high...
But right now, they are not high enough for me to risk my health, or at least I think there will be a health risk, not sure because again, never experienced this kind of weather before and certainly not in dry dirty air! I just don't think it's going to be doable and that I'll probably suffer a heat stroke or something!

If I call my union guy Monday or Tuesday he will tell me to lock up and go home.
I can do that, but I will probably loose my job if I did... even though they can't fire me for it, they will find another reason!

BUT, there is another thing, why I probably will not call my union or have someone come and check out the working conditions.

Maybe it's the same in other places but over here, the last 3 weeks of July is when all construction workers in the country go on leave, construction leave. So there isn't supposed to be any activity going on right now, except there is.
One crew is still working. Some of the guys came into the store yesterday to buy a radio. The guy just pointed to it and gave me money. He didn't speak Dutch, nor English, nor French or German.... Then he said 'Ukraine'

The supermarket chain that is building a new store next door has hired a crew of Ukraine refugees to work during a heatwave, on the roof, while everyone else is taking a vacation!
This is just so wrong in many, many ways...
but I'm not going to be the one to tell on them! These guys only want to earn some money and they work hard for it!

well... If you don't see me posting again after Tuesday, I probably died while serving a customer that was stupid enough to go outside during the heat to buy a fan, because he is one of those people that always wait until the last minute to buy these things. That's the kind of customers I'll be working for next week...
Not sure what I'll do yet... wish me luck

I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of that. As others have said, drink plenty of water. If you start having heat exhaust/heatstroke symptoms, close up the store and get immediate medical attention. The hell with what your higher ups say. You could document everything going on, so if they try to fire you, you have documented proof that your life was literally in danger. The union should consider that and help you out. If they don't go to your local news media and say your piece.

Please keep us all posted. We all are thinking of you and care.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: nerbot
Set up a garden sprinkler just outside the door/doors. One of those ones that moves in an arc and set it to run over the doorway from left to right or right to left.

This means customers won't get wet unless they want to. Put a couple of signs up just in case someone plays stoopid.

You can nip out every now and then for a freshening up.

AND gain some Kudos with the asses in offices with a good customer service and marketing strategy that could bring in more business and make existing customers very appreciative. Just to put a hand in that cold sprinkler would bring relief and a smile. Heck, just seeing it would work.

It would also stop so much dust from getting into the store.

I'm in SW France so understand how hot it is.

MAKE IT RAIN! And be well.

I love the idea of sprinklers by the entrance!
But right now there is only sand in front of the store and a couple of boards to walk on. It would become a mudpit first and a big puddle very soon, since the water has nowhere to go.

But I keep that in mind for next year, pretty sure this is not going to be a one time weather event

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

Inflatable pool, a water socket and hose, keep that fresh water flowing... Get out only if pressing matters arise

you think I should sit in a pool in the store?

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: ChiefD
I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of that. As others have said, drink plenty of water. If you start having heat exhaust/heatstroke symptoms, close up the store and get immediate medical attention. The hell with what your higher ups say. You could document everything going on, so if they try to fire you, you have documented proof that your life was literally in danger. The union should consider that and help you out. If they don't go to your local news media and say your piece.

Please keep us all posted. We all are thinking of you and care.

The union would help me (us) out, but like I said, they would send someone to check on the place and they will see the Ukraine people as well, working where and when they shouldn't. I don't want to rat them out, even unintentionally.
We will try to make it work with the fans and the air-coolers, but as soon as one of us feel unwell we are out of there an get a medical document somewhere.

I know I'm whining about me and my job, but there are so many people all through Europe in the same situation next week...

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: KindraLabelle2
I love the idea of sprinklers by the entrance!
But right now there is only sand in front of the store and a couple of boards to walk on. It would become a mudpit first and a big puddle very soon, since the water has nowhere to go.

Please re-read my above post for the edit about regulating the water flow.

You could put the water spray away from the door a bit and get some deck chairs and buckets and spades for the sandy BEACH.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

I do, indeed ,
, it would be a direct action without causing to much problem, but still sending a strong sign.
I was going to say, nerbot has a better plan, bit now that this is of the table, yes definetly go with a pool

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: XipeTotex
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

I would fake a positive kung flu test.

(SNIP) em.

It seems that I am the only one so far who called the boss and said "hm you know, I don't think Tuesday is going to work with the heat"

So I think he already expects me to excuse myself out of there

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 05:19 PM
Im in California. Its currently 100 degrees here. Its supposed to get up to 104 today. In reality, that probably means 106. I feel sorry for the guys down at the plant. Ive seen some areas where the steel stretching machines are, get up over 123 degrees inside the plant. I used to walk quickly through those places, and hold my breath. It burns your eyes, and lungs. Probably the worst spot, though, is up high, on the cat walk, in front of the giant vat of super hot acid pickling liquor. The hot acid fumes are intense as the heat up there. People wear N95 masks up there, like that is going to provide some type of protection. NOT

I used to keep a tiny bucket with ice and a wash cloth to cool my face and head off with. Some guys warned that could cause a stroke, but it never caused me any trouble, and it felt great.
edit on 16-7-2022 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 05:25 PM
We didn't have AC till I was 14, my brother and I ran a fan in our room constantly year round, used to wet a washcloth squeeze it out where it wasn't dripping, and clip it with a clothespin or 2 on the front of the fan and pretended it made a difference.

LOL Ive done a spray bottle with ice water and sleep on a towel it gets so hot and humid here in the summers too. But we never had a construction worker vacation?

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 05:35 PM
I went out and snapped a picture in my back yard for you. I was already for the heat today. My little pool is almost full. I charged up my portable speaker that runs off of my phone. Im headed out there in a few minutes.

Thats my Funny Bear pool!

edit on 16-7-2022 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

Could you get ceiling fans installed ? You could just have them on all day, makes a ton of difference

edit on 16-7-2022 by ancientlight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: KindraLabelle2
well... If you don't see me posting again after Tuesday, I probably died while serving a customer that was stupid enough to go outside during the heat to buy a fan, because he is one of those people that always wait until the last minute to buy these things. That's the kind of customers I'll be working for next week...
Not sure what I'll do yet... wish me luck

Generally, once it hits 40 degrees a fan is all but pretty much useless anyway, unless you just want a lot of hot air blown directly in your face… lol.

But actually just thinking about it, you Europeans should have the advantage in extremely hot weather, simply because your homes are so damn insulated due to all that cold weather.

I imagine you all have thick curtains to keep that cold out, yeah?

So just keep them curtains closed and the fans going long before the sun comes out and you should be right until at least late afternoon.

I’m on the other side of the hemisphere dealing with the midst of brutally cold weather atm… I work night shift to so I get the worst of it.

I’ll tell you what though, I’d happily trade a 40 degree day for a 3 degree night.

Anything below 5 degrees is just simply inhumane… imo.

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