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Canadians in Ontario Toronto Mayor pushes for Boosters.

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posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 04:48 PM
Monkeypox narrative not doing well.

What has the Canadian MSM decided fear monger back to C19 Omicron wave, the least and not so dangerous

The mayor of Toronto pushes the Booster sale pitch how the boosters can help and keep you out of hospitals despite considering that the Omicron hasnt being deadly.

They fear mongering heavily with the Omicron C19 some outlets are already referring this as the third Omicron wave.
In Canada health minsters and experts are fuzzed why those who had their second booster dose of C19 vaxs haven't uptrend for their third booster.

Canada is urging Canadians to be boosted every 9 months after their last booster.
many other countries decided to live with C19 removing all restrictions.

Imagine to be wearing masks during a summer heat wave in Canada.
While your walking or running.

Ontario experiencing a summer covid wave

Get your Boosters
edit on 5-7-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-7-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 04:49 PM
If the two doses haven't being effective what makes them believe that a third, fourth would make any difference?
What science and data are they following?

Can the public see the data they are seeing?
edit on 5-7-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Apparently they don't need to worry about that, some doctors have been using sleezy tactics and phrases to fear people into getting the shot. This happened to a friend's father, and he got seriously ill. But he is still under that spell and trying to get his daughter to get the shot even though she declines completely. Even though it nearly killed him..

He said what the doctor said to her, "If your still alive in 5 months you can thank the covid vaccine". This was one of the phrases used against him, making it seem like he would be dead in 5 months if he didn't get the shot. They are using physiotherapy to manipulate people into getting the shots. Then forcing that opinion on others, its a complete mess up there.

My uncle fell victim to the same tactic. "With your weakened immune system you need to get this shot or you're going to die" and "You won't live if you get sick right now".(Btw his "weakened Immune system" occured after the first shot which caused his liver to act up by spiking in some protein or something causing it to 'overact'; little shoddy on the details, but it *is* new since the first vaccine shot.. But even so it is a well known side-effect that the liver gets infected from the vaccines. This convinced him to get the second shot, and he probably already has the 3rd.. preparing for the 4th.) They are literally telling people that they will die unless they get the vaccine based on 'previous health conditions' or health conditions caused by the 'first' or 'second' shot.. With the excuse being, "Who am I going to believe these online doctors or my personal one" and "see you got the first shot and you're still alive, we need to protect you from the next strain".

The sad part is most of these 'personal' doctors just like the rest of us, never actually got to see the research before forcing these injections, and thanks to regulations and the way money flows in hospitals most of them won't even look at it. They were told what to believe without question by "the top scientist/doctors in the field", and what to say to their patients. People wonder how all doctor's seem to comply, its because every doctor in a 'public' practice at least in America is part of the American Medical Association. Which means only the 'head hancho' need's to make the rule for it to be followed.

You don't need to blackmail every doctor on the planet to get them 'all' to participate. Just the top guy, and if you knew it was Bill Gates? What would you say then? After all he does own the AMA. So every doctor that participates in a 'public' practice is literally listening to Bill Gate's advice. (That means any doctor's who's name isn't on the building itself is under some medical group owned by the AMA.) Here's the interesting part: Most of the doctors that spoke out against the order's actually own their own practice. That's because they work for themselves instead of BG.

My proof in point.
Canadian Doctor's Association
American Medical Association
British Medical Association
African Medical Agency
China's Medical Board
India's Medical Association

And there's one for almost every country.. its all under a similar name, association, board, group, agency, but its all 'medical/doctor' that all seek to 'towards a unified continental regulatory framework' - Africa's front page, easily sold the lie. India's is To promote and advance medical and allied sciences in all their different branches - normally this isn't a bad thing, but when they are 'unified' it means they have very few head's that control everything for purpose of 'profi...erm.. people's health'. This makes it easy to 'corrupt' the few, and ignore the 'many' on the floor.

Then you throw in a little bit of this..

Canada Gives $800 Million to Bill Gate's Vaccine Program Following Lobbying Campaign

Prime Minster Shri Narendra of India interacts with Bill Gates to 'underline' an approach to fight against the health crisis (aka covid).

China's Xi Writes a thank you note, to Bill Gate's for his 'virus pledge' (That means money transfer)

Missing Link: Removed from as well but the link existed at one point: Confirms a transfer or a currency 'exchange' from Africa's to Bill Gates for the pandemic. URL: covid-19-felix-tshisekedi-echange-avec-oumar-seydou-le-directeur-afrique-de-la-fondation-bill-gates-sur-la-lutte-contre-la-pandemie: Translated URL: covid-19-felix-tshisekedi-exchange-with-oumar-seydou-the-director-africa-of-the-foundation-bill-gates-on-the-fight-against-the-pandemic (Keep in mind wording will sometimes be jumbled based on language translated from)

Last But not least: The UK (Yes, bill gates 'hit' them all with some form of deal/payment/partnership) Boris Johnson and BILL GATES announced a new Partnership between Break Trhough Energy and UK GOVERNMENT to drive investment on 'clean energy' 400M upfront, 200 through 'private sectors' (This was before the Russian/Ukraine War)

So if you want to know HOW it was done, there's your answer. "Unifed groups of various branches" all following the Top dogs of said 'medical alliances' that were clearly bought and paid for. Fyi, some of these are 'forced' to be part of this alliance by country/local laws - like China.

Those are the guys you 'blackmail' or bribe - not the little guys on the bottom floor, that makes about 25-30head's max by targeting '1st world/developed countries'. (Small countries don't matter as they will always follow 'first world' order's or risk losing their imports/exports.) to cover the entire world.
edit on 5-7-2022 by BlackArrow because: Making it better organized: Takes a couple of edits.

edit on 5-7-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-7-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-7-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-7-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-7-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 06:49 PM
Keep in mind, the above is just an example of the many many trail crumbs left behind with these exchanges. I didn't realize he hit all of the countries I listed 'alliances' to until I started filling them in, but apparently he personally made deals with each and every leader. While one could say 'uk/bill gate's meeting could of been innocent. I really didn't look very hard to see if there was any other exchange reguarding 'covid' funding.

However its clear that he is making BIG moves in the UK as he and GEORGE SOROS, buy out a Covid Testing business. Bill Gates and George Soros buy out UK Testing Facility for covid.

What's even more interesting.. is Uk's "Covid Cases" jumped 30% in the month of July exactly 1 year later, (interesting part is it is the same month Bill Gate's made the purchase - so nice 1year anniversary/possibly a flaunt of power). Bill Gate's bought out UK's testing facility.

But despite all of this, the most interesting article I have ever found reguarding Bill Gate's and Covid is the fact he straight up said "The FDA can not be trusted with covid vaccines." Located Here.

Bill Gates no longer trusts US regulators - and questions whether the Food and Drug Administration's eventual approval of a coronavirus vaccine will mean the shot is safe.
Dated : 15 September 2020

This was when they started taking a paycheck from big pharma and stopped listening to Bill Gate's. In fact he 'disappeared' around that time, for about 6 months only to 'come out of hiding' to announce his divorce with his wife.. which was in May of 2021

So who know's what the hell is going on with that guy at this point. But what I do know, is that not everything turned out the way he wanted it to. Plus with Bill Gate's and his depopulation agenda being actually worried about a 'vaccine'.. then I would be even more so.. As for any Canadian's.. if you get tested make sure its not by the company him and George Soros bought together.. Especially Considering they are doing a '2nd anniversary' July event to force more regulations... after months of silence in a 'virus' that has been proven to be year round based on climate tracking alone.

Now.. question everything.
edit on 5-7-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)


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