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What fireworks and the Fourth of July mean to me

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posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 08:34 PM
Here we go, another heart string pulling post. Not my typical format, but I think I'll give it a try. Why do I celebrate the Fourth of July? What does it mean to me? Well, I can only speak for myself.

When I hear the fireworks in the distance, it reminds me of a time not so long ago in the grand scheme of events. Although I may not have even been a twinkle in my great great great grandmothers eye, the memory lives festered inside me. When I hear those explosions, it makes me think of my fathers. Not my immediate father, but those that came before me. Those that built this family and took the helm when our family was on the brink of demise. It brings me back to a time where peace was a foreign word, and muskets, cannons, gunpowder, running and death was your daily life.

As the rockets red glare,

The bombs bursting in air

Gave us proof, through the night, that our flag, was indeed, still there.

Francis Scott Key wrote these words that live with us, in our memory until the day we die. He wrote them as the Alexander Cochrane and the British navy bombarded Fort McHenry in Baltimore during the War of 1812.

Rights are not "granted", they are endowed to us by our "Creator". Power (laws, government, kings) is not derived from nothing, only from the consent of YOU, the governed. Because you are ultimately governed by your Creator, and your Creator blessed you with the ability of free will and sentience.

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

If a Christian commits murder or adultery, is that a indictment of God? Slavery was wrong, but celebrating Juneteenth is just as American as July Fourth. For example, one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, Battle of Gettysburg, was fought from July 1st to July 3rd, with a Union victory that in the early hours of the battle, seemed like a full blown Confederate victory. So if one had slaves in America, is that an indictment of America itself?

Our system has become a house of cards, nothing like what our fathers foreseen. Just as God had, they gave us the tools and the power of free will. The only indictment that stands is the present, it ultimately falls on our shoulders, every generation that comes to age.

July 4th means to me the rockets and bombardments our fathers faced with primitive weapons and still persevered. This is the American spirit. I've saw the towers fall from my elementary school window, I have seen what our community can do when we work together to help each other instead of destroy each other.

I heard it was MAGA month too...What does all this mean to me? Nothing different...I would still knock on the door of hell any day of the week, with nothing but a water pistol in hand, ready to fight for my "family", especially those I disagree with but who have rights, rights which I will not sit idly by and watch get taken away from ANYONE.

So help me God.

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

I like that. But, for me, this is the only thing that July 4 brings to mind this year ...

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

Ummm…those fireworks remind me how easily led the majority of the citizenry is…how easily they set aside intellect and perception…perspective and the naked reality of the dream they were sold…and that they buy into…

It really is comical…in a post relativistic way…gorging on the latest hotdog shaped pap layered into an overly somnambulistic mental imagery of drones swallowing this moments manna…

Looking out on all the spoon fed masses…as they live their script…as they mindlessly ensure they are the authors of their own demise…it makes me wonder if any truly wake from their torpor…

Do any realize the marionettes strings compelling them just so…?

Or is sudden realization…drowned too much in reckless disregard…in too much pablum and placating…in shouts of Ohh…Ahhh…and that smell of sulfur on the air…

edit on 4-7-2022 by YouSir because: I chose to…

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 11:12 PM

originally posted by: JimmyNeutr0n
Here we go, another heart string pulling post. Not my typical format, but I think I'll give it a try. Why do I celebrate the Fourth of July? What does it mean to me? Well, I can only speak for myself.

When I hear the fireworks in the distance, it reminds me of a time not so long ago in the grand scheme of events. Although I may not have even been a twinkle in my great great great grandmothers eye, the memory lives festered inside me. When I hear those explosions, it makes me think of my fathers. Not my immediate father, but those that came before me. Those that built this family and took the helm when our family was on the brink of demise. It brings me back to a time where peace was a foreign word, and muskets, cannons, gunpowder, running and death was your daily life.

As the rockets red glare,

The bombs bursting in air

Gave us proof, through the night, that our flag, was indeed, still there.

Francis Scott Key wrote these words that live with us, in our memory until the day we die. He wrote them as the Alexander Cochrane and the British navy bombarded Fort McHenry in Baltimore during the War of 1812.

Rights are not "granted", they are endowed to us by our "Creator". Power (laws, government, kings) is not derived from nothing, only from the consent of YOU, the governed. Because you are ultimately governed by your Creator, and your Creator blessed you with the ability of free will and sentience.

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

If a Christian commits murder or adultery, is that a indictment of God? Slavery was wrong, but celebrating Juneteenth is just as American as July Fourth. For example, one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, Battle of Gettysburg, was fought from July 1st to July 3rd, with a Union victory that in the early hours of the battle, seemed like a full blown Confederate victory. So if one had slaves in America, is that an indictment of America itself?

Our system has become a house of cards, nothing like what our fathers foreseen. Just as God had, they gave us the tools and the power of free will. The only indictment that stands is the present, it ultimately falls on our shoulders, every generation that comes to age.

July 4th means to me the rockets and bombardments our fathers faced with primitive weapons and still persevered. This is the American spirit. I've saw the towers fall from my elementary school window, I have seen what our community can do when we work together to help each other instead of destroy each other.

I heard it was MAGA month too...What does all this mean to me? Nothing different...I would still knock on the door of hell any day of the week, with nothing but a water pistol in hand, ready to fight for my "family", especially those I disagree with but who have rights, rights which I will not sit idly by and watch get taken away from ANYONE.

So help me God.

Read scripture every night at bed time, and you will find all the answers to your Questions.
edit on 4-7-2022 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: YouSir

Shuddup and wave sparklers. A sparkler in one hand and a corporatized logo of victimization in the other or you're a traitor.

Be in awe of how great we are, dammit.

Did this glorious country not give you free vaccines? Did this glorious country not spread freedom throughout the world with your money? Do they not spare you the indignity of squandering your money on selfish personal goals like owning property? Are you not proud of the temple of bones that is a testament to our greatness?

Can't you hear the freedom ring?

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: YouSir

Did this glorious country not give you free vaccines? Did this glorious country not spread freedom throughout the world with your money? Do they not spare you the indignity of squandering your money on selfish personal goals like owning property? Are you not proud of the temple of bones that is a testament to our greatness?

Can't you hear the freedom ring?

Ummm…yes…why yes…

Strangely though…all that freedom spreading still smelled of sulfur…


posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 02:03 AM
I miss watching the one hour aerial display of fireworks in the 'big town' 30 miles away, but not enough to make the trip in to see them.

On the rez m80's and 160's are legal, so for two weeks before the fourth and two after we get jolted out of sleep off and on till 1-2AM. Sulfur hangs heavy in the air. Freedom isn't my first thought for 4th of July anymore.

I know fully understand why the majority of 'old people' seem to not care about holidays; none of them resemble the fond memories of our youth and we've watched their bastardization in real time. The Fourth, for the younger crowd, is about BBQ's and parties ; beer and things that sparkle. There aren't many who have come back from war that enjoy the constant explosions that have come to symbolize what the Fourth means to most. They remember being spit on and hated for serving their country; many of them spend the day fighting PTSD.

Gay Pride celebrations last a whole month, while the 4th of July just one day. Priorities have changed. The world has changed. I'm still the salty person I've always been, and that's not likely to change- but my perspective sure has. The more my eyes fail me, the clearer everything becomes.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

Ummm…those fireworks remind me how easily led the majority of the citizenry is…how easily they set aside intellect and perception…perspective and the naked reality of the dream they were sold…and that they buy into…

It really is comical…in a post relativistic way…gorging on the latest hotdog shaped pap layered into an overly somnambulistic mental imagery of drones swallowing this moments manna…

Looking out on all the spoon fed masses…as they live their script…as they mindlessly ensure they are the authors of their own demise…it makes me wonder if any truly wake from their torpor…

Do any realize the marionettes strings compelling them just so…?

Or is sudden realization…drowned too much in reckless disregard…in too much pablum and placating…in shouts of Ohh…Ahhh…and that smell of sulfur on the air…


You must be under the impression every single person participated in the revolutionary war through-out the 13 colonies...

originally posted by: nugget1
I know fully understand why the majority of 'old people' seem to not care about holidays; none of them resemble the fond memories of our youth and we've watched their bastardization in real time.

It fell on your hands to keep those traditions, and it falls on your hands today to also keep those traditions. Your generation (assuming because you said old people) has the helm right now. If you're unhappy with America, it's not the new generation that put us in $20+ trillion debt, nor was it the new generation whom signed that debt into law just a few years ago.

ETA: In the end, you fight for what you want, and if you dont fight, well you must not want it that bad. I'll never give up on America, and I'll never personally try to let down those that came before me and ESPECIALLY those that will come after me, so help me God.
edit on J50722 by JimmyNeutr0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: YouSir
Did this glorious country not give you free vaccines? Did this glorious country not spread freedom throughout the world with your money? Do they not spare you the indignity of squandering your money on selfish personal goals like owning property? Are you not proud of the temple of bones that is a testament to our greatness?

Can't you hear the freedom ring?

If anyone wants to complain about what America is today, this is exactly the post you need to read.

People that bend and GRANT authority to be ruled over. I haven't taken the vaccine, and I know thousands, millions others who haven't. Matter of fact, I know 40,000 national guardsmen whom are on the cutting block.

This....problem you talk about, vaccines, mandates, ect. I will say it again, unless you're willing to fight for what you want, don't expect to ever get your way again.

Power is DERIVED from the CONSENT of the governed. You were under no obligation (by law) to undergo a experimental treatment. If you were coerced into it, then shame on you for not having more intelligence to say "no, I will not, because I am a human created before my Creator, and my Creator is my one and only overlord, and if I sin, may he be the only one to judge me for it".

Everything you mentioned isn't a condemnation of governance, it's a condemnation of you and society, which again, is the root/spark of authority and governance.

Like the beloved Michael Joseph Jackson once said,

If they wanna make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make a change

God bless you all, and as always, especially if we disagree, I love you.
edit on J58722 by JimmyNeutr0n because: (no reason given)

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