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What we know about the area and description of the Highland Park Killer Robert E. Crimo III

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posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: Badams
a reply to: Belialscousin

You're beating a dead horse. This simply is not going to happen. Guns sales could be banned right this second, and you'd still be the most well armed country in the world. The second someone decided to try and take existing guns, they would all be lost in boating accidents on waterways country wide. What your claiming simply is not possible in the states.

In 2019 if you would have told me the flu would shut down the world, ruin economies, and destroy millions of lives I would have laughed.

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: Belialscousin

Well, that would have been a very uninformed standpoint to take. Sicknesses have brought the world to its knees many times in the past.

Disarming a country whose armed citizens, equipped with equal firepower and armour to any governing body, is another matter entirely.

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: Badams
a reply to: Belialscousin

Well, that would have been a very uninformed standpoint to take. Sicknesses have brought the world to its knees many times in the past.

Exactly, in the past. We are supposed to be technologically advanced enough now to land on Mars.
We haven't learned how to cure a cold?

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: Belialscousin

To answer your question, look around. We can cure colds, sure. Clearly we have more trouble with Chinese bio-weapons, released to see how quickly they can dismantle the worlds economy and de-stabilize major superpowers.

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: Belialscousin

Getting rid of the 2nd Amendment would also means other high crime rate would still be happening and other ways weapons could be be still brought to the states.

Getting rid of the 2nd Amendment is getting rid of the constitution and replacing it as a whole.

They want to get rid of 2nd Amendment yet are fine with pushing youth to smoke weed.

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: FaithVoidSplit
I believe you mean ssri's. Everyone you mentioned was on them. This is the first time I have seen stoner mentioned. Better go check who the "rapper's" psychiatrists were.

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: Belialscousin

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: Violater1

Ah OK, the pink, yellow and purple coat. I see it now. Yikes, more pics on Facebook. He actually was actually marching at some Trump parade I see too. I don't get the where's Waldo shirt though. Did he follow Q? Coincidentally one of his songs is "I am the Storm".

Really trying hard aren't you pal...

Trying hard at what exactly?

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: Belialscousin

originally posted by: Badams
a reply to: Belialscousin

Well, that would have been a very uninformed standpoint to take. Sicknesses have brought the world to its knees many times in the past.

Exactly, in the past. We are supposed to be technologically advanced enough now to land on Mars.
We haven't learned how to cure a cold?

We aren't as advanced as you might think, we are a footstep away from being back in the stone age. Our technology has grown, beyond our ability to understand the ramifications.

I think the love of money/greed stands in our way as well.
edit on 4-7-2022 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

That was so strange!! What do you make of it.

edit on 4-7-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

That was so strange!! What do you make of it.

This guy was definitely whack a doodle, going to interesting hearing what comes, and nice they got him alive.

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: Violater1

Here is a photo of himself draped in what appears to be a Rainbow flag.

Was he inspired to commit this crime by Biden and the Democrats call for insurrection?

That looks like a rainbow to you?

posted on Jul, 4 2022 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: Belialscousin
In 2019 if you would have told me the flu would shut down the world, ruin economies, and destroy millions of lives I would have laughed.

The flu didn't do any of those things.

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 03:51 AM

originally posted by: Violater1
Is he LGBTQ+?
Here is a photo of himself draped in what appears to be a Rainbow flag.

Was he inspired to commit this crime by Biden and the Democrats call for insurrection?

That's not an lgbtq flag, not even close. Cmon lgbtq flag is the rainbow flag. This guy was a wanna be rapper/pop singer, he had music videos of himself on YouTube before they shut down his account, he went by "Awake the Rapper" and he wasn't even good.

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: MisguidedAngel

he has a tatoo on him that plainly says socialist democrat on it.

shooters tatoo

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 05:55 AM
Are all mass shooters born without testosterone?
He looks like Adam Lanza's cousin.
The video I saw looked like people acting a bit too calmly and not running, no screaming.
They are getting desperate to sell us on the lone wolf as enemy #1.

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 06:32 AM
I could be wrong but it's not one party or another that sets these types off, it's a myriad of things.

Mostly it's because they have no coping skills and the divisive rhetoric bombardment overwhelms them.

We have to accept that the human manufacturing process isn't perfect and it sometimes makes seriously flawed individuals.

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: yuppa

That tattoo isn't his. It's one of the first images that shows up when you search "Socialist rose tattoo." The tattoo was gotten eight years ago when Crimo would have been 14.


posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 07:38 AM

"47" -- the 4th (4) of July (7)
If this is the points to some long-term planning...depending on when the tattoo was made.

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 07:53 AM
Another possibility for '47' would be 'AK-47'...a gun the shooter perhaps covets.

The AK-47 symbol is a popular Anarchist symbol.
edit on 1AMJulCDTAMCDT by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

edit on 1AMJulCDTAMCDT by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2022 @ 08:07 AM
Re: 47...

47 is also a mystical ascended master, 'Angel Number'...signifying spiritual awakening.

Significantly, the other facial tattoo he has says "Awake".

This may be the direction police are looking many Angel Number sites seem to have been taken down.

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