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NEWS: Reported Cases of Autism Spike Alarmingly

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posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 11:56 PM
First link works fine for me still.
Or do you mean the link within the link (to the Nature piece is broken? I didn't check that twice, but the posted link defintely works as of the time of this post. If you're using Firefox, try IE.

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 01:40 PM
The mercury received in a vaccine is no greater than in a can of tuna. Eating a can of tuna has certainly never caused autism.
This myth has received a lot of publicity because it offers an analogy anyone can understand and makes the mercury-autism connection appear trivial.

We can start by comparing a 200-pound male adult consuming tuna with the infant who receives a single vaccine on their first day of birth (since day-old infants don't eat tuna). On the first day of birth an infant receives the Hep B vaccine with about 25 micrograms of ethlymercury - this does approximate the 30 micrograms of methlymercury in an average can of tuna. Since the average infant weighs about 7 pounds, the weight equivalent number of cans of tuna for an adult would be 28 cans. (The adult male weighs 28x more than the infant.)

If you take those 28 cans of tuna and distill it down to mercury content, you would have 840 micrograms of mercury (30 micrograms per can). Keep in mind that the stomach successfully absorbs and excretes about 90% of any mercury ingested through food, leaving only about 10% of the mercury to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Since the mercury in vaccines is injected directly into the bloodstream where 100% of it can be absorbed by the organs, you would need an additional 252 cans of tuna to get the equivalent amount of mercury into the bloodstream for a total of 280 cans of tuna and 8,400 micrograms of methlymercury.

Also, remember that a developing brain is far more sensitive to toxins than an adult brain. Current estimates say mercury is 5-10x more toxic for a developing brain. We'll use the low end of that range, so multiply the 280 cans of tuna by 5 and you get 1,400 cans of tuna.

So, receiving the Hep B vaccine with Thimerosal on the first day of birth is the equivalent of a 200-pound adult male consuming 1,400 cans of tuna in a single day. One final adjustment: the adult male in the analogy needs to have no capacity to excrete mercury. As Boyd Haley, Ph.D. notes, "it is very well known that infants do not produce significant levels of bile or have adult renal capacity for several months after birth. Bilary transport is the major biochemical route by which mercury is removed from the body, and infants cannot do this very well."

So, a 200-pound male who consumes 1,400 cans of tuna in a single day and has their ability to excrete mercury severely diminished is the same as a day-old infant receiving the Hep B vaccine. Now the analogy is fair.

That's not a proof, but the vaccine connection most certainly hasn't been 'debunked'. If you don't mind looong reads and contradicting viewpoints, i recommend:

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 02:55 PM
Well I have too say, it's a particularly bold statement, to claim vaccination caused autism, has been debunked.

I believe it won't be long before anyone who refuses vaccinations (there will no doubt be some new horror disease "discovered") will be seen as 'bio-terrorist', 'virus bombs' and treated as an enemy of humanity.

The autism spike has forced alot of people to look at all the negative effects of vaccination, particularly long term and generational effects, and what they find is, they can't trust vaccinations.

Everytime they get out there and warn people, the rabidly pro-vaccination, blame any and everything else crowd, shout them down.

Over a decade ago I was in touch with a research scientist (due to multiple vaccination caused deaths, that struck too close to home) who's life and career were turned to hell, because the work they did, proving the dangers of vaccination, couldn't be debunked. All their suporters received the same fate untill they jumped back into the pro-vac. camp.

How many bright, healthy, normal children have to become instantly autistic after vaccination, before the pro-vaccination lobby will stop calling those who don't vaccinate, child abusers?

Why are those pro-vac. fanatics so desperate for us to never be as generally healthy and lacking in autism, as the generationaly unvaccinated Armish?

The sad thing is that many of those parents who do end up with vaccination damaged children because they believed pro-vac. propaganda, will stay in the pro-vac. camp and rabidly promote any other cause rather than admit they trusted the wrong information.

Tuna will kill you, inject poisons instead...crazy. Funny how we always seen to get warnings about mercury in fish just before another Government Pro-Vaccination campaign or when an anti-vac. campaign starts.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 08:33 PM
Twice I have interviewed professor Garth Nicolson, a molecular biologist who has been studying Gulf War syndrome, autism and vaccines. He has had success treating autism as an immune system disease. There is a large body of evidence gathered by very reputable researchers, getting the information out to the public is not easy.

Several years ago I warned my brother that our children should not be vaccinated because of autoimmune problems within our family, our children would be susceptible to autism. At this point in time I had no children but was planning to. There had never been a case of autism or anything that might be considered improper development in my family. In fact, there are a number of exceptionally intelligent people in my family. My brother now has a son who is autistic. The family is receiving excellent help and my nephew is progressing. Vaccinations were stopped early in his childhood. Perhaps he would not have been autistic if he had not received the first vaccines, but we’ll never know. The problem triggering the autism was already present in my family, an autoimmune system under attack.

I have researched this subject for years. Perhaps somehow I knew it would touch me personally. I have twin three year old boys, one of whom is being queried for autism. At this point it is just a formality as far as I am concerned. I saw one of my bright little boys, who was beginning to talk, recede to a silent distance starting around 20 months. I’m getting him back. Two weeks before his third birthday, I started giving him cat’s claw, a potent antiviral. Within a week he was chattering. Because my children were born very premature, (both less than 2 lbs), they have received regular monitoring so the decision to have him assessed for autism was made despite his sudden improvements. The health care professionals are aware of my success with cat’s claw and my reasons for giving it to my child. I hope his progress spawns some serious research.

Vaccines have large numbers of contaminants. Any vaccine cultured in animal tissue can pick up virus and/or mycoplasma from the animal tissue. Remember SV40? How many other simian viruses have made it into our vaccines? Plenty, possibly every virus the donating animals have ever been exposed to.

I have a copy of the Pediarix insert. It has a disclaimer stating that the vaccine was made from bovine serum from countries considered safe from mad cow disease. Stop for a moment and think about the implications of such a statement. My doctor did a double take when I showed him, the implications are enormous.

Now couple that with the metal contaminants used in vaccines. Contrary to what many people think, many “mercury free” vaccines are still made with mercury. The mercury is then removed to “safe” levels. If they fall below the recommended level, it doesn’t have to be reported. People should also be asking about the adjuvant used in vaccines. An aluminum compound adjuvant is used to stimulate the immune system. What this means is that the immune system realizes it has been invaded by the aluminum and it goes into hunting mode, and incidentally being triggered to find the agents which we are attempting to develop immunity from. Question is, when does the body stop being aggravated by the aluminum?

[edit on 8-2-2006 by anila]

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by anila

Vaccines have large numbers of contaminants. Any vaccine cultured in animal tissue can pick up virus and/or mycoplasma from the animal tissue. Remember SV40? How many other simian viruses have made it into our vaccines? Plenty, possibly every virus the donating animals have ever been exposed to.

Great thread everyone - thanks.

Here's a pretty good overview in the mainstream press:

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by soficrow

Good find. Thanks. ...I am glad the mercury issue is not getting disappeared completely. The impacts are real and widespread - mercury pollution is a bad problem worldwide - and the UN/WHO's mercury ban was just killed by the US. Hope it gets revived and passes next time. Be nice to eat tuna again.

The reason why it got killed as it would also kill the Microelectronics industry. Circuit boards contain a number of highly toxic substances which are quite necessary in order for them to function properly. If there wasn't Mercury presant in Circuit boards then the life expectancy of them would be decreased dramatically as the whiskering problem which then causes shorts and physical damage would become unmanagable.

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by sardion2000

Originally posted by soficrow

Good find. Thanks. ...I am glad the mercury issue is not getting disappeared completely. The impacts are real and widespread - mercury pollution is a bad problem worldwide - and the UN/WHO's mercury ban was just killed by the US. Hope it gets revived and passes next time. Be nice to eat tuna again.

The reason why it got killed as it would also kill the Microelectronics industry. Circuit boards contain a number of highly toxic substances which are quite necessary in order for them to function properly.

Can you explain how the mercury ban would kill the microelectronics industry - and what the options are?

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by soficrow

Can you explain how the mercury ban would kill the microelectronics industry - and what the options are?
3. Mercury. When inorganic mercury is introduced into natural water systems, it is transformed into methylated mercury in bottom
sediments. It then accumulates in living organisms and concentrates in the food chain, particular1y fish. Methylated mercury
causes chronic damage to the brain. It is estimated that 22% of the yearly world consumption of mercury is used in electrical and
electronic equipment. Mercury is used in relays and switches on printed circuit boards. 315 million obsolete computers by the year
2004 represent more than 400,000 pounds of mercury in total
... - p4
This study identified mercury sources and consumption patterns and source reduction and recycling options for mercury in the electronics industry. The alternatives to mercury-containing electronic devices
are compared with mercurycontaining devices. The survey of alternatives shows that many nonmercury options are available for the diverse applications that make up the electronics industry. Overall, it can be said that, although mercury has had an important role in manufacturing of high quality electromechanical products, it undoubtedly will be replaced by more versatile and faster, fully electronic equivalents in the future.

I suspect it wouldn't kill the electronics industry, but i guess as along as you're citing strategic interests in this world, you'd even get to use huan blood as a resource if you demanded it.

[edit on 22-2-2006 by Long Lance]

posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 03:20 PM
Come back Sardion, come back!

I may be out of my league in commenting on the subject of heavy metals in circuit boards, but I think I may have the answer. Gold. It costs quite a lot more, obviously, and this would drive up the cost of consumer electronics, which would reduce their customer base significantly and hinder profits.

Sounds to me like another case of doing what's profitable instead of what's safe and sensible.

I'd love to hear some more expert opinion on the subject of mercury use in all forms of consumer products. The stuff is highly toxic, removing the need to process and apply it in great quantities would go a long way to reducing emissions and accidents. The landfill contamination from things like microwaves and circuit boards, it must be extreme.

It's high time we took all that garbage and converted it back into usable elements. The more we recycle that crap, the less it finds its way into what we eat, breathe, and drink.

Irresponsible mercury use is skyrocketing in other parts of the world too. Check out Mongolia's blossoming crisis within the prospecting community, it's the latest great gold rush. It's gotten to the point where it's an international problem, because most of the imports are coming in from China. The stuff is seeping into water tables, and food supplies, it's just bad news.

Poor people trying to get enough gold out of the mud to eat another day are the problem in that instance, which is quite different than the issue facing America at the moment. There, mercury use is the difference between making a living and digging a hole to die in. Here, the moneyed folks are the ones primarily responsible for the contamination. There's simply no excuse for posioning millions, just to pass on even more obscene wealth to spoiled, undeserving brats that pass for children in the top tier of society.

If I was wealthy, and had useless, spoiled, arrogant children, the kind who walk around with a completely unwarranted sense of accomplishment, I wouldn't give them a nickel in passing. I'd donate my money to the "Save the Ligers" foundation, or create a retirement home for aged prositutes.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 11:23 PM
could autism be a cause from the flouridation of our water toothpaste and everything? i think it may be. it could also probably cause cancer. We need someoen to investigate flouride more.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 12:25 AM
I watched a show the other day on a national television news channel (which one I cant remember) inwhich a doctors young son was diagnosed with autism, he did some research and found that nationally the autism diagnoses in young children is skyrocketing in numbers of cases, he further began to suspect that television was a trigger for autism in young children because of his own sons apparent fixation on the TV, after not allowing his child to watch any TV for a lengthy period of time his sons diagnosis improved and the symptoms all but disappeared, the doctor went on to state that he suspected TV(in theory) to be the cause of the soaring autism numbers nationally, I asked my wife who is in the medical profession what she thought of this doctors theory and she stated that she thought that he was on to something.

Her reasoning was this, Video games come with a warning that they could trigger seizures in some children, she said it's possible that TV could be doing a similar thing in young children causing symptom's of autism which if left unchecked could develop into full blown autism over a period of time. this is mearly a theory and at the risk offending some who have had this diagnosis from a doctor about their child I feel that this could be at the very real possiblity, because if it were my child, I would want to know if there was anything that I could do to improve my childs condition through something as simple as cutting off the TV. the doctor went on to say that every case is different and that this was only a theory and more research needed to be done.

I wish I had a link but I cant even remember what channel I saw this doctor on. maybe someone else has seen this and could add some info.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
I he further began to suspect that television was a trigger for autism in young children because of his own sons apparent fixation on the TV

It sounds like his son has ADD more than autitism IMO.
An ADD childs attention can be diverted, a child with autism can't.

An autistic child would scream and carry on until the TV was turned back on. Getting it back then becomes the obsession/fixation and they don't let up.
They can crack their head against walls and get quite violent until they are "pacified".

As for the rise in autism , how do we know it isn't because of The Pill that has been used for the last 40 odd years? Or the over-use of antibiotics? Or exposure to lead? What if it's just genetic? A recessive gene?

An incompatability of the 2 parents DNA together in one child might result in autism?
Maybe the DNA of the father is "allergic" to the DNA of the mother?

Maybe it's a combination of certain genes in both parents that when together cause this?
(This isn't a blame the parent post. I dont mean environmentally but on a biological/DNA level.)

Should we all be made to get a DNA test before we get married (like the blood tests you have to have in some countries before you can get married)
so as to find if we were incompatible with our partners?
Do you think people wouldn't reproduce with a particular person if their DNA was incompatible???

It could be hundreds of things and Mercury may only be one very small facet of it.

I also find it odd that with the rise in abortions (over 10,000 in Australia in one year alone) all over the western world, that autism would be on the decline rather than the opposite. If these babies weren't terminated would the numbers be astronomically higher??
After all the bigger the population, the more the percentage of autistic children.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 03:47 AM
Not all autistic children have elevated levels of mercury.
It's always been my suspicion that it is genetic.
A recessive gene or throw back from distant relatives/ancestors.
Because detailed medical records weren't kept for future generations, I guess
we'll never know.

There could also have been a similiar "spike" in autism a couple of hundred of years ago when the last recessive gene was last around.
Of course , it wouldn't have been called autism then but knowing the Victorians probably something like Hysteria or some other kooky term.

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