posted on Jul, 2 2022 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to:
If you actually listen to what the guy said though, i've been saying that for weeks now. Its on record here on the forums, that it is the only way to
beat the inflation caused by corporations. Tax the difference in profits, and return that to the people. Because if you hold onto the 'taxed' profits
from a corporation the inflation will still occur because the consumers are still paying inflated prices. Apparently, some people agree with what I
have said as i've records of saying this dating before this video was even available.
So doesn't matter if you like this Indian dude or not, he is 100% correct. It is the only way to truly punish those that are forcing inflation to
occur by jacking up prices and destabilize the economy. Because I've already stated the suppliers themselves haven't actually increased the prices of
anything. It's the 'transportation'(energy companies: despite Biden's FREE offload of oil/gas from our reserves to various countries/businesses) and
then the resellers continue to charge a 'premium' despite the fact it was suppose to reduce the cost.
I am not a marx, I am an economist; I am also a good person. I know also that the price gouging that is occurring in the US is illegal, and
corporations that are causing inflation to occur are not being punished as required by law. Thanks to democrats in charge more worried about Trump
then dealing with REAL issues.. (and people say its the republicans that are owned by business). So it doesn't matter where he actually stands
politically, unless the democrats literally round up every CEO, and business President and put them on trial for forced inflation, the only other
counter is to take those 'profits' away from the businesses through taxes and return it to the consumer. The act of returning it to the consumer is
literally returning the difference between the inflated price and true value which allows inflation to settle.
Everything that democrats and congress have been 'pretending' to do has had the exact opposite effect on the economy. Powell pretends to know what
he's doing, he thinks hiking wallstreet a few BP is going to solve what's actually occurring in the stores.. This is NOT the case, while government
can't regulate businesses. The FED is soley responsible for going after businesses that do this, and they've not been doing their job. So Congress
needs to pass a law that penalizes and prevents profit growth. So that instead of 'taxing a %' which gives businesses the idea of increasing their
prices for more profit.. they just take it ALL as illegal and ill gotten gains.. which is by law what is suppose to happen anyway.
Considering we are 'still' under the declaration of emergency. Gouging prices during an emergency is defined as illegal and the money gained is no
different then drug or sex trafficking money. Which by law is confiscated should it be found: like during raids. So this isn't a MARX idea, this isn't
This is the LAW and has been there since WW2(because of the steel, metal and fabric shortage). Now let's see who can argue
against it.
edit on 2-7-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)