posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to:
I am sad to say I believe war is inevitable, nuclear war maybe also a definite future scenario.
Russia has made weapons of first strike, these are not self defence weapons they are weapons designed to be used first not in retaliation but
Nuclear salted warhead tsunami torpedo's designed to destroy ports and even entire country's.
First strike hypersonic missiles designed to hit western nations BEFORE we can retaliate to THERE attack on us.
So Russia (or those in charge of it) is pretty damn evil, not the first time they have the mentality IF I CAN'T HAVE IT NO ONE CAN, scorched earth
policy has worked for them in the past since the time of the Napoleonic invasions and during the cold war they took that to the next level with plans
to build a world killer bomb that would have killed almost all life on earth if the soviet union was attacked or that was the concept behind it
anyway, if they can't have it no one can.
So yeah they have this whole evil thread going through there mentality.
edit on 29-6-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)