posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 11:25 PM
Things you wouldn't think 9/11 would've effected and in reverse what are some things you are surprised that HAVEN'T changed?
For example I heard you used to be able to drive over Bonneville Dam before 9/11 and that they used to let you go all the way into the power house
now you can only go partway down with a guided tour. None of it is related to airplanes blowing things up and wouldn't stop one.
In reverse I haven't seen a museum here in Oregon that has metal detectors that scan you on the way in but then I don't know much about Portland.
The only museums I went there was the Oregon Historical Society and OSMI neither checked you on the way in even way after 9/11. Neither does Pittock
Mansion which isn't really a musuem.
EverGreen AirMuseum doesn't have anything close to security and didn't even do timed ticketing the only museum that never did that and they didn't
care if you wore a mask or not the whole pandemic. Though most choose to do so personally which is the way it should be.
edit on 28-6-2022 by
SortingHat because: Pittock Mansion