they were going to do this same thing or maybe still are with the new decoy bombs
but to me this says that extremally high flying ISR assets will be lasing targets(cough GW) and these cargo jets will lower their ramps and just pop
out JSOW's or other long range munitions out the back.
the navy has 2 new missiles coming out that could also be looked at kind of the same way but they are self guided.
with the pitiful performance of S-300 and S-400 systems in Ukraine i don't think the US has to much to worry about when taking these systems out.
Ukraine as far as i know isnt getting any sort of real hard hitting EW from the US to blind the radars of these systems and are getting taken out by
small consumer grade drones.
i remember some people calling me crazy for saying they would use C130's and alike as missile/bomb trucks
but here we are
Also my sister in Texas said a few nights ago she saw a LARGE LOUD triangular aircraft ripping across the sky and has been on and off for the past two
I was Recently in Virginia looking at my dads companies new satellite Boeing build
i had a chance to ask a few questions and i asked about the guide about the tensions in the world and possible ASAT attacks and he looked at me like i
was from another planet and did not engage me again lol, i mean if you buying multi billion dollar sats that is a legit question
they took out phones and cameras away after we put on our bunny suits so no pics sadly but the sat wasn't even all the way done. i just looked like
a mylar encased box with antenna sticking out.
I saw renderings for this type of system in Popular Mechanics in the 70's.
They were also looking at dropping Minuteman missiles out the back of C-5's.
its a potent system and all we would have to go is load them and set targeting data and we could give them to out friends like the UK and before you
know it you have over 100 C130's letting 6-8 JSAAMs go well past the 500 mile mark.
and if you added some jamming drones into the mix it would overwhelm any naval fleet