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Mass Formation - Why Your Relatives Are Acing Different

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posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 12:47 AM
Mattias Desmet, the worlds leading expert on mass formation, and professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University recently did an interview with Mikki Williams regarding the mass formation surrounding the Covid-19 narrative. He explains from a psychological perspective how people are drawn in to supporting a collective cause and even doing things that are outside of their normal behavior. It turns out that when you isolate people such as during the Covid lockdowns, and then place them in a situation of anxiety they are in a state where they can be much more easily manipulated. A narrative is then provided that will lead them to removing the anxiety, and this can put them in a state where they will do almost anything. This is mass formation is a nut shell. It has been observed numerous times in history, such as during the Salem witch trials, Nazi Germany and in the Soviet Union, to name a few.

Last year when they began offering the mRNA vaccines, I personally noticed this behavior as well. Some people had a wait and see approach, but there were others who after listening to the media, developed a very different personality where they were completely convinced these shots would end the pandemic and anyone who thought differently should be punished or forced to take them. There eventually became examples that proved thsi was not true, such as the country of Gibraltar that was 100% vaccinated yet experienced record case numbers.

In many countries we saw some of the biggest government overreaches in history where people were forced to take these shots or lose their job. It is now clear to me that mass formation has people under a hypnosis, and no matter what information is provided, they cannot be reached. No matter what they see or hear, they will not accept anything that goes against the narrative. The VAERs data in the United States has shown a massive safety signal, but this is completely ignored and disregarded even though the safety signals are clear.

Mattias Desmet Video Clip

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

"Plandemic" indeed.

The shot became EVERYTHING to all I knew aside from a few, robbing me of my friends and family, isolating others into crippling depression and anxiety. I lost family members without any knowledge of them passing for months! My stepbrothers' mother died and no one said anything to me... no one. A year later I found out!

That's how stretched my bonds are and it's not for a lack of trying either. No visiting, calls, texts, letters, nothing. I'm not done trying, but others have settled into their "new groove" which as never been like them to do.

I thought people just needed to degass after the initial wave and as it tampered off I thought we'd be thick as thieves again and it's just not a priority somehow.

Believe me, I've had several conversations and it's always the same words like, "soon" "miss you" "love you" "I'll call you" "call me, ok?" etc. but that's as far as it goes and it just's just nuts.

I'm a strong enough person not to let it crush me, but I do miss the real US....ALL OF US.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: EternalShadow

Move to a new country.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I personally see this all the time now.. People who i once thought to be logical have just thrown it all out of the window "because science" And you've now become the devil for questioning it.

Vaers has been around for quite sometime and was never questioned untill now. I dont understand this logic.. What else are we supposed to use? Should we just take their word for it when vaers shows horrid reactions?

I feel that most people will not take any form of evidence anymore unless it comes from CNN or straight from faucis mouth.... So i'd say they did a darn good job with their mass formation psychosis.

Remember, the first step to brainwashing is repetition.
edit on 25-6-2022 by Aguythatflys because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Maybe that's what happens to people not used to feeling anxiety or not used to be being 'isolated'. I'm used to both so it does not affect me , never mind that I was awake already to NWO etc, but the last two years have fully awoken me

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I've watched my own son descend into this literal insanity. He will hound me about stupid, imaginary foolishness - just will not let imagined issues go - then when I ask a legitimate question in response that requires critical analytical thinking, he will shut down and say "I'm not going there."

This is the young man who told me months ago (as I've mentioned here before), "I don't need to think for myself."

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: Aguythatflys
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
... I dont understand this logic.. ...

That's just the point. There is NO logic.

Logic has to do with the formal principles of reasoning. It's not so much that the ability to reason has been lost. The will to reason has been abandoned and the right to think critically had been abdicated.

Don't try to understand the "logic;" there is none!

edit on 2022 6 25 by incoserv because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: incoserv

This is the key to the whole situation. There are a lot of people who have woken up but they all have taken different paths. For example the logic of something kicked in such as Pfizer trying to delay the release of their trials data for 75 years.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I've watched my own son descend into this literal insanity. He will hound me about stupid, imaginary foolishness - just will not let imagined issues go - then when I ask a legitimate question in response that requires critical analytical thinking, he will shut down and say "I'm not going there."

This is the young man who told me months ago (as I've mentioned here before), "I don't need to think for myself."

Amazing the insight in this video, I ran across last night 1940.s
Couple of other short but predictive to perfection as well.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 11:05 AM
Welcome to the zombie apocalypse

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Sounds like he could use the military.

Even short term will snap him into reality.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Arrgh....the zombie apocalypse?

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Some people had a wait and see approach, but there were others who after listening to the media, developed a very different personality where they were completely convinced these shots would end the pandemic and anyone who thought differently should be punished or forced to take them.

Yes, but there were also people who made post after post of doom porn and tried their level best to terrify people into not getting the shot.

Some people question authority, some people follow authority, and some people absolutely must push back against it regardless of all else. These are pretty standard archetypes that you see everywhere from kids in school splitting following or subverting clothing trends to people making sarcastic memes o the internet.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 02:53 PM
Already, we are seeing the next wave of supposed 'cases' being elevated into public consciousness by the press in WEF infected nations. This will continue to escalate over the Summer, and come the Autumn we can almost guarantee that the media & governments under the control of the COVID narrative will whip up hysteria about a new 'crisis', and everyone MUST take the new boosters offered or lockdowns & various other impositions will be the outcome, just like before. Then even if people are taking the boosters they will try to lock us down again. This thing was never over, it just moved into a different phase.

I swear by Heaven's might (we're not supposed to swear by anthing in the ordinary course of events, so this shows how serious I am in this conviction), I will not be taking any damn booster, neither will my immediate family members, and even though I'm disabled as #, I will still find a way to riot in the streets & generate insurrection if they start diabolically mandating compliance with that murderous campaign once again.

Those concentration camps in Australia were a test case, preparation for the next wave of their efforts to overthrow all proper political authority in the world. They are literally already killing us as a result of what we already endured - 40% rise in all cause mortality as per the insurance industry. The DEATH is working its way through our civilisation, culling people with weakened immune systems & pre-existing propensity to express some sort of deleterious disease, the 'vaccine' draws out the flaws in our genetic makeup & accelerates our degeneration.

I only hope that those insurance industry professionals lead the vanguard response to the WEF/WHO/UN criminals, teaching the world about the way that those injections spawned a death knell of 40% all cause mortality which can simply not be explained any other way. Those professionals & the societies to which they belong may very well lead the charge against the pseudoscience, murder & corruption being vomited forth by the Nazis of the WEF & their captured regulatory, health & political agents throughout the world.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

You also see millions of an archetype of those who were formerly compliant functionaries in society, until the WEF & the pharmaceutical industry decided it was time to cull a significant portion of society using advanced technological means - those functionaries then became the archetypal rebels of righteousness who simply couldn't abide what that vast & broadly networked 'secret society' was imposing upon us, namely social controls which nobody can reasonably tolerate while concurrently retaining any true sanity, and a 40% rise in all-cause mortality being the immediate result of their campaign of 'murder by diabolism'.

Social apps such as Telegram were developed for those people, a place to flee to, where they can support each other with data & love of humanity - when the mainstream social media sites came under the direct censorship of the power-hungry elitists in the WEF/WHO/UN, influencing & being influenced mutually by giant tech corporations, all of which are allied together to create some sort of pseudo-Utopia which only the economically privileged & servile resilient plebs (compliant with good genes) will be permitted to inhabit.

Their campaign of murder on a vast scale is unquestionably real at this stage, and anyone who listens to subservient & wilfully blind persons such as yourself is a fool.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I have always known that most people have been "body snatched" and i have been wondering what situation will reveal the parasite within.

It was this then.

They were already lost, mostly automatons at this point.

Oh well, onwards we go. Altho i must admit, for the first time, winter is frightening me, who knows how expensive everything is going to be.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

"Plandemic" indeed.

The shot became EVERYTHING to all I knew aside from a few, robbing me of my friends and family, isolating others into crippling depression and anxiety. I lost family members without any knowledge of them passing for months! My stepbrothers' mother died and no one said anything to me... no one. A year later I found out!

That's how stretched my bonds are and it's not for a lack of trying either. No visiting, calls, texts, letters, nothing. I'm not done trying, but others have settled into their "new groove" which as never been like them to do.

I thought people just needed to degass after the initial wave and as it tampered off I thought we'd be thick as thieves again and it's just not a priority somehow.

Believe me, I've had several conversations and it's always the same words like, "soon" "miss you" "love you" "I'll call you" "call me, ok?" etc. but that's as far as it goes and it just's just nuts.

I'm a strong enough person not to let it crush me, but I do miss the real

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 03:42 PM
What this thread is about is not new, there are specialists in the world at manipulating people using this and similar techniques. It has been going on for thousands of years.

It also goes on in most governments and even in societies and communities. Food chemistry can be used to stir in false beliefs too, it can make people believe a lie. Different cultures use different chemistries to control people, and even microbes can be used to stir compliance. Red wine and some of the types of cayenne pepper can help to make people believe what they are told, it is not only the devils trumpet that does this.

Also medicinal chemistries can make people unable to comprehend things properly and then they believe what they are told is real even though it is not fully real.

I do not know if this vaccine can do this, but if it dampens people's ability to reason it can. Same with lockdowns, they condition people to believe in things that they are told, so this new campaign is getting pretty structured and it's utilization is broad....every one of these techniques being implimented can have negative health and psychological problems associated with them too, alter chemistry within the body for a while and it can cause permanent problems with cognition and health. I study this and there are lots of other professionals that study this in their occupation...which is to make people believe they need a product or medicine they do not really need. People good at this can make a lot of money...paid by corporations and government programs. Is this evil...not always, but a lot of times it is. Either way, it is a deception.

The name mass formation I did not previously hear for this social conditioning technique. I have read many articles on this kind of thing and there are different names relevant to different types of conditioning but I have never read of it being called by this particular title. I suppose that I did not find particular research aimed at this exact type in my reading, there are many names for this kind of stuff dependent on what they are trying to do I suppose.
edit on 25-6-2022 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 03:44 PM
Justin Bieber's Bells Pallsy should wake up the Zombies woke crowd who were jabbed with fetus from aborted babies.
Cunning are the Moloch followers.

reply to: v1rtu0s0

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: DreamtimeMICHAEL

What do you think the tare down of the supreme court is? It is to get rid of checks and balance in the goverment. To crash the government, to implement tyranny without fear of repercussions. The supreme court can not make a law, they can only judge if it is constitutional. IT is CONGRESS that ultimately writes the laws.

The supreme court just said it was not a SUPREME COURT ISSUE(which actually effects no one..). That this needs to be decided by the states. That is ALL, You want abortion vote for pro-abortion politicians in your state, you wanna pay extra taxes to support other people being careless. VOTE for that..

You smart enough to realize we have 8million ways to prevent pregnancy + the complications alone of getting pregnant(12% maximum chance per month) that 3 out of 4 women need medical help to get pregnant anyway. Then you throw in the fact that some of these pro-abortion doctors will literally force you to have an abortion before providing you health care treatment if it involves your child.. You can NOW go to a state where that kind of doctor would be penalized, and even charged with felony.

Considering that second bit happened to me, I'm kinda greatful the states get power to choose. I no longer have to live in fear of a doctor forcing an abortion pill inside my # during a standard screening/scan. I have a support group of friends in california that have horrorstories where one doctor during an exam literally popped the sac during a 3rd trimester scan by being way way to rough. Forcing her into preterm labor - when she was screened by another doctor there were cuts and bruises all inside her vag from what that doctor did to her.

This kind of preditory targetting is very common among the poorer folk.. Where the doctors become 'biased' based on your insurance. When it is a 'protected choice' its the doctors that choose if you can have a child.. Especially if your low income or just because of one of the many biases/judgements people can hold against you.

It is a known fact disabled women, experience extreme biased and unfair medical treatments on the lines of pure malpractice. Protecting a doctor's right to kill your child, and even 'you'. Is NOT in your best interest, I think returning this power to the states should actually bring a lot of peace to a lot of people who experience this kind of treatment on a regular basis.

But because of my experiences with the medical community, I don't trust doctors. I don't trust nurses, I don't trust pharmacist.
I have had my fertility and immune system stolen from me by these people as a child. Which almost killed me, So I grew up and became wise enough to see the powers they wield. I chose not to get vaccinated, and I will gut anyone who comes near me with a covid vaccine. Or any other for that matter, after they mixed all the 'vaccines' with covid vax.
edit on 25-6-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

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