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2 Baltimore Ravens Players Dead Within A Single Day And NBA player Within 2

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posted on Jun, 22 2022 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
The jabs can kill, naturally.
Therefore natural death is suitable for certificates.
Just ask Bob Saget and Gilbert Gottfried about it.

Exactly... Just like all the grand mal seizure type events that i witnessed back in wuhan 2019 that was attributed to covid alone. It's funny how these events look exactly like how todays adverse vax reaction videos look and that alone brings up a whole other thread worth of questions.
edit on 22-6-2022 by Aguythatflys because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2022 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: Aguythatflys

Let me ask you a question. What would be his purpose for trying to make things up/lie about the current events that he believes he can see? Is he making ad revenue? is he selling something? Is it for post numbers/star count? Is he purposefully trying to mislead people in hopes that they die? What's your opinion? I believe he's doing quite the opposite. I think he's trying to warn people before they make a mistake that cannot be undone. Even if it stops just one person that's a win. Are some of his posts long stretches? Sure but sometimes correlations need to be made to see the bigger picture.

First lest me ask you what Forum on ATS are we in right now? Well over 90% of the OP's post are in this forum, and 100% of those posts are anti-vac posts, so lets start there, OK. As to what you are asking above we as a society use the word lying way too much, and that bothers me a good deal. In the OP's defense he is not lying, he truly believes everything he posts, but that also doesn't make it true either. Where I feel he goes wrong is he sees something that fits his narratives, his true beliefs and posts it with pretty much zero investigation behind what he posts and calls it the God's honest truth just because it matches what he believes that everyone will die sooner or later to the vaccine.

I typically see a post and then look behind the evidence and then make my own opinion good or bad on the evidence presented in the post. I agree with correlations, but much of his posts do not have correlations and just instantly label something as the vaccines did it, just like with the OP's post here. Also, correlations do not mean causation and even in scientific experiments where they have massive amounts of protocol and control the hardest thing to find is the correlation that actually mean causation too, so do you think a quick grab of a tweet and then post it really provides anything in the sense of correlation with anything?

You say if he saves one life then it is good, but what if someone here is 65, overweight etc etc and they do not get the vaccine because they follow the OP and then die to the virus? Personally, I don't think he saves or kills anyone with his posts, and I have said there is much I agree with him on, but his constant down rabbit hole posts he makes is where we disagree most of the time. For my disagreements I'm labeled a big pharma shrill, a sheeple, CNN, and a good deal more while I do not label anyone and just debate their content they post.

So what do you want here? Do you want a small group that just sings kumbaya with each other, or do you want real debate?

edit on 22-6-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2022 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
I'm curious what cover story the media will go with, but I'm guessing it will be OD. That's what young NFL star family men are known for of course.

Real piece of trash you are.

posted on Jun, 22 2022 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: errck

Big words from such a small mind.

Police said there were no signs of trauma or foul play, but investigators are not ruling out the possibility of an overdose before the medical examiner determines a cause of death. 

Ba ltimore Sun

posted on Jun, 22 2022 @ 11:49 PM
edit on 6/23/2022 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2022 @ 11:57 PM
The issue is with many threads implying the Vax is the cause of deaths everywhere, is that some do not even take a min to verify what they saw in one article online before posting.

It literally only takes a min to double check. We've had "26 yr old news anchor dead!", yep a 15 second search showed she had been documenting for a few years her battle with a rare form of brain cancer.
"Athletes collapsing and dying!" Yep another quick search shows videos being used were from previous years, or getting the usual cramps,dehydration, heat exhaustion, or racers left the race due to a viral infection,etc. "Teenage athletes dying!" "Never heard of this happening before!"Yep again, quick search, sudden death due to heart issues among teen athletes was the number one cause of health related deaths. Parents sounded the alarm years ago, studies done, etc. It's not new. A search showed some of the young people noted that passed died after practicing in extreme heat, had family with heart issues, etc.
Or the claim, "young people don't die suddenly!" Sadly they do, every day. They did before Covid and the Vax and they will after it.
So, conspiracy is all well and good, but you have to expect that people will check and refute the info if necessary. Heck even when refuted, some still refuse to even hear it. We get, "it's a cover up, or just flat out ignore the info because it's in disagreement to their belief.

posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
"Athletes collapsing and dying!" Yep another quick search shows videos being used were from previous years, or getting the usual cramps,dehydration, heat exhaustion, or racers left the race due to a viral infection,etc. "Teenage athletes dying!" "Never heard of this happening before!"Yep again, quick search, sudden death due to heart issues among teen athletes was the number one cause of health related deaths. Parents sounded the alarm years ago, studies done, etc. It's not new. A search showed some of the young people noted that passed died after practicing in extreme heat, had family with heart issues, etc.

Not quite...

posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I have no rebuttal. Very logical and well written. Thank you for your response.

I personally think it has alot also to do with the fact that its almost impossible to find reliable resources/legit info from people who should be trusted which makes him grab from whatever source he can find. I know i personally do not believe anything anymore that comes from so called trusted sources. This is why i defend him cause i totally understand. They fooled me once in wuhan and i refuse to let it happen again. I mean they've lied before and have been caught doing horrible acts to humanity in the past so what's to say this is any different. I guess it all comes down to trust which for me is shattered. Maybe that's also part of the plan... Who knows.
edit on 23-6-2022 by Aguythatflys because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 03:50 AM
Because I am disabled and can’t do it myself, I wish someone would put together a comparison of how many “famous/rich/athlete/entertainer” types have died by year. Like the list of all the food associated “mishaps”.

posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Breaking news!!

Some people died!!

Happens all the time...

Nothing to see here..


posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: frogs453
"Athletes collapsing and dying!" Yep another quick search shows videos being used were from previous years, or getting the usual cramps,dehydration, heat exhaustion, or racers left the race due to a viral infection,etc. "Teenage athletes dying!" "Never heard of this happening before!"Yep again, quick search, sudden death due to heart issues among teen athletes was the number one cause of health related deaths. Parents sounded the alarm years ago, studies done, etc. It's not new. A search showed some of the young people noted that passed died after practicing in extreme heat, had family with heart issues, etc.

Not quite...

This is exactly what I'm talking about. The website that compiled the info for your graph.

We are a small team of investigators, news editors, journalists, and truth seekers, now backed up by others, who are discovering pieces of information that we can investigate. It doesn’t really matter who we are. What really matters is that we care carrying on an investigation and we’re presenting the evidence we’ve found, almost all of it documented in mainstream media publications.

So if they are using the same sources that some ATS members are using, then that gets us nowhere. They just list athletes deaths? From what? Accidents,shootings? Long illness? Former athletes? Bob, the 80 year old former football player? They literally say "it doesn't matter who we are". Uh yeah it does if you want people to believe your info.

While we do have our own opinions, all we’re doing here is seeking truth and presenting the information. In some cases, athletes have spoken or written about their vaccination status. Others have changed their minds and they’re now pretending they never said that, some are in clubs that boldly proclaimed their vaccination status, but now they are obfuscating because the big money involved has caused them to hide it. First they said they were fully vaccinated, but then they said some players were not, so which statement was a lie (or an error).

The chart was not compiled in the name of science, it was with an agenda. They also say this regarding scientists.

Those people, including so-called “scientists” apparently have no scientific curiosity at all. When professors and doctors and PhDs come out and say people should be arrested or shut down because they are hurting some ongoing program, they are saying they don’t care if it hurts, maims or kills people, because it didn’t hurt them and it needs to continue with no curbs at all.

So, uh ok.

This is from 2016, well before the Pandemic. No pro or anti vaccination agenda.

But it’s also a stark reminder of a frightening trend: the prevalence of sudden cardiac death, or SCD, among young competitive athletes. It was 26 years ago this month that Loyola Marymount star Hank Gathers, just 23, collapsed on the court at the university’s Gersten Pavilion and died shortly thereafter. Diagnosis: SCD.

He’s not the only one. On average, every three days a competitive athlete in the U.S. dies from SCD, according to an article in the journal Circulation, often due to an undetected congenital heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy—an abnormal thickening of muscles in the heart’s left lower chamber.

Good Sciencing-About Us

Northeastern edu

posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 08:02 AM
Natural causes??? What does that even mean? There has to be an actual cause of death for a 26 year old athlete just dying.

posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
Natural causes??? What does that even mean? There has to be an actual cause of death for a 26 year old athlete just dying.

I'm pretty sure it means just be quiet and don't ask questions.

posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: JinMI

Big words from such a small mind.

Saying "I bet they go with a cover story of OD" so what does that mean?

posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
Natural causes??? What does that even mean? There has to be an actual cause of death for a 26 year old athlete just dying.

We are talking about a very first hand limited reporting at this point, so they are saying on initial investigations the police saw nothing that would suggest he died of something externally like a bullet in his head. Right now no one knows until he is looked at, right?

posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 10:52 AM
The minute these guys get off the field or court.
Drugs, hookers and partying galore.

posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: Aguythatflys
a reply to: Xtrozero

I have no rebuttal. Very logical and well written. Thank you for your response.

I personally think it has alot also to do with the fact that its almost impossible to find reliable resources/legit info from people who should be trusted which makes him grab from whatever source he can find. I know i personally do not believe anything anymore that comes from so called trusted sources. This is why i defend him cause i totally understand. They fooled me once in wuhan and i refuse to let it happen again. I mean they've lied before and have been caught doing horrible acts to humanity in the past so what's to say this is any different. I guess it all comes down to trust which for me is shattered. Maybe that's also part of the plan... Who knows.

I agree 100%. One of the bigger problems was that they tried to put out too much information to quickly and it was mostly incorrect. Did they lie or were they just making WAGs to provide something when they really had little to go on. I see two different issues here that do not need to be related.

1. How F up our government is and how badly they handled the pandemic with so many over reach totalitarian approaches.

We should never have locked down, or at least come off of lock downs once the vaccine was released for the high risk.
We didn't need massive mask mandates. There are still people on the left wearing masks today as some kind of social statement lol
Once the old and high risk were vaccinated then the rest should have been only on personal choice. I do not see a need to vaccinate healthy people under the age of 30 just because there is some small risk with the vaccines and you need to look at risk to reward aspects of it as in what reward are they getting if the virus is not much of anything for them?
Attacking/demonizing those who did not wear masks or choose to not get vaccinated was some over the top liberal Karen move from the left.
Vaccinating anyone under 18 is stupid to say the least.

2. Does the vaccine help and how much risk is with it?
I think if Trump won and he never pushed mandates we would not be having these conversations about the vaccine. Because the government under Biden went so totalitarian on it all people pushed back hard when they most likely would not have.

You bring up a good point in that social media is our worst enemy. There are these things call algorithms and friend/foe AI that push things towards you that you look for. The problem is you end up without a good mix of information. As example, if you are conservatives then you end up only seeing positive conservative posts and negative liberal posts and the same if you are liberal, but the other way around. Over time this really skews one view and is why America is so polarized today.

Same thing with the vaccine...

So what do we do? We need to be very carful in who we trust with the information. I tend to pick people that see big pharma as both a curse and cure and work to find the real answers without all the hype and doom porn. Zdoggmd is actually really good for quick hit on information, as example below. I also like to dig deeper into something to see where it comes from and who is doing it, and with the over the top crap we see today 80% is total sh!t, and doing some digging will show you that.

edit on 23-6-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Aguythatflys

Let me ask you a question. What would be his purpose for trying to make things up/lie about the current events that he believes he can see? Is he making ad revenue? is he selling something? Is it for post numbers/star count? Is he purposefully trying to mislead people in hopes that they die? What's your opinion? I believe he's doing quite the opposite. I think he's trying to warn people before they make a mistake that cannot be undone. Even if it stops just one person that's a win. Are some of his posts long stretches? Sure but sometimes correlations need to be made to see the bigger picture.

First lest me ask you what Forum on ATS are we in right now? Well over 90% of the OP's post are in this forum, and 100% of those posts are anti-vac posts, so lets start there, OK.

You're really stalking me, huh? Keeping statistics of what I post. You're mad that I don't conform to your belief system. I have watched prominent doctors who were outcast for speaking the truth predict every single move so far and they have been right.

Oh and "zdoggmd" is just another industry shill.

posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

You're really stalking me, huh? Keeping statistics of what I post. You're mad that I don't conform to your belief system. I have watched prominent doctors who were outcast for speaking the truth predict every single move so far and they have been right.

Oh and "zdoggmd" is just another industry shill.

I'm sure he is to you. My so called stalking was 30 seconds to answer the other posters question. You are the one that seems to put emotional energy into this all. I'm just debating things you and others post. Some I agree with and some I do not. Mad about you?

posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Not just to me, to anyone who is awake. He's simply another shill who attempts to sound unbiased. He doesn't get censored or banned from any platforms.

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