posted on Sep, 2 2002 @ 10:56 PM
Seti, you've got to admit that she's braver than Brian. Brian came here, met the face of our skepticism, and left. Heck, we've ragged on her as
bad (if not worse sometimes) as we did Truth for his/her beliefs. Truth left. Connie's stayed. She's no coward, no matter how deluded we feel
she is.
I do think she's experienced abuse in her life at the hands of parents/lovers/relatives.
People who have been emotionally (and/or physically and/or sexually) abused need the approval of others so that they can learn to approve of
themselves and heal from what is often long-term trauma. They need to know they are "okay." It's not that they're weak or stupid, but they've
been "conditioned" (almost Pavlovian) to need approval.
Manipulative people are drawn to abuse survivors, simply because these people will be so terribly loyal to anyone who gives them approval.
At any rate, I'd bet she's been emotionally battered to the point of near breakdown earlier in her life (and as a part of a consistant pattern.)
That kind of person doesn't cut and run in the face of unkindness of others. They've lived through worse.
...and now I DO believe I'll quit playing "shrink" (I am SO not qualified for it!) and go back to playing Annoying Scholar instead. I'm lots
better at that!