I would like to kindly ask all of you fine ladies and gentlemen on these boards to do yourselves a favor for a brief moment. Try to drop any
preconceived notions about EITHER side of the political spectrum for a brief moment and take a step back and observe what is happening right now in
the public consciousness. What has been happening for the last 5 to 10 years, if not longer.
What do you see? Take a step back and observe what is happening from an objective viewpoint. I know it sounds hard, dropping all preconceived notions
about your favorite politician(s) and the state of world affairs, but it IS possible and I think it would do the world a whole hell of a lotta good if
more people practiced objectivity.
In today's social media driven world we've been programmed to seek validation constantly, validation is a subjective experience. How can you practice
objectivity if you're always seeking a subjective experience?
Anyways, back to my point. Step back and look at things from anon-biased viewpoint. What do you see? You see the media constantly bombarding people
with propaganda and you see politicians playing into that propaganda by having all these hearings and trials and blah blah blah. It's neverending!
And it's all broadcast for the viewing pleasure of you and I.
Doesn't it all seem so FAKE and SCRIPTED and PLANNED? At least to a certain extent? Maybe not everyone is in on it but there are definitely bad actors
in all of this that are steering the narrative, right?
Or is that just me?
I know a lot of people on here are HUGE fans of Trump and would take a bullet for him but take that step back and observe the events surrounding him
and his administration with an objective eye. Doesn't it seem like he's the main star in this whole #show production? Hasn't he technically put
himself in all those situations in order to facilitate the media's narrative over and over and over and OVER again?
Regardless of who you want to believe, doesn't it all seem like THEATRE? Like the main people you see on TV are in on it and just putting on a show
for everyone to gawk at and fight over constantly?
What's going on where the cameras AREN'T pointed? What's happening that the talking heads AREN'T talking about?
Trump is center stage. What are he and his antics distracting us from? Where is the narrative surrounding him leading us to? What is the media trying
to get out of us?
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."
What if both sides of this narrative are actually on the same team and are leading us where they want us to go? What if everything you currently
believe is a lie?
edit on 16-6-2022 by RegularJo76 because: (no reason given)