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Take a step back for a second

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posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 10:31 PM
I would like to kindly ask all of you fine ladies and gentlemen on these boards to do yourselves a favor for a brief moment. Try to drop any preconceived notions about EITHER side of the political spectrum for a brief moment and take a step back and observe what is happening right now in the public consciousness. What has been happening for the last 5 to 10 years, if not longer.

What do you see? Take a step back and observe what is happening from an objective viewpoint. I know it sounds hard, dropping all preconceived notions about your favorite politician(s) and the state of world affairs, but it IS possible and I think it would do the world a whole hell of a lotta good if more people practiced objectivity.

In today's social media driven world we've been programmed to seek validation constantly, validation is a subjective experience. How can you practice objectivity if you're always seeking a subjective experience?

Anyways, back to my point. Step back and look at things from anon-biased viewpoint. What do you see? You see the media constantly bombarding people with propaganda and you see politicians playing into that propaganda by having all these hearings and trials and blah blah blah. It's neverending!

And it's all broadcast for the viewing pleasure of you and I.

Doesn't it all seem so FAKE and SCRIPTED and PLANNED? At least to a certain extent? Maybe not everyone is in on it but there are definitely bad actors in all of this that are steering the narrative, right?

Or is that just me?

I know a lot of people on here are HUGE fans of Trump and would take a bullet for him but take that step back and observe the events surrounding him and his administration with an objective eye. Doesn't it seem like he's the main star in this whole #show production? Hasn't he technically put himself in all those situations in order to facilitate the media's narrative over and over and over and OVER again?

Regardless of who you want to believe, doesn't it all seem like THEATRE? Like the main people you see on TV are in on it and just putting on a show for everyone to gawk at and fight over constantly?

What's going on where the cameras AREN'T pointed? What's happening that the talking heads AREN'T talking about?

Trump is center stage. What are he and his antics distracting us from? Where is the narrative surrounding him leading us to? What is the media trying to get out of us?

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

What if both sides of this narrative are actually on the same team and are leading us where they want us to go? What if everything you currently believe is a lie?
edit on 16-6-2022 by RegularJo76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 10:56 PM
I see when Trump does the President thing he is Victorious and when I see Biden do the resident thing he is scary, troublesome and all together hooky. Da da da, click click. Da da da...
edit on 16-6-2022 by INnEedOfgOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: RegularJo76

To assume that this a "social media driven world" is, itself, a preconceived notion.

Most likely derived from one's own conformation bias(es).

And again, to generalize all that is broadcast through the "media" as "propaganda" belies a conceptual prejudice that has finally resorted either a form of intellectual defeatist; or an emotional maladjustment that requires one to never admit an error in perception and/or judgment - indicative of perhaps a "stunted" emotional maturation, halted at something approximating pre- to early adolescence.

If we are to be truly "unbiased", and thus somehow allow ourselves to confront "The Truth", we must first allow ourselves to admit that what we perceive around us, what you refer to the "propaganda", is, in fact, EXACTLY what we have demanded (by way of both our tangible and intangible "commerce).

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: RegularJo76

Agreed. However people are happy to lick the boot of their “savior”

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 12:55 AM
Try reading a novel. Sh!ts on teevee.

a reply to: RegularJo76

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: RegularJo76

Good for you.

Objectivity was at some point probably the objective of that push towards detachment for some.
But the thing is: looking for 1 plan behind it, 1 planer seems to me personally too simplistic.
I mean it's conceivable that what we look at as one 'stratum of society', those who have the means to direct with their actions the fates of a lot of people, are in their group divided into ideological groups, or proponents of diverging methods.
I mean even if you and I would be absolutely the same in wealth, education and so on we probably still would argue what's best for society and how to implement that.
We have to assume the same is true in the upper echelons.
A big issue we have as species is the Dunning-Kruger-Effect effect, as in : we're never as smart as we think we are.
Plus those seeking power are never the best and brightest to begin with but plagued with other personality flaws or else they wouldn't seek power. So that's the issue I think.
And the danger is that the only ones kind of offering solutions are technocrats.
Which is philosophically just a horrible false ideological theory, people aren't machines you can physically update, or tweak and fix, to cure from their flaws.

...I mean lol: we could try, put a shock-collar on everybody who is considered elite +/or public figure and when more than 50% of all of us pushes the button together, because they say sthg stupid...
...having a spasm fit in a puddle of their urin. I can get behind that.

edit on 17-6-2022 by Peeple because: opposite

edit on 17-6-2022 by Peeple because: oopsy first time was right

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: RegularJo76

I know a lot of people on here are HUGE fans of Trump and would take a bullet for him but take that step back and observe the events surrounding him and his administration with an objective eye.

One of the most popular threads on ATS was recently about how we have lost faith in Trump. Trust me, barely any of us would ever take a bullet for Trump. That's just a sensationalist narrative, same thing the MSM always does. The entire reason so many people supported Trump in the first place is because he represented one of the major forces going against this brave new socialist globalist agenda.

No one is perfect, certainly not an egotistical billionaire like Trump, but he's still more palatable than a life long career politician who has a clear agenda which doesn't necessarily benefit the people they represent. That's the core reason Trump won in 2016, and the core reason he will probably win in 2024 if he chooses to run again. A tortoise like Biden essentially stands no chance.

Especially not after the disastrous job Biden has been doing so far. It was never, ever, about Trump. It was always about his commitment to the average guy he represents, the country he represents, rather than pushing some globalist agenda which doesn't really benefit anyone at the end of the day. It's ultimately about authoritarianism vs freedom and liberty... and I suspect those who haven't chosen a side will soon choose one.
edit on 17/6/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 10:11 AM
He(Trump) got the ticket others paid for and took the ride; liked the ride and wants to continue riding... that's just what politicians do. It doesn't matter what party it is, people bought and paid for their ticket to ride and they ride... some like it and some don't. If people didn't want Trump or Biden to ride? They wouldn't have bought them the ticket to ride.

How they pay back that ticket? That's the ride we who helped pay or help pay for the ride are on... no matter who wins.

That's my step back; Current politics isn't winning or speaking for me and hasn't in decades done me any favors... To step back even further? I'm not paying for any more tickets for people to ride.

edit on 17-6-2022 by Crowfoot because: editing

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 03:27 PM
Noticed as a kid politicians were basically creating new laws left & right simply to "make work" for themselves. Sure there were things that needed changed from pre-60's thinking to reflect that now we know more so can do better.

Little things like dumping toxic chemicals anywhere you want isn't the swiftest idea.
Like hiring who is best for a job, not based on anything other than merit.

Common sense changes that were necessary. Now politicians are legislating everything under the sun. The things they missed are covered by judicial rulings & case law. It's gone from bad to worst case with politicians scrambling tooth & nail to keep our society top heavy with themselves, lobbyists, PAC's, expanding govt agencies & more!

If being objective, we're creating quite a tiered class system with no end in sight. Doesn't matter in the least which candidate you prefer or which party. It's a complete runaway train wreck. I'm one of the least interested person concerning politics you'll ever run into. At the end of the day I still have to go to work, deal with family and remember to pack my lunch & get trash out on time.

Surprisingly none of that has ever changed under any administration!
The MSN can propagandize to it's hearts content. Hardly anyone I know or work with pays any attention. So a lot of the angst is by a minority of people who would have you believe the entire country is invested in the drama.

Dismantling some of these laws and systems, like big Pharma, or reducing govt to something that makes sense instead of the behemoth it is so far has just been lots & lots of talk with no action. Tons of podcasts, political pundits, everyone has found a way to get paid for having an opinion.
But no action.

Dunno how long we can go being a country of "All Hat-No Horse" but guess we're going to find out?
Yep...objectively speaking.

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 09:25 PM
what you are seeing or finally norticing is this

both sides in USA pretend to go after another, to constantly hide the fact that all of them are corrupt

all of them

its like people watching a tennis match

heads just looking left, looking right

but missing the thing they dont see

why are our leaders being paid, to make us bankrupt, morally destroyed, afraid to be proud of their culture because of fake racism garbage? there is nothing positive about it

what is the root of all evil?



and when you say well why? if you have millions why need more?

same reason a athlete wants to win over and over

to prove they are better.

go out and make a sucess of yourself, for money is the only way to be free

instead of complaining

edit on 9-7-2022 by LOIUSCIPHERE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2022 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: INnEedOfgOD

Yeah , Right . Yada Yada Yada.........

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