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Canadian official says "We're following the latest science" and drops covid mandates

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posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 01:06 PM
It's funny how quickly they've dropped something that they embraced so passionately for two years! Any anti-vaxxers or mask opposers were viewed as enemies of the state.
But now, The Honourable Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport and MP for Mississauga Centre has tweeted:
⚠️BREAKING NEWS: We are following the latest science and are suspending the current domestic vaccine mandates for air and rail passengers.

A writer for The National Post penned this headline:
Mere hours after defending them to the death, Liberals drop mandates.
In the days and even hours before the mandates were rescinded, the Trudeau government was mounting an all-out campaign to convince Canadians that they were a critical necessity, and that to claim otherwise was reckless or anti-science.

Yes, this is how the liberal brain works. Act like a loon, and then claim you were just "following the science." In this case, the "latest science"

Full article

A related story on mad-with-power Trudeau

One gets the impression Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would be happy if his pandemic restrictions on Canadians lasted forever. This as he continues to fly around the world, following or not following his own masking advice to Canadians as he sees fit, now having twice contracted COVID-19, after being vaccinated and boosted. We think it’s a power thing with Trudeau, who likes to acquire as much of it as possible and only forfeits it reluctantly.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 01:21 PM
They will bring them back if becomes polically expedient.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 01:26 PM
If I read that right, the vaccine mandates still stand for international travellers.

...Still cant fly home to visit my family.

ffs...the latest science???
edit on 16-6-2022 by Tucket because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

"Omar Alghabra Cadabra!" and just like that the mandates are gone.
Turdeux might be calling Hillary for a favor.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

and yet the municipal's latest help wanted ad still requires you to be fully vaccinated...

Hopefully the Ministry of Labour is next to rescind the mandate/order...

ETA: I thought this was to reduce the lineups at Toronto's airport...

Ya know... So those people w/ money to fly and have their passports ready can fly to Florida...

I guess they can't say that though can they....

Rather, lets put all of Canada at 'risk' so that some folks can get on their flights faster...

"Just this once tho, okay!?!?"

edit on 16-6-2022 by ByteChanger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

Now that's just weird! Infighting, or orders from on high? Either way, I'm glad things are getting a tiny bit brighter for our northern neighbors- you've had a really rough go of it with Turdeau in charge.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 02:16 PM
They have to do something to try and dupe the simple minded people
who are going to vote soon in November, otherwise people might
have a memory of being locked up and vote for change.

And sadly, there are billions of simple minded people who will
forget that they were locked up, restricted from working,
had their retirement accounts wiped out several times from
the Feds manipulating the markets, paying 100 bucks for
a tank of gas and 8 bucks for a loaf of bread.

"Hey, they let us out, lets watch Netflix ran by the Obama's
and eat Cheetos and have a Bud".

My ever compassionate heart will still feel badly for them when
they find themselves in a true pickle.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

While all the anti-vax guys went on as if any mandates were permanent and forever, this just proves that they never were.

Country after country are relaxing restrictions, all over the world, and have been for months.

And so now you claim that this is because of some weird and entirely antithetical 'twist' in your doom-porn fantasy?

Spin it how you want.

Everyone can see it now.

edit on 16/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

They haven't dropped fully yet International inbound flights still have to require vaccine proof.
Justin Trudeau is a joke on Canadian politics.

He had been doing a bad job promoting the covid vaccines.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: ByteChanger

Covid has a 99% survival rate.

There NEVER was and still is not a "risk".

Government should have focused on those with pre-existing conditions, compromised immune systems and the elderly.
Governments did exactly NOTHING for these groups.

And with respect to hospital capacity, two years into this circus and governments have done, again, NOTHING to increase ICU hospital capacity. We are no better off than in 2019 while governments have spent Trillions since then !!!!

You can only conclude that governments WANT hospitals to be overwhelmed in the future
Because this was never about your health

Since Day 1, this hysteria was about control and only about control.

edit on 16-6-2022 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 10:24 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

While all the anti-vax guys went on as if any mandates were permanent and forever, this just proves that they never were.

Country after country are relaxing restrictions, all over the world, and have been for months.

And so now you claim that this is because of some weird and entirely antithetical 'twist' in your doom-porn fantasy?

Spin it how you want.

Everyone can see it now.

Our country, leaders, media, citizens have treated the unvaccinated badly so there is a much bigger issue going on than just a pandemic coming and going. It was used to abuse and divide the people. That doesn't go away. It may recede somewhat but damage is done.

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

While all the anti-vax guys went on as if any mandates were permanent and forever, this just proves that they never were.

Country after country are relaxing restrictions, all over the world, and have been for months.

And so now you claim that this is because of some weird and entirely antithetical 'twist' in your doom-porn fantasy?

Spin it how you want.

Everyone can see it now.

Our country, leaders, media, citizens have treated the unvaccinated badly so there is a much bigger issue going on than just a pandemic coming and going. It was used to abuse and divide the people. That doesn't go away. It may recede somewhat but damage is done.

No, those who abstained from every aspect of a public safety campaign against a highly infectious and deadly disease are prolonging the worst effects of the epidemic. They are the divisive and socially abusive ones. People have died, and are dying, unnecessarily, due to the irresponsible actions of these misanthropes.

edit on 17/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: ByteChanger

Covid has a 99% survival rate.

There NEVER was and still is not a "risk".

Government should have focused on those with pre-existing conditions, compromised immune systems and the elderly.
Governments did exactly NOTHING for these groups.

And with respect to hospital capacity, two years into this circus and governments have done, again, NOTHING to increase ICU hospital capacity. We are no better off than in 2019 while governments have spent Trillions since then !!!!

You can only conclude that governments WANT hospitals to be overwhelmed in the future
Because this was never about your health

Since Day 1, this hysteria was about control and only about control.

A 99% survival rate means that 1 in every hundred people doesn't survive. It would mean that out of a population the size of the USA's, 3,348,423 people will die as the disease becomes endemic. So, you might want to revise your baseless percentile.

Also, the government already pretty much had control over any individual they wanted, prior to the pandemic. And, after the pandemic there will be more people like you, who distrust your government, so their plan couldn't give them any extra control. It was a fairly stupid thing to do from the 'get-go', costing lots of money, time, and resource, and giving them nothing.

edit on 17/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: ByteChanger

Covid has a 99% survival rate.

There NEVER was and still is not a "risk".

Government should have focused on those with pre-existing conditions, compromised immune systems and the elderly.
Governments did exactly NOTHING for these groups.

And with respect to hospital capacity, two years into this circus and governments have done, again, NOTHING to increase ICU hospital capacity. We are no better off than in 2019 while governments have spent Trillions since then !!!!

You can only conclude that governments WANT hospitals to be overwhelmed in the future
Because this was never about your health

Since Day 1, this hysteria was about control and only about control.

A 99% survival rate means that 1 in every hundred people doesn't survive. It would mean that out of a population the size of the USA's, 3,348,423 people will die as the disease becomes endemic. So, you might want to revise your baseless percentile.

Also, the government already pretty much had control over any individual they wanted, prior to the pandemic. And, after the pandemic there will be more people like you, who distrust your government, so their plan couldn't give them any extra control. It was a fairly stupid thing to do from the 'get-go', costing lots of money, time, and resource, and giving them nothing.

You might want to revise your baseless statements.

No government (aside from communists) had ever before used "lockdowns" , forcible house arrest for it's own population which had no impact on health but are DIRECTLY responsible for NEVER BEFORE SEEN:
- supply chain breakdowns
- employee shortages
- good shortage
- start of at least some food item shortage
- goverments printing never before amount of money
- resultant long term inflation

It did give more power to governments which were very reluctant to give back that power ( ex: travel measures, even when Covid largely over)

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: ByteChanger

Covid has a 99% survival rate.

There NEVER was and still is not a "risk".

Government should have focused on those with pre-existing conditions, compromised immune systems and the elderly.
Governments did exactly NOTHING for these groups.

And with respect to hospital capacity, two years into this circus and governments have done, again, NOTHING to increase ICU hospital capacity. We are no better off than in 2019 while governments have spent Trillions since then !!!!

You can only conclude that governments WANT hospitals to be overwhelmed in the future
Because this was never about your health

Since Day 1, this hysteria was about control and only about control.

A 99% survival rate means that 1 in every hundred people doesn't survive. It would mean that out of a population the size of the USA's, 3,348,423 people will die as the disease becomes endemic. So, you might want to revise your baseless percentile.

Also, the government already pretty much had control over any individual they wanted, prior to the pandemic. And, after the pandemic there will be more people like you, who distrust your government, so their plan couldn't give them any extra control. It was a fairly stupid thing to do from the 'get-go', costing lots of money, time, and resource, and giving them nothing.

You might want to revise your baseless statements.

What, about how percentages work?

No government (aside from communists) had ever before used "lockdowns"

That is pure nonsense.

In chapter 13 of book of Leviticus in the Bible, written about 3,000 years ago, has rules for isolating people with a number of diseases.

In Jesus' day, 1,000 years later, there are writings in the gospels about lepers that were isolated from the community and were forced to carry notifications for those who were well to keep away. Lepers tended then to exist in isolated colonies, something that continued right up to the 19th century, and even in America.

During the plague of Justininan in about 500 AD, areas affected by the plague were partitioned off from general public access and historians made special note of how only the Christians had the charity to give special aid to those in disease ridden areas, while most Roman officialdom kept well away.

In 1346, the Italian government implemented health policies in response to the black plague which closed sea ports, limited the travel of citizens between plague cities, and had restrictions to stop people congregating in crowds. Venice and Ragusa were the first cities to lock down and isolate in this way.

The book, The Decameron, written in late 1348, is about 10 citizens of Florence who escape the Black death ravaging their city, to the countryside, where they isolate for 10 days, and tell each other stories for entertainment.

Although during the first wave of the 1918 'Spanish' flu there was no official lock-down policy, 100 years later after a resurgence of the flu, theaters, churches, cinemas, dance-halls and other places where people congregated were closed down for months and people were encouraged to stay isolated indoors. Authorities also sprayed disinfectant and advised everyone to wear face masks.

Similarly, there have been lock-downs for Typhoid and Cholera in recent history.

Then there were the lock-downs after 911, where planes weren't allowed to fly and travel was curtailed, and there were curfews and other deprivations. Nothing to do with disease, but the response to the terrorist threat to the US was to lock-down.

, forcible house arrest for it's own population which had no impact on health but are DIRECTLY responsible for NEVER BEFORE SEEN:
- supply chain breakdowns
- employee shortages
- good shortage
- start of at least some food item shortage
- goverments printing never before amount of money
- resultant long term inflation

It did give more power to governments which were very reluctant to give back that power ( ex: travel measures, even when Covid largely over)

All of these additional points have occurred and to much higher levels throughout history, and are mostly unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 isn't over. More people are infected in 2022 than there were in 2020.

Also, please explain how limitations on air travel and a weakened economy are of advantage to a government?

edit on 18/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 08:21 AM
Ok so lets take a look at the deadly Covid numbers in my province:

The province has recorded 2,061 deaths in 2021 where COVID-19 was a contributing factor through Dec. 12, meaning the novel coronavirus would rank second on Alberta’s most recent list of leading causes of death.

And let's assume the above is accurate, compare that to another leading cause of death - DRUG OVERDOSES for the same year

Alberta recorded its deadliest year on record for drug overdoses with more than 1,700 deaths in 2021.

So for the first set - where COVID-19 was a contributing factor and not the ONLY factor we have 2061 deaths.

Compare that to drug overdoses where that is the ONLY factor we have 1700 deaths.


Or did lockdowns create more drug overdoses?

edit on 18-6-2022 by TWS1969 because: Fix link

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: ByteChanger

Covid has a 99% survival rate.

There NEVER was and still is not a "risk".

Government should have focused on those with pre-existing conditions, compromised immune systems and the elderly.
Governments did exactly NOTHING for these groups.

And with respect to hospital capacity, two years into this circus and governments have done, again, NOTHING to increase ICU hospital capacity. We are no better off than in 2019 while governments have spent Trillions since then !!!!

You can only conclude that governments WANT hospitals to be overwhelmed in the future
Because this was never about your health

Since Day 1, this hysteria was about control and only about control.

A 99% survival rate means that 1 in every hundred people doesn't survive. It would mean that out of a population the size of the USA's, 3,348,423 people will die as the disease becomes endemic. So, you might want to revise your baseless percentile.

Also, the government already pretty much had control over any individual they wanted, prior to the pandemic. And, after the pandemic there will be more people like you, who distrust your government, so their plan couldn't give them any extra control. It was a fairly stupid thing to do from the 'get-go', costing lots of money, time, and resource, and giving them nothing.

You might want to revise your baseless statements.

What, about how percentages work?

No government (aside from communists) had ever before used "lockdowns"

That is pure nonsense.

In chapter 13 of book of Leviticus in the Bible, written about 3,000 years ago, has rules for isolating people with a number of diseases.

In Jesus' day, 1,000 years later, there are writings in the gospels about lepers that were isolated from the community and were forced to carry notifications for those who were well to keep away. Lepers tended then to exist in isolated colonies, something that continued right up to the 19th century, and even in America.

During the plague of Justininan in about 500 AD, areas affected by the plague were partitioned off from general public access and historians made special note of how only the Christians had the charity to give special aid to those in disease ridden areas, while most Roman officialdom kept well away.

In 1346, the Italian government implemented health policies in response to the black plague which closed sea ports, limited the travel of citizens between plague cities, and had restrictions to stop people congregating in crowds. Venice and Ragusa were the first cities to lock down and isolate in this way.

The book, The Decameron, written in late 1348, is about 10 citizens of Florence who escape the Black death ravaging their city, to the countryside, where they isolate for 10 days, and tell each other stories for entertainment.

Although during the first wave of the 1918 'Spanish' flu there was no official lock-down policy, 100 years later after a resurgence of the flu, theaters, churches, cinemas, dance-halls and other places where people congregated were closed down for months and people were encouraged to stay isolated indoors. Authorities also sprayed disinfectant and advised everyone to wear face masks.

Similarly, there have been lock-downs for Typhoid and Cholera in recent history.

Then there were the lock-downs after 911, where planes weren't allowed to fly and travel was curtailed, and there were curfews and other deprivations. Nothing to do with disease, but the response to the terrorist threat to the US was to lock-down.

, forcible house arrest for it's own population which had no impact on health but are DIRECTLY responsible for NEVER BEFORE SEEN:
- supply chain breakdowns
- employee shortages
- good shortage
- start of at least some food item shortage
- goverments printing never before amount of money
- resultant long term inflation

It did give more power to governments which were very reluctant to give back that power ( ex: travel measures, even when Covid largely over)

All of these additional points have occurred and to much higher levels throughout history, and are mostly unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 isn't over. More people are infected in 2022 than there were in 2020.

Also, please explain how limitations on air travel and a weakened economy are of advantage to a government?

Quarantine is not the same as lockdowns.
It is the opposite

In Quarantine, INFECTED individuals with SYMPTOMS are isolated. THAT makes sense

And no, don't attempt to rewrite history. LOCKDOWNS of entire nations across the GLOBE have NEVER happened before. No SHUTDOWN of entire economies, entire populations on house arrest, NOT WORKING. You are making totally false analogies comparing this to 911 and you know it !

Trudeau liberals wanted a weakened economy to increase the population's dependance on government, e.g. POWER
Get the population dependent on governement payouts and threaten that if the opposition is elected, those payments will stop

Liberals first did this with CERB and wanted to introduce basic guaranteed income. Christia Freeland mused publically about taking people's savings to pay for this = she referred to private savings as "frozen stimulus"

Locking Borders is a way for the Libtards to prevent people with money/savings from fleeing the country, for which I actually made backup plans

So far, the liberals have not been able to do this, thank God.

PM Trudeau made remarks numerous time that Covid is an occasion for a reset.

Scumbag WEF head Klaus SCHWAB even wrote a book about Covid 19 and the great reset
Never let a crisis go to waste, standard M.O. of the LEFT

Again, this was NOT about health. This is about power and only about power.

edit on 18-6-2022 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-6-2022 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)


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