posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 05:14 AM
Look at what Fuller and the rest of us are up against. A large multinational, multicorporate belief that is using financial and other political means
to gets its way. More value has been placed on what might result from this mass experimentation than what is in the benefit of the individual.
With the nature of this beast, the courts are tied up and blind to much of what is going on. India is one nation that managed to get a strong ruling
against Bill Gates a while back. Seams he managed to slip back in some how?
On the legal front, unfair dismissals and vaccination damage claims seam to be the bigger ones that will swamp the system and push for change.
There was a judicial review here about the state of emergency a couple months back. The Health minister was due to talk, got a quick get out jail free
card and sent home. The Police minister spoke. He was in communication with the health minister about events. He presented some conflicting
information about the way covid is going. After a month with no response about this information he stopped the mandatory jabs for the police
department with most of those on leave returning to work.
The way this court case went, looks like the health minister is under federal orders, along with the courts. All courts are limited to a jurisdiction,
they can only act so far. With the global nature of this sickness, many of the international institutions promoted to protect, have been turned
against the population.
What court, if any, has not just the capability to make a just ruling, but also the means to enforce it? This is next level Mr Evil that our current
social institutions cannot handle. With the parliaments infested, a lot of political direction and will is hampered.
The loan wolf is one hope. When someone finally takes that rill pill as there life is already shattered, they know who's door to knock on. Don't
expect much impact here. Common to get the wrong target if caught up in the heat of the moment.
Break away institutions is a tough, but reasonable chance. With so many professionals losing their credentials based on their vax position, new unions
and associations helps with the numbers game.
If the courts do somehow break through, it's won't be one case, but many thousands that helped get it there.
Looking back at history, the Nuremberg trials did not start until after the war was won. Pfizer took a big hit when it was forced to release its
documents. Stock trading got halted for a bit, still running. Still a while for it all to come out. It is a good start in taking down this castle, but
not there yet.
There is a really good job of cover up and censorship going on, restricting the mass population of informed consent. As with all wars, quite common to
take many years to play out. If you want to see the trials, hang on till the end. As for which side gets the noose?