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Can you explain to me why...?

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posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: Talaria
Because we’re literally in a CIVIL WAR, obviously the one side thats making noise and drama messing up America, this group has many little factions and are organized using anything and everything and the opposite side that sees what is happening but is just waiting for a leader with b*lls (True Patriot) willing to give up his life for the America we once loved, oh its going to get really really ugly, before a turn around serious sh*t brewing!

Where is this mystical leader with balls? This pinnacle of patriotism you and others speak of with such hope?

Why don't you go be that hero?

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 06:07 AM

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: CryHavoc
Could any one please explain why people burning down a Minneapolis Police Station on May 28, 2020 WASN'T Insurrection.

The definition of Insurrection is: a violent uprising against an authority or government.


Yes, I think I can explain why burning down a Minneapolis Police Station on May 28, 2020 WASN'T Insurrection.

Your definition: "a violent uprising against an authority or government" is faulty.

If you want to hold someone legally accountable for a violent act you have to charge them under a specific law that is on the books and use the correct LEGAL terms defined by that law, not some definition you plucked out of a dictionary.

It turns out that Minnesota has a law on the books that covers possible acts of insurrection:

"609.385 TREASON.
Subdivision 1.Definition. "Levying war" includes an act of war or an insurrection of several persons with intent to prevent, by force and intimidation, the execution of a statute of the state, or to force its repeal. It does not include either a conspiracy to commit an act of war or a single instance of resistance for a private purpose to the execution of a law."

The individuals who torched the police station were deemed by the local authorities to be committing "a single instance of resistance for a private purpose" and could not be charged under this particular state statute.

Instead, the four individuals who were identified as actually torching the police station were charged under a federal charge of conspiracy to commit arson.

All 4 pleaded guilty and have been sentenced.

In addition, one Boogaloo Boi (a Texan named Ivan Hunter) also pleaded guilty to a federal charge of "traveling from San Antonio, Texas to Minneapolis with the intent to participate in a riot."

"On the night of May 28, 2020, Hunter was captured on video discharging 13 rounds from an AK-47 style semiautomatic rifle into the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct building. At the time of the shooting there were other individuals believed to be looters still inside the building. Law enforcement recovered from the scene discharged rifle casings consistent with an AK-47 style firearm."

What additional facts do you imagine a Congressional hearing on this event would uncover that aren't already known?

did the cops get the looters?

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: 1947boomer

"Ivan Hunter" ?

Sounds like a bad character name from a Tom Clancy novel.


posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Brotherman

Beautifully said.. Having an opinion is intolerant. It’s close minded to reject the idea a human can now refuse a gender. The general consensus is I’m an asshole for having these non compliant thoughts.

posted on Jun, 20 2022 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: CryHavoc
Could any one please explain why people burning down a Minneapolis Police Station on May 28, 2020 WASN'T Insurrection.

The definition of Insurrection is: a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Seems to me that's exactly what happened in Minneapolis. And how many people in Congress supported that illegal Insurrection? So why isn't there a May 28th Insurrection Committee? Why is Kamala Harris Vice President as she supported that Insurrection?

How many people were/are Derelict in their Duties? How many Obstructed Justice?

I think it's really time to hold Congress accountable.

If Congress is going after one group, it better be going after both.

MeatHookReality: There were 4 men charged on Federal charges of conspiracy to commit arson .
Two others have been sent to prison for arson & one of them fined 12 million dollars .. there are on going investigations as we speak .
Comparing a MN police station burning to Capital Hill is a big leap .
Just as when the first tank from Russia crossed into Ukraine was bad , but not as bad when the Russians level Kyiv.

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: CryHavoc

The Portland Oregon Courthouse was gutted by looting and fire also, during a 2021 insurrection in that city/state.


I was there earlier this year, and it's still boarded up with fire damage obvious, just from a drive-by perspective.

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: frogs453

I'm not sure if you really want them to start investigating.

I do.

You proceed from a completely false assumption. Many of us, including me, who are constantly decrying the present Democrat leadership are not Republicans. We are not complaining about the Democrat leadership because they are Democrats; we are complaining because they are harming the country and the people in it. It's not about who is on the "right" and who is on the "left"... it's about who is doing what we consider good things and who is doing what we consider bad things.

It just so happens that the majority of bad things are being done by the present Democrat leadership. That includes basing criminal charges on political party. It especially includes basing criminal charges on political party! That's a world you do not want to live in, whether you think you do or not.

If "right-wing" activists were involved, snag and tag them just as much as any "left-wing" activists. I don't care what the political orientation of the arsonists are or were... I care that they were arsonists. The only place the DNC comes into play is when it is Democrat leaders who allow this insurrection (yes, it was an insurrection) to happen... and many even supported it!

I'll call a Republican out as fast as I will a Democrat. Want proof? Get your Democrat leaders back in line and let the Republicans start doing stoopid; see how fast I attack them. You will never understand the problem as long as you keep thinking it's all about political party like that guy on the TV tells you it is. It's not, and it never was. He's lying to you, and you're eating it up like sugar-coated candy.

It's about right and wrong, not right and left.


edit on 6/21/2022 by TheRedneck because: typo

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1v2

originally posted by: lordcomac
Congress is overrun with traitors- the government is overflowing with them. The time to clean house is long overdue

Who is going to clean house? Lol

All the keyboard patriots? lmao

Obviously not you

posted on Jun, 21 2022 @ 03:30 AM

originally posted by: AmICrazyOrwhat
a reply to: Brotherman

Beautifully said.. Having an opinion is intolerant. It’s close minded to reject the idea a human can now refuse a gender. The general consensus is I’m an asshole for having these non compliant thoughts.

I don't know you and am not sure if you agree with me or not in which you are replying to me with. Please feel good in knowing I give everyone regardless of the pronoun the middle finger as I can imagine you feel happier now knowing I am all about equality and not equity.

that is all.

posted on Jun, 24 2022 @ 02:31 AM

originally posted by: sarahvital
did the cops get the looters?

Probably not. But it sounds like they got several of the Arsonists in that Insurrection.

Man, it's amazing that a Police station can get burnt down, but the Capitol building didn't get burned down.

The punishment isn't fitting the crime.

One guy was charged with crossing State lines to participate in the Riot in Minnesota. But nobody else is calling it a Riot except the FBI. Why wasn't everyone who participated in this thing, the FBI says was a Riot, arrested for their participation?

And the inability of the Authorities to stop Riots like this one have left people afraid that they would be attacked and burnt out if they didn't vote the way the Rioters wanted.

Which is blatant Voter Intimidation. And a Federal Offense during a Federal Election. Which is what 2020 was. Every single one of those people involved in that Riot, and others, should be in Jail.

Just something to think about in the upcoming Elections.

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