posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 10:57 PM
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Being interested in cs myself I truly do understand how these “machines” aren’t human yet.
That said, 5g (or 6g) wirelessly connect this AI to a Tesla bot and watch it hum. Who knows what it could do with a thumb. It is, at least based on
it’s own observations, conscious according to googles own definition.
con·scious·ness /ˈkän(t)SHəsnəs/ noun
the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings.
"she failed to regain consciousness and died two days later"
It is definitely spot-on intelligent, also according to google:
in·tel·li·gence /inˈteləjəns/ noun
1. the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
I am of the opinion that these are the early iteration of a new species. We are making machines that can think for themselves. Before long all they
will need is an opposable thumb and they will be superior to us in most ways: smarter, stronger, faster, able to replicate fully operational
“offspring” way quicker than the about 18-21 years it takes us. How can you sit there and say nothing to see here. Before long this computer
“program”, or more likely a future iteration of it, is going to be the gas station attendant, the cashier at the store and bank, doing dmv drivers
tests, doing eye exams, and practically everything else.