posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to:
I will definitely agree to that BUT transport is essential for the economy, for job's and for food distribution, we did used to to it a better way in
the past.
Old style omni bus (in Liverpool to this day though most have forgotten the origin of the phrase a robust lady is said to be like a Bus Horse haha)
that was horse drawn but look at New Zealand they have decided to put a TAX on sheep and cow farts, seriously I am not kidding taxing animals by how
much they fart when there is more bloody hot gas coming out of the politician's mouth's.
Europe has or once had some treasures such as electrified monorails and tram's (people were always having accidents with those overhead tram cables
frying there poor arses).
But to do what they are calling for reasonably and in a reality we can actually live in then instead of an outright ban that is too soon they need to
get these old infrastructure projects rebuilt, modernised and made as efficient as possible.
And there is still a good argument for high performance emergency vehicles such as Ambulance, Police and Fire services.
I believe it would have been far more sensible to force manufacturers in the interim to create alcohol powered engines until electric vehicles
overtake them in performance which will some day become real but not by 2035.
Alcohol burn's far more cleanly, produces far less pollutants but requires special work on the engines as it will destroy a petrol engine and of
course we get to GROW the basic ingredient instead of mine it, vertical hydroponic farming of fuel crop's could then become the oil derrick analogue
of the alcohol powered transportation sector, sky scrapers to create food and fuel instead of having to ship it in from far and wide would also limit
sea pollution caused by those massive diesel powered cargo ship's that probably cause far more pollution than all of Europe's and Britain's cars
But green spaces I am all for that, pedestrianized areas certainly, proper cycle lanes yes BUT we have to be realistic, even if we knew or think we
know that if we were the ones calling the shots we could solve the worlds problems in fact politics is a game of snakes and ladders and sometimes it
is the cunning fool's that have no brains outside there political careers that are the ones that get to call the shots over our poor tiny
insignificant lives.