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The Price of Things

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posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:26 AM
We are really in the thick of it. Most prices are way up.

This week we paid $75 for premium to fill up our tank
This week a meal at Five guys was almost $20 (husbands lunch)
This week a smaller grocery cart filled was $200.
I saw a bottle of ice tea was $3 (didn’t buy it)
Almost all things gardening related are up, fertilizer, seed, weed control etc.
Bought a mosquito zapper fan thing from Amazon it was $50, it broke and returned it and got another one. I saw they raised the price by $40! Although these seasonal items do go up in price this year seems to be worse overall.

The price for a movie ticket was down $4.50 for an early show, food there was also down (btw Top Gun was good)
The price for my trash pickup is down, I told them I was switching and they dramatically lowered my price.

edit on 9-6-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Here I know most people dont know about the dollar exchange but the Euro is at 140 per dollar and the yen is at 135 per dollars
This means that imports from these countries countries cost a sh... more. Cheese for pizza from Europe and America went up here a lot. Pizza joints are charging 35 bucks for a large pizza.

Depression is at OUR DOOR STEPS

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Cheese for pizza from Europe and America went up here a lot.

The American palate is messed up, most people don’t realize it’s not all real cheese on their pizza anymore. It’s some kind of flour/cheese mix and it’s terrible.

My husband is from Chicago but the very weird thing is that he hates pizza, like it’s seriously his most hated food. We only have it a few times a year.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

the low fat mazz is all fake
mostly vege oil
if you keep the pizza over night and try to eat it, you'll know what i mean
Costco sells here in this country, suchs, no flavor of buttery test.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
a reply to: JAGStorm
Depression is at OUR DOOR STEPS


I'd say rather it's come into the living room, taken it's shoes off, sat down in Papa's easy chair and is just waiting for supper to be served and a bedroom to be assigned.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: musicismagic

Cheese for pizza from Europe and America went up here a lot.

The American palate is messed up, most people don’t realize it’s not all real cheese on their pizza anymore. It’s some kind of flour/cheese mix and it’s terrible.

I believe what you're talking about is an anti-caking agent. You can find shredded cheese without it, but the powder definitely has an effect on melting. It may even be just a dusting of corn starch. It gives the cheese a powdery mouth feel.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:28 AM
Listened to today's "boots on the ground" report on Southernprepper1 YT channel...a daily report of emails sent to him of anecdotal observations...I suggest you visit just to listen to the info and make up your own mind.
Today's report included a note from a couple vacationing at The Bellagio in Vegas...having a nice time but were surprised this morning at breakfast when they were told they had no eggs to offer that morning. Kinda hard to believe a swanky place like that out of eggs.
Just one of many independant occurrences that when you put them together start showing patterns.
Be aware and get ready.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

This week we paid $75 for premium to fill up our tank

Where the hell were you able to do that? Here in PA you're looking at over $100 to fill up with premium, unless you're putting premium in a Honda Civic or something else with a small gas tank

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: musicismagic

Cheese for pizza from Europe and America went up here a lot.

The American palate is messed up, most people don’t realize it’s not all real cheese on their pizza anymore. It’s some kind of flour/cheese mix and it’s terrible.

I believe what you're talking about is an anti-caking agent. You can find shredded cheese without it, but the powder definitely has an effect on melting. It may even be just a dusting of corn starch. It gives the cheese a powdery mouth feel.

Where I live (Mexico) the govt recently enacted strict rules on what can be called "cheese" in the commercial sector. it has to do mostly with milk content as opposed to those other ingredients. Much of what a little over a year ago was labled "cheese" now bears the label "imitation cheese " and the difference is notable.

Most of the cheese we purchase now is made locally by people we know.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:43 AM
It's the same in Europe, I see prices go up in the supermarkets, last week I payed 165 euro for a cart that was half full, same cart would be around 120 a year ago (fam of 4) so I'm forced to buy the cheaper brands from now on, as many are forced to do...
But also my publisher let me know that my royalties are going down because of higher printing costs... I have to choose: accept less royalties or raise the price of the books.
And yesterday I received the new price tickets in my store (we check prices every week, sometimes they go up, sometimes they go down, but never to much), this time some prices went up 25-30% ! It's the shipping and fabrication costs, they tell me... thing is, these prices won't come down when the crisis is over :/

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
We are really in the thick of it. Most prices are way up.

This week we paid $75 for premium to fill up our tank
This week a meal at Five guys was almost $20 (husbands lunch)
This week a smaller grocery cart filled was $200.
I saw a bottle of ice tea was $3 (didn’t buy it)
Almost all things gardening related are up, fertilizer, seed, weed control etc.
Bought a mosquito zapper fan thing from Amazon it was $50, it broke and returned it and got another one. I saw they raised the price by $40! Although these seasonal items do go up in price this year seems to be worse overall.

The price for a movie ticket was down $4.50 for an early show, food there was also down (btw Top Gun was good)
The price for my trash pickup is down, I told them I was switching and they dramatically lowered my price.

I'm seeing food prices up from 40% up to 200%. But don't worry folks, the current inflation rate is only 8.3%, LOL

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Also, most people don't realize the fruits and vegetables they buy at the store are 50% less nutritious than they were 75 years ago.

Vitamins and minerals are not present in soil because it gets used over and over and over...and never had those nutrients replenished on most farms.

People say, I eat my fruits and veggies and still get sick.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 11:36 AM
Got my main garden planted, thirty feet of potatoes, a few rutabaga, three cabbage, and some brussel sprouts. I also planted ten cucumber plants and a packet of pickling cucumber seeds. I have to till two other spots and get some planters seeded. I have like eleven tomato plants in planters already, and two planters with green onions in them.

In the other smaller gardens I will have green and yellow beans and peas in one and carrots and radishes in the little one. I am not big into farming, but the deer want me to plant them some tasty crops.

When I was out this morning putting in some cucumber plants, I planted them and went to get the aluminum borders for that section from a raised pile right behind the garden. As I was picking it up noisily, five feet from me I heard a ruckus. It was a baby fawn, top of back to ground was about twenty eight inches high. The old fence was on my side of where it was laying, it got up and tried to go through a downed pine tree, it had a hell of a time being all scared. I talked to it to try to settle it down and thought I might have to go untangle it from the old branches, but it did get out. It was probably less than two weeks old, just a little thing full of spots. It did get out and ran, the mother left it there because we feed her and she thought it would be safe....which it was. So the little fawn took off, hopefully it did not go far so mom can find it. Poor little thing, so scared. I checked the area for blood to see it it had punctured itself, but did not find any. Hopefully it did not poke it's eye.

So I am going to be on the mothers sheet list now for scaring her fawn I suppose, she will come in and clear cut my garden when it comes in to teach me not to scare her kid I suppose. Usually the ones that live near our house do not go eat in the garden, except the fawns, kids never listen to their mother these days.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: musicismagic

Cheese for pizza from Europe and America went up here a lot.

The American palate is messed up, most people don’t realize it’s not all real cheese on their pizza anymore. It’s some kind of flour/cheese mix and it’s terrible.

I believe what you're talking about is an anti-caking agent. You can find shredded cheese without it, but the powder definitely has an effect on melting. It may even be just a dusting of corn starch. It gives the cheese a powdery mouth feel.

Where I live (Mexico) the govt recently enacted strict rules on what can be called "cheese" in the commercial sector. it has to do mostly with milk content as opposed to those other ingredients. Much of what a little over a year ago was labled "cheese" now bears the label "imitation cheese " and the difference is notable.

Most of the cheese we purchase now is made locally by people we know.

I came across some nameless "thing" they didn't dignify with even bothering to describe on the packaging last week. I think they just called them deli slices and I guess they assumed the unhealthy orange would draw their victims like moths to the flame. Fat Americans will always find the cheeze they need to become fatter Americans. We'd be looking at full on coup without a constant stream of emulsified curds and hydrogenated oils. Every American is just 3 missed blobs of cheese from complete meltdown.

With good old American innovation and a lot of chemically processed milk solids, we'll win this fight. I bet Mexico doesn't even have shelf stable snack cheese that crumbles like chalk and makes you choke. USA! USA! USA!

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm
Well I've just put in a half tank of diesel in the UK and it's cost me the equivalent of $92.6, so that would cost me $185 to fill up a tank.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 12:08 PM
Was reading earlier this week that if you use the same formula to compute inflation as they did in Jimmy carters era we would be sitting at like 17.8% inflation.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 12:18 PM
My wife freaked over $110 for 20 gallons...

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
Was reading earlier this week that if you use the same formula to compute inflation as they did in Jimmy carters era we would be sitting at like 17.8% inflation.

One thing they do not do is look at the things we would typically need to buy and base it on that. They generalize it across everything and somethings have not really gone up, but things I would also not buy while other things have doubled or more that I do need to buy. When 80% of what you typically spend your money on is in the double cost bucket then even 17.7% is way too low.

edit on 9-6-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 01:12 PM
Yep, the lock-downs were totally worth it guys, imagine how many millions more could have died, even though those who died were mostly people in their 80's and 90's or people who had underlying conditions, but never mind that. We still saved an indeterminable number of lives, and all it cost us was the global economy. Now millions of families and children, especially those in already impoverished nations, can experience the joys of poverty and homelessness. We're well on our way to utopia guys, don't worry about it.
edit on 9/6/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 01:20 PM
They tell us that german potatoes are more expensive in Germany right now because of the Ukraine situation. While this years harvest time didn´t even come and we buy potatoes from last years harvest, before the Ukraine BS. Somehow suddenly everything we need is up to 50%, even things we grow and produce here in Germany. That´s BS, they just use the Ukraine BS as excuse to fill their pockets. There is nothing left that didn`t get way more expensive than it was three, four months ago. Except the street prices for "special herbs", the only price that stayed fair till today.

They lie to me to rob me. Try to sell me the same BS quality food for 50% more while quality is the same BS like before? They can fool others. Final result for me and them:

I spend even less money for food now. I don´t buy a lot of stuff anymore, eat way more greens, rice, fish, absolutely no BS supermarket meat anymore. If i want meat (one or two times a month because of that robbery BS) i go to the butcher on the other side of the streets, 10m away, and pay one or two euros more than in the discounters or supermarkets but get fresh quality meat. I grow my own lettuce, tomatoes, peppers and other green herbs (xD) indoors in hydroponic now.

My downstairs neighbour has a vegetables garden and gets a lot of seedlings i grew in hydropnics till they were big enough to go outsides. Bought some kilograms of Masterblend fertilizer so i have enough for a few years. And i wondered that the price of the fertilizer was the same as months ago. Thanks to LEDs i use 100 Watts for my indoor lights setup. The same amount of energy one simple light bulb used not long ago.

I live healthier now, eat way less BS i ate before because i simply was used to it. I see it like this: There are always two culprits in such a cheap robbery attempt. The robber and the one who let´s it happen to be robbed by the robber. I don´t like to be robbed so they even get less money from me now than i would have spent before all that BS when the prices were still normal. I make no losses but the robbers do.

If only enough people would be able to do what i do the robbers would have to overthink their robbing attempt and if it´s worth it to make losses instead of wins. But i know that many people have no other choice than to be robbed by these liars and robbers because of family or whatever reason. I simply eat less, especially BS food. But you can´t tell the kids that they have to do without pizza, cheeseburgers, chocolate, potatoe chips, ice cream and what else from time to time. That wouldn´t work and wouldn´t be fair because when i was a kid we could have all that we wanted.

edit on 9 6 2022 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

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