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Unmoved mover

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posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 05:40 PM
Was it the Greeks? Steven couldn't remember. Maybe the Romans he thought to himself. Had he not heard a similar term in Latin? The unmoved mover was what the Greeks called it. Much like the causus belli, just without the war, or was there a war as yet undefined like the one which In this moment of epiphany Steven now found himself?

Freude broke it down to simple biology did he not? Yes, genetics long undiscovered were held as proof. Was man's primary drive and highest calling nothing other then a need to cast out his seed and ensure his future lineage?

The continuation of the species?

Ha and fooie Steven thought to himself. Impossible and easily disproven, was it not?

Had a man, (having been rendered impotent) no desire to yet live on? Yes, and were there not millions of impotent men living as proof?

No, the unmoved mover behind man's every desire and deed could not be some simple genetic imperative, at least not the one taught in school.

For some it would seem an odd question and even stranger time for it to present itself, yet there it was in his mind at this moment. Most worying to Steven was the answer.

He grasped it at once, or did it grasp him? Was it the question which became obvious to him first or the answer, he asked himself. To him it seemed all at once and in one instant. Yet somehow this instant stretched into infinity.

For the past 3 years he had plied his trade. To some it would seem an odd choice, but for him it was a perfect fit. Sure it was illegal, but people loved his product and who was he to refuse them. After all wasn't it just a plant? Didn't it grow in ditches from sea to shining sea until the eradication programs of the 70's?

Steven enjoyed his job. Sure it had it's dangers, but didn't any job, he asked himself. He may be a Marijuana trafficker, but it didn't bother his concience any. The pay was good, and it afforded him the time to question. Question everything. Hadn't that been what his mother taught him?

That's just what he did, and seemingly without ceasing. His mind always seemed to be turning something over. He viewed his world through countless prizims unwilling to hold any question or thought as taboo.

Yet in this immortal instant he had all the time to roll it over in his mind. Both question and answer at once, a blessing and curse. Blues and twos flashing behind him. Him with a trunk full of weed. Yet here he was caressed by epiphany feeling both enraptured and reviled. At once he was both blessed and cursed. Blessed by the knowledge and yet cursed to commit to the very deed which such knowledge inspires.

Fear. Plain and simple fear. It gripped him in it's embrace. It was a familiar love grown old with a potency long deminished that was now springing back to life.

It was driving him as it drives every man whether they are aware or not. Poor fruede who missed the mark must be rolling in his grave for the simplicity of the answer.

Fear.... fear of death, scorne, loneliness, rejection. It was the unmoved mover, and he was in it's grip. Yes it drove him just as clearly as he drove this car.

Fear. The great motivator, the great teacher, long denied by its favorite pupils. We as men refuse enmass to see it, but Steven saw it. He didn't just see it, he embraced it. He envoked it, extorted it for all it's virtue and was drivin now to inspire it in others, if only to allow them their own moment of epiphany.

Steven flicked his blinker to the right, applied pressure to his brake peddle and felt the grip of his smith & Wesson caress the palm of his hand. He would bless and curse. The only reward for a good pupil, it was now his job to teach.

In Steven as in all men the unmoved mover moves on. Blessing it's pupils with a curse to teach their fellow man its lesson, that they too may live. That great motivator unconquered by man for he who would conquer it would surely cease to live.

edit on 5-6-2022 by Stevenmonet because: Grammar spelling.

edit on 5-6-2022 by Stevenmonet because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-6-2022 by Stevenmonet because: Submitted to conest hope I did it right

edit on Sun Jun 5 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 06:47 PM
This contest is for entries of 100 words or less.
Your story is too long and cannot count.

You can enter again, making sure it fits the word count limit.

edit on Sun Jun 5 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

Ah crapolla. I thought it was just a normal short story contest. Should have looked closer. Oh well no worries.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: Stevenmonet

It can remain, just not part of the contest.
I hope you decide to enter again.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: Stevenmonet
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

Ah crapolla. I thought it was just a normal short story contest. Should have looked closer. Oh well no worries.

Had you looked closer I'd not have had the benefit of enjoying your story though.

They won't win you anything, but you still get a S&F from me.

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