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Are we over-regulated? the most deadly project on the Internet wood fracking

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posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 09:00 AM
Every time I think we are overregulated,

Honestly, these people worry me more than these mass shooters. First, there are more of these people, and secondly, they are undeniably idiots, and their mistakes can and do hurt and kill other people completely unintentionally.

Along with the cinnamon challenge, fire challenge, and eating laundry detergent pods, we now have to hook ourselves up to a high voltage high current microwave transformer you pull out of an old microwave oven yourself. All so you can burn some patterns into wood, but to do it the wood needs to be wet. That's never a concern when working with electricity.

Seeing non-technical people playing with open transformers with car jump leads connecting them to wet salty wood outdoors or in a garage is scary, especially when they handle the low-voltage rated cables while the transformer is powered. Even worse when kids are involved.
It's made a lot worse by the number of people that have been discovered in burning garages because the transformer continued to pump out current after they were dead.

WARNING: Contains graphic images of electrical burn injury.WARNING: Contains graphic images of electrical burn injury.

WARNING: Contains graphic images of electrical burn injury.
edit on 3-6-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 09:06 AM
There are so many ways to get rid of the dim witted among us from the gene pool. Thank you Tik Tok for weeding out the imbeciles in this world. There is a purpose to the nonsense!

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 09:13 AM
Might wanna fix the subject while you still can, I thought maybe someone was posting while drunk...

Something like:

Are we over-regulated? The most deadly project on the Internet - wood fracking

Now let me go see what this is about...

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
Might wanna fix the subject while you still can, I thought maybe someone was posting while drunk...

Something like:

Are we over-regulated? The most deadly project on the Internet - wood fracking

Now let me go see what this is about...

LOL, I got distracted ...I was a bit flabbergasted and I never get flabbergasted.

I was researching more and found where the lady burnt 3 fingers off. I am always fascinated by burn injuries, Im got scars myself, and they are from an accident not of my own doing.
edit on 3-6-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 09:28 AM
Electrical burns are so nasty. A girl I knew as a child had burned her upper lip when she put an extension cord in her mouth for leverage to unplug another cord from it. They had to keep removing the scab until the underlying tissue quits dying and only healthy tissue remained. She'd been undergoing that treatment on a monthly basis for over a year when I met her.

I looked up wood fracking pictures and they're beautiful- but not something I'm interested in trying after seeing what could possibly go wrong!

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
Electrical burns are so nasty. A girl I knew as a child had burned her upper lip when she put an extension cord in her mouth for leverage to unplug another cord from it. They had to keep removing the scab until the underlying tissue quits dying and only healthy tissue remained. She'd been undergoing that treatment on a monthly basis for over a year when I met her.

I looked up wood fracking pictures and they're beautiful- but not something I'm interested in trying after seeing what could possibly go wrong!

Exactly seems like a lot of effort and little reward and you might kill yourself and burn down your house if you don't kill your family with you.

Don't get me wrong I'm a tinkerer myself. I pulled the laser out of my old CD player way back when. Even zapped me once or twice, but it was hooked up to a 9-volt battery.

The machine, which sat on the floor, was turned off when she picked up the cables, but when she went to take a step, she tripped on her pajama pants and accidentally turned it on. The electricity coursed through her hands, keeping her body upright and locked in a standing position. She was unable to let go of the cables or move away from the machine.

“Next thing I know, I wake up, and I’d been tossed over to my right side, and my head is inside a cabinet,” Calhoun said. “It threw me a foot, maybe two feet, but it did throw me. I had one cable in my hand, and one was off to the side.”

Her hands, she said, were a gory mess with a gash so deep the bone was visible on the back of her right thumb. The shock had left her temporarily deaf and hoarse, so when she screamed for help from her father-in-law just a few yards away in a camper, it didn’t come out much louder than a whisper.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Stupid people will do stupid things so I say let them , at least if they take themselves out they're not muddying up the Gene pool ... it's nature's version of survival of the fittest but for the 21st century.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 09:47 AM
Don't tell me I'm not allowed to have fun because other people are too dumb to not hurt themselves

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: putnam6

Stupid people will do stupid things so I say let them, at least if they take themselves out they're not muddying up the Gene pool ... it's nature's version of survival of the fittest but for the 21st century.

Well FWIW what's been happening since our evolution/creation, mind you Im not so much concerned by the idiots themselves but the dangers and situations they put their families and innocent people in.

Additionally, Im not calling for more regulation or even censorship of the DIY videos, but who knows this could stop somebody from killing themselves, or it could plant the wood fracking seed in another imbecile's mind.

edit on 3-6-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Let them play. Darwin will win.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 11:03 AM
After a few of the let'em die, Darwin's theory, and don't spoil my fun retorts, let me clarify my position.

I believe we may be as about well regulated as we need to be, I have no doubt those microwaves have warnings featured prominently on them saying "do no f--k with the transformer" yet we have people spending time taking an old microwave apart specifically to take out the transformer. LOL not because they need it for survival, they are doing it for art.

I don't think any type of warning will stop some people, we got inquisitive minds, it's how we evolved. It's how we are evolving now by posting videos on youtube saying don't do that chit dumbazz, you will turn yourself into a Tesla coil.

This may allow those heading in the wrong direction a chance to pause and reflect on their choices learn and evolve, while still allowing Tool time Tad to show everybody how it's done right half a dozen times, till his wife flips on the light switch while he is hooking it up one time.

edit on 3-6-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: putnam6

I am familiar with this. The end of the 80s of the 20th century in the USSR.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 11:52 AM
Transformers can be dangerous. The internet is identifying stupid people. Just because you can do something does not mean you should be doing it. If a person is super cautious and understands this kind of stuff, they would make sure everything was in a controlled properly to lower risk. Even though you get risk reduced, things can always happen if you do it enough times. The risk is never zero.

Got tossed across the room by grabbing a TV transformer with a loaded capacitor out of a tv back in around sixty eight. I don't know how long I was passed out. I lived, but it burnt a hole in a finger of each hand, going down, then turning then heading up the finger an inch or two. Good thing I was bent over because it jumped my muscles and my muscles threw me away somehow, I don't remember anything from between grabbing it and waking up against the wall twelve feet away. My fingers burned for a week, my shoulders and arms were sore for many days my back was sore for a couple of days but I can't say those things...except for the fingers with the burn holes and trails, were caused by the shock....the soreness could have been from muscles throwing me away from the TV and slamming into the wall. Did have a minor headache, but also had a bump on the head so can't say that was directly from the current.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Transformers can be dangerous. The internet is identifying stupid people. Just because you can do something does not mean you should be doing it. If a person is super cautious and understands this kind of stuff, they would make sure everything was in a controlled properly to lower risk. Even though you get risk reduced, things can always happen if you do it enough times. The risk is never zero.

Got tossed across the room by grabbing a TV transformer with a loaded capacitor out of a tv back in around sixty eight. I don't know how long I was passed out. I lived, but it burnt a hole in a finger of each hand, going down, then turning then heading up the finger an inch or two. Good thing I was bent over because it jumped my muscles and my muscles threw me away somehow, I don't remember anything from between grabbing it and waking up against the wall twelve feet away. My fingers burned for a week, my shoulders and arms were sore for many days my back was sore for a couple of days but I can't say those things...except for the fingers with the burn holes and trails, were caused by the shock....the soreness could have been from muscles throwing me away from the TV and slamming into the wall. Did have a minor headache, but also had a bump on the head so can't say that was directly from the current.

Hell, I'll never forget my dad who worked contracting for years, one time we just got home from the lake and we were putting things up in the basement and a shelf fell, well he grabbed the drill and was gonna drill a new anchor hole and put the shelf back up.

But with it being an old electric drill and him being wet, he got zapped pretty good. He knew better but got distracted.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 02:11 PM
my wife doesn't even react anymore when I'm fixing anything electrical in the home and perform the fake electrical shock routine.
I can still get my daughter tho

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 02:39 PM
Hey! Where's that one poster who was saying people in the past were smarter because all the dumb people offed themselves, and now everyone is dumb because they put warning stickers on everything?

Looks like it still happens despite the warning stickers.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 04:30 PM
High voltage capacitors in TVs or industrial toaster ovens are bad news too. Don't mess around with things you have no real idea about.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: americanbuffalo1
There are so many ways to get rid of the dim witted among us from the gene pool. Thank you Tik Tok for weeding out the imbeciles in this world. There is a purpose to the nonsense!

Hi...I recall moving here in '71. Across from the south firehouse stood an old farmhouse, which had been converted to
a house cum church for tax avoidance purposes, lived in by friends of a friend. Ukrainians I believe. Maybe German,
going strictly by the last name. The brothers looked like the depictions of kid's faces on 50's science sets but with bad hair.
This is steps from Gacy's place, not far from the Hooters, and very close to a gay cruising strip along the woods on Devon,
near the HS and gambling joints, towards O'Hare. The last thing one would think one would have to worry about is untamed current.

The kids who grew up in this place were different. They wore school uniforms for clothes and gave themselves haircuts.
Not sure what their story was but my good friend brought me over to
meet them. We go to the gravel floor basement and the first thing I see is the older brother holding two small pieces of
two by four each wrapped in foil, with a wire nailed down into each, merging into a standard electrical cord plug.
He says it's a lie detector and encouraged my friend to try it, handing him the blocks.
Well it wasn't long before we knew who was the liar.

I don't think he asked him anything, he just plugged it in.

It was probably just a few seconds but it became clear there was no
provision for an 'off' switch in the design....while the test subject was convulsing,
unable to release his grip on the blocks.

Instinctively I batted the cord from the wall.

Idk why my friend trusted the device. He is plenty intelligent and
it was pretty clear the bulk of the circuit was a conductor connected to a wire
leading to a plug which was going into the wall.

I knew a guy who sells guitars by fooling with this high voltage microwave stuff.

On his site one day, he shows a badly burned hand, among his other creations.

One day I learned a lesson about caps. My Mitsubishi wood grained set conked out right after Barbara Bush
said something about her dog. While investigating I decided to pry the rubber cap off the
tube. But it was unplugged! Won't forget that.


edit on 3-6-2022 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 11:16 PM
I'd much rather trace some designs and wood burn them. I have no desire to zap myself into the next life. I'm technically a millennial, born in 1982 and it seems my generation while stupid is nowhere near as dumb as zoomers. I don't think we will make it to 2050. We are a generation born to witness the end of the world, to quote Parkway Drive.

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