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Parents: Schools Think They Know Better then you Regarding Transgender Dysphoria

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posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:04 AM
So the powers that be are setting sneeky policies that in essence supersede a parents right to raise their children the way they see fit.

In Madison Wisconsin in 2018 this is there policy:

In April 2018, the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) adopted “Guidance and Policies to Support Transgender, Non-Binary & Gender-Expansive Students” (the “Guidance and Policies”). The Guidance and Policies specifically provide, in relevant part:

The District shall ensure that all personally identifiable and medical information relating to transgender, non-binary and gender expansive students shall be kept confidential in accordance with applicable state, local and federal privacy laws. School staff shall not disclose any information to that may reveal a student’s gender identity to others, including parents or guardians and other school staff, unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure.

Transgender, non-binary and gender-expansive students have the right to discuss and express their gender identity and expression openly and to decide when, with whom and how much to share with private information. If a student chooses to use a different name, to transition at school, or to disclose their gender identity to staff or other students, this does not authorize school staff to disclose a student’s personally identifiable or medical information.

Further to avoid breaking laws (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) the teachers are instructed to use documents that are to be kept in the teachers "private" folder. Teachers are facilitating allowing a Child be named by their trans pronoun and/or name while in school without communicating such to the parents!

Fortunately parents are standing up and The Wisconsin Supreme Court is hearing a case related to this policy.

No state government run institution should ever over rule or deny a parent to be the ultimate decision maker unless laws are being broken.

On top of all this schools are going after Pre Schoolers. Preschooler s Being Taught about sexuality and gender dysphoria

It is one thing to start educating kids about their odd feeling about their gender/Sexual orientation that are beginning to have those feelings but to start the indoctrination on preschoolers and young elementary school children is evil.
edit on 29-5-2022 by sirlancelot because: added link

edit on 29-5-2022 by sirlancelot because: added link

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: sirlancelot

This is what passes for teachers in these schools:

Teacher records conversation she had with 4-year-old students about gender and pronouns

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:15 AM
Ronald Reagan help paved the path to this madness. He helped liberalized no-fault divorce because he was a divorce back when it was considered to be a big deal, and he has political aspirations.

What happens is that a lot of wives hate their Husband so they push to make their child a transgender, if the husband utterly opposes such nonsense the wife leave with the kids and the husband will owe alimony,child support, required to pay such procedures out of his own pocket while not being able to see his own children.

Some areas have moved to zoom calls so you don't even have the option of seeing your own children. When the hostile wife & the children are separated from the husband the wife turns the children against the husband while continuing to mutilate the children with brain washing & medical procedures.
edit on 29-5-2022 by blakdart because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:19 AM
So let me see if I have this straight. The "student" has the right to privacy for what could be a mental health issue even from their parents. Yet if that student does something wrong possibly because of that mental health issue, the parents can be held accountable, even though the school kept the issue from them.

Yes. This is a mental health issue, plain and simple. Personally I believe that schools should not have any role in this. I don't see what gives them the authority to have a role in this.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:26 AM
I think it is more then that. The further people are pushed away from god or their spirituality the more likely the devil is to plant the seed. Governments, Hollywood, Corporations, and are working in unison to perpetuate this. The bible says there is man and woman only. Promoting this in between is a means to push people away from god. Does anyone know a gay or trans person that is a Christian? Surely there must be a few but I'd venture to guess a vast majority are not. Personally if a young adult wants to be trans or gay then fine. Indoctrinating impressionable kids to move towards the "inbetween" is a mechanism for moving people away from god and towards the devil. Not to mention promoting kids believe more in the institutions and less on a parents right to raise their kids the way they see fit. a reply to: blakdart

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: sirlancelot

And this is why conservative parents need to take a more active position when it comes to school board and PTA elections.

The very idea that a school can keep this secret from a parent, or that they can go against a parent's choices is frankly horrifying.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:36 AM
This is a matter of mental illness and, as such, a matter for the parents to address.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: sirlancelot

And this is why conservative parents need to take a more active position when it comes to school board and PTA elections.

The very idea that a school can keep this secret from a parent, or that they can go against a parent's choices is frankly horrifying.

and it will take those on the other side of the aisle to reign in the supremely stupid that exists, so they don't go around with the misguided idea they have your approval.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 09:43 AM
They're not our kids. We have them; the government raises them. Any questions?

And people wonder why they go haywire and shoot the place up.

But look at it from the teacher's perspective - It's much easier to teach this than it is to make sure they master reading, writing, and arithmetic. Those are hard skills with objective measures of success and failure.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 10:19 AM
So let me get this straight. The same people who are calling teachers "groomers" and don't think they have the ability to pick the books that their students can read, are the same people now saying they want those same teachers to have guns in the classroom.

Am I getting that right?

LOL! Can't make this stuff up!

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Why are the Teacher's Unions and their toadies the School Boards so insistent on getting involved whit something that they have no business being involved in?

Who was insistent on placing books in a Junior High School Library that have content that the School Board won't allow to be read out loud at a meeting because it is considered profane?

Then of course there's this.
edit on 29-5-2022 by JIMC5499 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Am I getting that right?

As per usual, no
Not everyone spends 24/7 political baiting on ATS.
Not cool.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 11:47 AM
What the Hell do Guns have to do with this Stupid Situation.
Now i can see why Lefties are after Guns all the time.
Just Plain Ignorant of any Situationa.
What a Stupid Comment

reply to: MiddleInsite

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 12:24 PM
The problem is young children have fickle minds, and they can be easily influenced by the educational system, this is a double edge sword.
Somebody once told me 1% freaks are calling all the shots now because everybody is so terrified of getting sued, so they all just succumb to the madness. Now everybody has to put up with endorsed and supported mental illnesses thrust upon our innocent children.

We need the richer people and lawyers that see this horrible threat to our society; that are still sane, to counter sue all these idiotic choices, so that people are equally scared and terrified of being sued by the normal people, if not we will continue descending into this madness further destroying civilization.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

The kind of teacher who does this wouldn't volunteer to carry in the classroom to protect the kids anyhow.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: sirlancelot

And this is why conservative parents need to take a more active position when it comes to school board and PTA elections.

The very idea that a school can keep this secret from a parent, or that they can go against a parent's choices is frankly horrifying.

This, 100%

The problem is those that are the most militant and who want to change things to suit their agenda are those most likely to see these positions.

It took my school administration becoming, repeatedly, a national story before people woke up to what they've already done and what they want to do, and they're entrenched at all levels - it may be years, if ever, that their influence can be removed. (It began with them banning Seuss - and got much worse from there)

We all counted on their good intentions - except what their idea of good intentions are very different from ours.

If you're a parent, be very involved, in the school, and in who's on the school board, or some day, your kid will come home bullied because he identifies as a heterosexual male who doesn't think he personally oppressed people of color.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 02:15 PM
There are some truly wacko teachers and professors out there now. Mentally disturbed and confused doesn't even begin to describe what some of these people/infiltrators are. Yet, they have positions.

They try to make sane common sense parents think this is normal and that the parents are the ones that are backward and just not "with it".

It is disgusting that they are insisting we participate in their mental illness in the name of inclusivity.

Enough is enough.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 03:27 PM
US school system has been taken over by pedophiles and deviants, on an agenda, more dangerous that parent can even imagine, promoting the mutilations of body parts especially reproductive organs in grade schools, is despicable horrendous and all these sick promoters should be taken to jail for child endangerment.

But the parents are the ones that have the biggest role, these deviants and sickos already try to take away the rights of parents to their children education, parents needs to boycott this despicable dangerous act on children.

Parents needs to make the decisions to get their children far and away from this sick environment.

This entities paying for pushing acts of mutilation of children will create the next generation of more mentally unstable and unsatisfied adults.

A girl will never grow a penis and a boy will never grow a vagina, is all a lie and is despicable.

posted on May, 29 2022 @ 05:45 PM
I am thinking about that part in Braveheart where Edward the Longshanks was discussing the right of prima nocte. "If we can't get them out, we'll breed them out!" This is the inverse. "If we can't get them out, we'll geld them out!"

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
So let me get this straight. The same people who are calling teachers "groomers" and don't think they have the ability to pick the books that their students can read, are the same people now saying they want those same teachers to have guns in the classroom.

Am I getting that right?

LOL! Can't make this stuff up!

I sure dont i even posted that on this forum as did many others. But people are talking and looking for solutions and banning guns will never keep them away from people who want to use them for criminal activity and if they cant find those they will use knifes (the UK) or cars or trucks.

So far having proper security on location with the authority to shoot people like this seems so far the best solution to me.

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