In the Book of Revelation it talks about the beast and his image.
Revelation 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in
his forehead, or in his hand,
The beast is a former Roman Emperor that ascends from the bottomless pit in Revelation 17. I talk more about this here:
What does the 8th king but of the 7 mean in the Bible?
So the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit has an image. What's the image of the beast?
The Papacy is an extension of the Roman Empire. Revelation clearly illustrates this. Revelation 12:
3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his
This is the Roman Empire as it moved to Emperors. It's not a coincidence that Jesus was born when the first emperor ruled Rome.
Caesar Augustus, the first emperor in the ancient Roman Empire, was ruling when Jesus Christ was born.
This is the beast(Rome) that 's supported by the dragon(satan).
Notice the beast supported by the dragon in Revelation 12 has seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his heads. This is very important
because when we look at the last incarnation of this beast before the return of Christ, it has changed. Revelation 13 says:
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and
upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
It's the same but different.
In Revelation 12, the seven heads had crowns. In Revelation 13 the 10 horns have crowns and there's seven heads of blasphemy.
Let me say that again:
In Revelation 12, the seven heads had crowns. In Revelation 13 the 10 horns have crowns and there's seven heads of blasphemy.
The seven heads with crowns are Roman Emperors and the 10 horns without crowns are territories ruled by Rome.
The seven heads without crowns are Popes. Blasphemy has to do with doctrine and teachings of Christ. It's saying that blasphemy is coming from the 7
heads without crowns. The ten horns with crowns represent the territories ruled by Rome who now lead themselves like England.
So Revelations tells you that the Roman Empire will go from 7 heads with crowns(Roman Emperors) to 7 heads of blasphemy(Papacy). The Pope is the
Pontifex Maximus and so was Caesar. It's the head of government and head of religion.
Julius Caesar was elected pontifex maximus in 63 BCE and kept the office until his death.
Today, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, is still called the Pontifex Maximus. It's a political or governing office that has been
in existence and in perpetual use for nearly 3,000 years.
For 3,000 years. From Roman Emperors to Popes. From 7 heads with crowns to 7 heads of blasphemy.
Pope Francis is the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the state. The same as Roman Emperors.
Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; Spanish: Francisco; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 17 December 1936) is the head of the Catholic
Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State since 2013.
This shows you that the Vatican will play a big role in this end time beast system which is the same system that was behind the Roman Empire and
supported by the dragon(satan).
Revelation starts off talking about the beast as a system then it switches to focus on one of it's heads of blasphemy.
Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the
Roman Emperors were deified. The Pope is called the Vicar for Christ. This head of blasphemy in this final beast system will want to be worshipped as
This final beast will be the 8th king and get a deadly wound. His body will be taken over by the spirit of a former Roman Emperor that ascends from
the bottomless pit in Revelation 17.
This could be Pope Francis or a future Pope. There's also another possibility.
The Bible says, as in the days of Noah so shall the coming of the Son of Man be. I believe this means there will be genetic engineering and genetic
manipulation that will go against our very nature and corrupt are genetics.
We already see this with CRISPR. We are in the time of genetic engineering and it will get much worse. I believe the fallens ones and the beast that
ascends from the bottomless pit will introduce their polluted and blasphemous genetics in these end times.
This is why the Bible says Noah was perfect in his generations.
Genesis 6:9 “These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.”
Noah was still born under Adam's sin but his genetics and therefore his bloodline wasn't polluted by the blasphemous genetics of the fallen ones
that go against nature and blasphemes God.
When this genetic pollution happens again, there will not be a 3rd Adam. We will be transformed into a spiritual body through faith in Jesus Christ.
This is why Jesus is called the second Adam.
I was watching a video on the third secret of Fatima and they were saying it predicted that a Pope would be shot and they think this occurred with
Pope John Paul ii when he was shot in 1981. CONT'D