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The dumb population and the consequences

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posted on May, 30 2022 @ 02:10 AM
Honestly, I learned most of what I know after I graduated high school. I had to teach myself many things, because in high school I did not want to be there. It was all memorization. Teachers don't teach how to understand things. They teach how to memorize the right answers and do what your told so they can grade hundreds of tests they reuse every year over the course of a night while getting drunk.

The sad thing is that I taught myself way more in way less time than in all 13 years of my public education.

I've met way more intelligent people who barely graduated high school or didn't at bars versus people who have college degrees at conventions and are just human worker ants who still never learned to think for themselves, and were only further reinforced to know what the right answers are and have other people think for them and do what they are told.

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: anonentity

What? Even I could answer most of the question ffs and I never put a foot into the US.

To be fair these kinds of videos only spotlight the ignorant people. They don't include the people who can answer it for a reason.

A buddy of mine went to the local university and did the same thing. There's a reason why there's only the same few people being asked those questions. They were probably the only people in the short amount of time the guy walked around who were that ignorant.

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 02:25 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: watchitburn

Then accordingly, most of the important jobs done in the country are by people who actually haven't got a clue. It now seems obvious to the observer. Political Correctness is a ploy to cover this fact.

Bingo! Most of the people in those positions don't think critically. They just continue doing the job where the persom before them left off. They don't ask why things are done the way they are. When asked why they'll either say because that's the way it's always been done, because it's the right way, or be at a loss.

I've been in those positions before and asking those kinds of questions or trying to find ways to make things better will either get you fired or railroaded because of risk aversion or considered to be a waste of money.

Hell, in my current career trying to get things upgraded so that there is less down time and everything runs more efficiently is frowned upon.

They would rather be down for hours and lose way more money than spend a bit to get equipment that isn't decades old and actually works consistently.

They'd rather have things running only held together by zip ties and electrical tape than actually plan for downtime to properly fix things.

They also refuse to train people and would rather people just learn on the job from other people who have only been there a week longer and also weren't properly trained.

They'd rather threaten to fire people, overwork people, and then get mad when people get burnt out and quit, and never take the time to think about why people don't want to work there or stick around.

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 02:25 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: anonentity

Everyone of there dumb-asses knew that Joe Biden was President .

That should tell you who voted for Joe Biden.

Except for "that black lady." lmao

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 04:07 AM

originally posted by: andr3w68
a reply to: ArMaP

Indoctrinate means to teach, or instruct in. If you are not going to teach the kids anything, why send them to school?

I was thinking of "indoctrinate" as having these kind of meaning:
"To imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion, point of view, or principle"
"To often repeat an idea or belief to someone until they accept it without criticism or question"

I never thought "indoctrinate" to mean "teach", maybe it's different in English...

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 02:38 PM
Well chief .. I can tell you this much , Gen Z is stupid , but their baby boomer grandparents are making big bank of social media stocks . Want to guess what generation holds the most seats on publicly traded social media corporations ? Its Boomers & they complain about brainwashed kids as they count their stock options. Gen Z are victims.
ps Im a boomer & my generation was & is the worst

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 02:44 PM
Like how sane it was in 1958 when not one Native American had a civil right or better yet how about going back to pre 1964 when Blacks had no rights ?
Yeah I agree that TikTok is goofy , but compared to 70 years ago ?
Try critical thinking as a new egregore and quit looking for support here on ATS from disenfranchised White men who feel threatened by a changing world a reply to: nugget1

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 05:01 PM
The movie 'Idiocracy' ended being a documentary, not a comedy.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:32 PM
They can easily answer the following though:

What is racism or discrimination? Being Christian, white, or male.

Why do black people experience a higher level of poverty and incarceration? Because white people.

Who is thee most popular person in history, whether celebrity, politician, musician, or any other public figure according to the numbers which left Jesus Christ a far second? Joseph Biden.

What is a woman? (Answer left blank=correct)

Why do bad things happen to good people? Donald Trump.

Name a well respected career person: influencer.

Name a job which is hard, honest, honorable work: influencer.

Who is our Lord and Savior? Joseph Biden.

I could go on and on but you see, they’re just a different kind of intelligent.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: anonentity

The dumbing down of America is working better than I ever thought it would.

My niece was in elementary school when she came home with some class information for the new school year. She was enrolled in classes called, "Math Concepts" and "Creative Spelling".

In math concepts if the problem is 2+2, any answer that is equal to or greater than 4 is considered correct because the student understands "the concept" that when you add numbers together, they get bigger.

In creative spelling the student is asked to write a book report. This report can be any random string of characters the student chooses, as long as the student can present an oral report of the assignment.

My brother asked the school when the children were supposed to actually learn how to do math and how to spell. The school said, "They will get it eventually on their own..."

My niece was immediately enrolled in private school. She is now a NICU nurse, well respected in her field, and making a ton of money doing something she loves.

Screw the liberal agenda.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: DaturaStramonium
Like how sane it was in 1958 when not one Native American had a civil right or better yet how about going back to pre 1964 when Blacks had no rights ?
Yeah I agree that TikTok is goofy , but compared to 70 years ago ?
Try critical thinking as a new egregore and quit looking for support here on ATS from disenfranchised White men who feel threatened by a changing world a reply to: nugget1

WTH? Your attitude smacks of the racism that permeates society today and was totally uncalled for. You even felt the need to bring gender into your rant!

'Civility Matters' is an ATS policy that is supposed to apply to us all. Since you're new here I'll give you the benefit of the doubt an guess you didn't read the rules.

None of us will ever be able to move forward if parts of society are going to continually dwell on the long-gone past and let their hate-filled feelings fester and grow.

Everybody says they want a better world, yet they use hate and violence to change things. Hint: It's not working.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 12:43 AM
My attitude smacks of racism ? Ok gaslight champion , and the 60s are ages ago ? When people make comments about the good old days , it was only good for a certain type of people. Im against BLM , CRT , Antifa just as much as I am against the Proud Boys , Qtards and the Evangelical nuts of this country. This whole site is littered with right wing people , so how is that helping ? Im in the middle & refuse to play the pendulum game with you . Everyone is being played in this country & the Blacks get played even more .
We don’t need a new Constitution, because We have yet to live up to “ All Men Created Equal “ as the rat fink Jefferson wrote those words his own illegitimate Black children were sold into slavery so he could save face . Myopic views are easy when they jive with your own .
This idiot Biden is blazing a trail for that other idiot Trump to go back to the White House . The problem with ideas is that everyone has their own , while reality is far different. Don’t ever accuse Me of Racism again Jack .

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 01:20 AM

originally posted by: DaturaStramonium
My attitude smacks of racism ? Ok gaslight champion , and the 60s are ages ago ? When people make comments about the good old days , it was only good for a certain type of people. Im against BLM , CRT , Antifa just as much as I am against the Proud Boys , Qtards and the Evangelical nuts of this country. This whole site is littered with right wing people , so how is that helping ? Im in the middle & refuse to play the pendulum game with you . Everyone is being played in this country & the Blacks get played even more .
We don’t need a new Constitution, because We have yet to live up to “ All Men Created Equal “ as the rat fink Jefferson wrote those words his own illegitimate Black children were sold into slavery so he could save face . Myopic views are easy when they jive with your own .
This idiot Biden is blazing a trail for that other idiot Trump to go back to the White House . The problem with ideas is that everyone has their own , while reality is far different. Don’t ever accuse Me of Racism again Jack .

First off, it's Nugget- not jack. Secondly, you're oozing with anger; I'm sure you have your reasons, but I'm not a qualified mental health specialist so I can't help you.
There are a lot of conservatives on this site. I'm hoping you aren't here just to pick fights with people; a polite exchange of ideas is far more effective.

You're stuck on black slaves; how long were you a slave? Did you know there have been more white slaves throughout history than black ones? Did you know black people in America owned slaves?

"the Blacks get played even more" is a cop out. All that's need is a defeatist attitude and someone else to blame it on. If life isn't everything a person wants it to be, that's on them- not right-wingers, left-wingers,

Hate poisons the vessel that carries it. Going all Karen on people isn't good for ones' health.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
Did you know there have been more white slaves throughout history than black ones?

Do you have a source for that?

Thanks in advance.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: ArMaP

originally posted by: nugget1
Did you know there have been more white slaves throughout history than black ones?

Do you have a source for that?

Thanks in advance.

Thank you for the question! I've read many books throughout my life on the history of slavery going back to ancient times, and it seems to me slavery isn't -or shouldn't be- about just one race.

Michael Hoffman and Robert Davis both have interesting books on the subject.

Here's a Wiki look for a quick peak:

edit on 400000088America/Chicago301 by nugget1 because: fix link

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: nugget1

I know slavery comes from a long way back and has been applied to people of all origins and races, by people of all origins and races, what I was expecting was a source for your "there have been more white slaves throughout history than black one" sentence, because slavery reached its peak between the 17th and 19th centuries, when most of the slaves where black and slavery was a big business.

posted on Jun, 3 2022 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: ArMaP
You could have searched yourself, with the same energy you used to argue the point:

posted on Jun, 4 2022 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: Elvicious1

An estimated 1.25 million slaves from Europe is not more than 12 millions from Africa.

posted on Jun, 4 2022 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: ArMaP

I didn't say it was. My point being how easy it is to do your own research and post a link, however, I believe this link proves my point again:

You'll have to write the address in your browser.

Enjoy your day.
edit on 642022 by Elvicious1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 642022 by Elvicious1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 642022 by Elvicious1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: Elvicious1
I didn't say it was. My point being how easy it is to do your own research and post a link,

I'm not interested in doing my own research on that topic. You made a statement, I asked if you had a source for that, to know if you had that information from some real source or if it was only an opinion.

however, I believe this link proves my point again:

It doesn't, as it doesn't provide a source either and talks about "percentages" without explaining what they are talking about. As it is, it's just an opinion.

You'll have to write the address in your browser.

Why didn't you use the "insert a link to a page or site" button when writing your post? If you provide a "name" it will create a working link (except in rare cases in which the URLs have unusual characters in it).


Enjoy your day.

Thanks. The same to you.

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