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Probe: School Librarian Allegedly Says Students Are ‘Sex Workers’ To Justify Pro-Prostitution

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posted on May, 28 2022 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

You don't need to validate or proof anything to me or anyone here.

It's just, this is a discussion board, I am interested in a honest intellectual discussion. And you providing at least some sort of evidence is only helping your argument, not my side of the opinion.

Just saying. And no I am not saying that things have not gone worse, from the timeframe of perspective I have. However I don't believe it's because of the reasons you state.

And I asked for some supporting material that may sway my opinion, but here you are avoiding a real conversation and operating out of your gut. Show me statistics that support your claims and you can change my mind.

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: nugget1

What's good about a moral compass when todays society says that morality is whatever you want it to be?

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: DBCowboy

Just saying. And no I am not saying that things have not gone worse, from the timeframe of perspective I have. However I don't believe it's because of the reasons you state.

And I asked for some supporting material that may sway my opinion, but here you are avoiding a real conversation and operating out of your gut. Show me statistics that support your claims and you can change my mind.

Why don't you believe it's because of the reasons I state?

Are you going by your gut?

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Good post.

I smell hypocrisy when I hear that schools have no means to indoctrinate our children and how certain things are the parents jobs...while at the same time there are calls for just that.

How about we blame the parents and not the school system then, for some integrity in their own words? It's a bit easy to blame the school system all the time. Yes it's bad throughout, in my country too.

Even more so parents have to keep tabs on their children and still educate and teach them their values. But somehow it's the state / school system.

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy
I've not seen any evidence that would support this, simply. And it's not I asked you about it repeatedly.

You can't provide it, so why should I try proving a negative to you? Is that all that you got? I thought better of you.

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: DBCowboy
I've not seen any evidence that would support this, simply. And it's not I asked you about it repeatedly.

You can't provide it, so why should I try proving a negative to you? Is that all that you got? I thought better of you.

My apologies for not researching my opinion to your satisfaction.

I will work harder in the future.

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy
Apology accepted, no need to apologize though, but you know that yourself.

Basically you have nothing to support your opinion then, at least you own up to it finally, although in a childish way.

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy
DB, I have no desire to argue the merits of religion, or the lack thereof. I have done plenty of that here in the past. My stance is simple...

As a nation, we must reject this kind of behavior where ever it springs up and relentlessly pursue change in our schools and other places children are subjected to this kind of abuse, but it won't happen unless we act en masse. Parents can no longer afford to be complacent or complicit as they have been in the past.

There are a lot more of us than there are of them and we need to let them know it.

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: DBCowboy

There are a lot more of us than there are of them and we need to let them know it.

That might have been the case once.


I'm not too sure.

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: CriticalStinker

We've had 50 years since God got kicked out of the schools.

We are seeing the results.

Not even so much that as the attitude that came with it - God is bad and we don't need Him or anything that comes with Him.

For what its worth, I don't have kids.... So I probably don't get as much say in the matter.

But if I did... I wouldn't want them being taught with God being a driving force. Though, I don't mind at all that creationism and specifically Christianity gets dug into. I just wouldn't want it being taught as a matter of fact. I am not against religion which is why I always emphasize I'm agnostic, not atheist. I'm humble enough to say I'm not sure why all this is here. So I don't say religion is wrong, I just don't like the dogma of it spoken as fact.

Inversely, I wouldn't want all that woke s### shoved down their throats either.

I wouldn't need to depend on a school to teach my kids ideology. They should be focusing on the subjects rather than projecting their beliefs anyways.

But if the left says schools should be secular (which I agree with), that should mean secular from their ideology as well. Though, with headlines like in OP. You could take a guess on which districts it's in. NOVA (in this case), Cali, or select big cities. Most places in America have pretty moderate schools as a reflection of their locality. Most of us are pretty moderate.

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: DBCowboy

There are a lot more of us than there are of them and we need to let them know it.

That might have been the case once.


I'm not too sure.

I promise you, we do outnumber them.

They have placed themselves in strategic positions throughout our country to make it appear as if they are bigger than they are, like a puff adder. The truth is, they are far outnumbered and they know it, which is why they use every tool in their boxes to keep the fear going and induce hopelessness.

If the people of this country ever stand up against them, they will wither away and die. Even the biblical God admonishes his people to choose good and abhor evil. Choice denotes action.

Don't give up hope. Make your choice and don't budge.
edit on 5/28/2022 by Klassified because: eta

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

There hasn't been a mass shooting at a private school to my knowledge. My guess would be more because of class rather than ideology.

But I think it's a fools errand to go down this road around school shootings. I'd venture to guess if I went down the rabbit whole I could find one of those shooters who claim to be Christian. Notice the emphasis on claim, which I used the same verbiage in my previous post on people who claim to follow God when they do horrific things.

But even if we said killers are unique to secular schools, that still leads the glaring truth of the catholic church proving a God following institution is capable of multiple offenders of societal agreed morals. That of course doesn't mean that all of religion is wrong... More of a reflection that humans are flawed.

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 03:12 PM
It's poverty.

Mental, spiritual and material poverty.

These kids are just trying to survive.

No one bats an eye at Onlyfans or the weath of porn out there, or Social Escorts because they're usually adults.

But children these days have access to cell phones and gofundme and vemo and aren't above taking a few dirty pictures in exchange for some financial benefit.

The child porn market is unbelievably massive, we just don't hear about it.

edit on 5/28/22 by GENERAL EYES because: dyslexia correction

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Look, I don't pretend to know all the answers, I'm only suggesting a solution that deals with the problem and not a symptom.

We can ban guns, close schools like prisons to keep them safe, but that doesn't approach the core problem and that is children and young adults who do not know the value and respect for life.

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I agree with you, it's extremely clear we have a deep rooted societal problem, and it certainly impacts morality.

There's been a feeling in the air of tension for some time. And until we clear that I don't see how we can move forward.

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: nugget1

What's good about a moral compass when todays society says that morality is whatever you want it to be?

I was referring to the one before the 60's when I noticed a direct effort to fundamentally change society. We were given 'new think' with Dr. Spock's highly praised book on how to stop 'harming' our children with discipline and the free-love hippie culture fueled by drugs.
They threw all moral constraints away, and then became future leaders. To be honest, many realized as they matured that changing the rules wasn't necessarily making the world a better place. Lawmakers have been tweeking the rules to 'make a better world' ever since.

I was 16, and wondered what the long-term effects would be from all the drugs on future children, along with how the heck would they even know who the father was with so many multiple partners? I was already seeing the little monsters being raised by the Spock method was causing, and sensed BIG trouble for future generations. That was my conspiratorial birth.

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

The point to spirituality is that you are not the top of the food chain. There is something beyond you, something greater. It rather puts you in your place, and if that something has assigned rules of behavior, so much the better.

Even if you ultimately do not believe, when those rules of behavior (morals) are good ones bent on self-improvement, then they provide a cohering force around which you build a society. This is the basis for calling the US a Judeo-Christian society. It isn't so much that we're all Christians or Jews although nearly all of us were for a good long time, but that the community mores were cohered around those moral principles as a dominant force.

If that was a driving factor in keeping us from being narcissistic @sses who decide to murder a dozen other people when we decide to take ourselves out, then maybe it's not such a horrible thing.

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: infolurker

This Disturbed " Woo Mon " Needs to be Doxed Online IMO . Cowards Need to be Shown that there Can Be Consequences to Words Uttered in the Public FORUM that they Somehow FEEL They are Immune to .....

edit on 28-5-2022 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2022 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: Listen2GuthrieGovan


posted on May, 28 2022 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I was raised Christian, grandpa was church of christ preacher, dad went to preacher school, mom is Italian and catholic to protestant.

I see the beauty in it and my moral structure for the most part is very much in line with most of Judeo-Christian ideology. It's familiar to me, and that's why I never say I'm atheist or talk down about it.

But, I do humor the idea I don't have an afterlife. So I live in such a way this might be it. So I'm keen to principle, as it may very well be my only legacy and experience. But I'm fully aware some atheists or even agnostics may be nihilists which is incredibly dangerous.

I think at the end of the day dogma creates problems, and humility leeds to humanity.

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