a reply to:
That is a complex question, people fight for all manner of things, religion, political ideology, freedom, to help others.
But then there are the lunatic's, those that just want aggravation, those that enjoy fighting, those that want to harm others and those that just
feel powerful when they are holding a weapon and getting to use it, basically psychopath's and mentally ill people.
The first group will take prisoners, help to rebuild after they win.
The second group will rape, pillage, steal, murder and all the worst things in human nature.
Think back to the Spanish civil war, before our time I know but men went to fight in that war on all sides, for the Commies, for the Democrat's, for
the Fascists etc and men went to fight AGAINST all of those factions, the world was a little more sane at that time however so there were less of the
lunatic's like that tattooed freak show earlier in the thread.
We always grew up hating the Germans in my generation because TV always portrayed them as evil and they were evil because of the NAZI's but not every
German was evil by any mean's.
In fact on the eastern front the most common injury was frozen trigger finger, frostbite of the trigger finger.
This was explained as a psychologically aggravated injury because it turned out that even pervatin addicted German soldiers did not want to shoot
another man that looked just like them, they did so but at a deep level that guy looked just like there brothers except for his uniform and it was
postulated that his led to there brain somehow constricting blood flow into there trigger finger.
Psychological studies of population group's in the west found that in approximately every one thousand people there were THREE, just THREE that could
kill another human beings without remorse or difficulty and TWO of those were psychopath's while the third was a rare human being that was termed a
defender, he could kill another person but otherwise had no psychopathic tendency's and it was conjectured that this was probably a trait some humans
have as natural warriors to defend there tribe.
But in today's world kid's are dehumanized, TV shows sex, violence and criminality even making it glamorous and Computer Games are even worse
especially when you remember the young age that many kid's start killing other people in simulated reality's.
Then we have bad men in charge, poverty used as a weapon to control the masses.
Is it really any wonder the world is in the state it is in, instead of governments investing in there people they are championing the welfare of
corporations, instead of governments investing in there children to build stable future generations and a better future for there nations most
politicians are internationalists that only want to further the well being of there financial backers and NOT there people.
When you realize this you see the stupidity in which we are all trapped, it's like being on a ship with a lunatic in charge for many of us.
This war in Ukraine is just a symptom of a greater evil, just one sign of a corruption that has riddled our world.
We as well as they need to get back to basic's, care for our OWN kid's first, care for our OWN people first and build up our own nations FIRST then
when we are strong again we can truly help other's.
Corporate politics is a disease, so too is Oligarchy in Russia AND the Ukraine which is just there version of Corporate politics after all.
So should we get involved, if it benefits our nation perhaps but if it does not then?.
edit on 31-5-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)