posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 09:15 PM
Hmm...well rounded as in simplicity or as in most flexible?
Kung fu (easiest to learn).
Shaolin Kung Fu (12 years to learn just how to use the hammers).
In my opinion Shaolin Kung Fu is the most well rounded martial art.
It encompasses most other fighting styles (in fact being based off Kung Fu it is akin to the parent of almost all fighting styles).
It also encompases the art of power...something most fighting styles rarely teach.
4 types of power.
1) Tui Li (Pushing power): The art of pushing, takes no skill, and causes little if any harm.
2) Baofa Li (Explosive Power): Stronger, more like punching someone in the face.
3) Qun Li (Inch Power): Explosive power, but only starting an inch from your opponent without drawing back your hand. If you've ever seen Bruce
4) Tou Li (Penetrating power): Hardest to develope, your hand touching your opponent, you can cause your force to penetrate his body, the area your
hand was on will look unharmed, but his back-side will be severly bruised from internal bleeding. (There are several historical accounts of this, all
tied to Shaloin Monks).
Shaolin Kung Fu involves two forms of fighting.
1) Empty-handed fighting: Involving no weapons.
2) Open-handed fighting: Involving weapons. It is called "Open-handed fighting" because the monk trains to use the weapon as though he were
fighting with no though his hand were open.
Shaolin Monks for ages have toughened their bodies such that they could bend bronze swords against pressed directly against their bellies.
They harden their heads when they are young by acting as a battering ram, their compatriots aiding in the opening exersise by bashing them against
objects of verying strength until they can tollerate it.
So in my opinion, Shaolin Kung Fu not only encompases the art of Kung Fu (circular martial arts), but advances in many broad directions, which has
made it the most advanced martial arts the world has ever seen.
There is no doubt, that the Shoalin Monks were unbeatable by most any other opponent.