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was Neil armstrong warned off by Aliens?

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posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 02:20 PM
I must agree with reap... there have been documentairies on tv where i saw rumsfeld and others speak openly about it being fake... because (and this was their explaination) the film, foto's and audio recordings were damaged or lost...

And there is loads an loads of info on this subject on the internet.. from projectmembers being terminated to photos of the set and analisys of the shots of armstrong and aldrin in their space suits on the moon and the tape.

I can go on about this for hours... but i won't as it's too much for me to type...

I think they encountered something there that they weren't supposed to film.

Ah well... that's my 2 cents,



posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 03:56 PM
I too agree with reap, I have read countless articles and even a few books on how it was all faked. Usually the reasoning behind faking it is because when they were on the moon they found something they didnt want anyone to know about. We can all speculate on what they found, but I dont think there are too many possibilities. Either alien artifacts, or aliens themselves.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 01:22 AM
Wait a second....

I want you guys to name a single serious book or website that actually proves that the moon landings were fake.

As someone who has personally seen 4 command modules in museums, various moonrocks, spacesuits, and tools... I can tell you that there is A LOT of first-hand evidence that proves the landings really happened. Personally, I think that folks who believe the landings were fake don't realize how much info about them is out there. They also don't realize how much raw physical evidence there is that shows that we built several apollo-Saturn craft and sent them to the moon.

As for the original question, there were several moon landings after Armstrong's, so I don't see how he was 'warned off' as other men came after him and stayed up there longer....

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 03:10 AM
Never been sure about the manned moon landing - if USA did it why didn't the USSR as surely they would have wanted a look for themselves.

I'm afraid until I see for myself, the rubbish, we left on the moon I will find it difficult to believe.

Has the Hubble taken any pictures of the landing site where you can make out details?

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
Wait a second....

I want you guys to name a single serious book or website that actually proves that the moon landings were fake.

As someone who has personally seen 4 command modules in museums, various moonrocks, spacesuits, and tools... I can tell you that there is A LOT of first-hand evidence that proves the landings really happened. Personally, I think that folks who believe the landings were fake don't realize how much info about them is out there. They also don't realize how much raw physical evidence there is that shows that we built several apollo-Saturn craft and sent them to the moon.

As for the original question, there were several moon landings after Armstrong's, so I don't see how he was 'warned off' as other men came after him and stayed up there longer....

OIMD... i didn't say the landings were fake (or i surely didn't intend to because i know the're not fake). What i meant to say is that the video and audio footage of the armstrong/aldrin landing as it has been shown on tv was fake... and this has been admitted.

Books... I really don't know. I saw it on tv, read about it on numerous internet sites (google search and pick a site that you find "credible") and so on...

I do think that they landed... no i'm very very sure they did... but they faked the footage of the "famous" armstrong words... It's one small step for man,... one giant leap for mankind and everything multimedial (photos, audio, video) from that moon landing.

Anyway... it's hard for me to convince you... cuz i nolonger have any websites to refer you to...

My advice... search the internet on the subject... review the evidence and make up your own mind.



posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 02:49 PM

Actually it took no guts for Gordo to go into space alone, by then everything had been worked out.

Have to call foul if everything had been "worked out" by now...we wouldn't have just lost a Shuttle. There is ALWAYS a risk in launching someone into space. I agree with your other points though....


posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 08:57 PM
I didnt mean we have never been to space. I was simply saying the footage we saw of the first steps on the moon might be a fake. I am very convinced we have been to the moon, landers are on Mars, and numerous probes have gone to other planets.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 10:05 PM
Oh, piffle...I go away from a thread for just a few days and look what you guys do.

HELLO! The landing was real, the video feed was real, the audio was real, Armstrong's boot filled with his own p|ss was real...betcha didn't know that one did ya? The plumbing to Armstrong's pee-bag snap as he was climbing down the ladder and the first step he took on the lunar service landed him right square in the middle of his own p|ss.

I appreciate that I am on a conspiracy site. And I appreciate that there is merit to certain conspiracies. What I don't appreciate is when the need to create a conspiracy out weighs the ability to give merit to a large group of engineers, scientists and astronauts that pulled off a phenomenal feat.

You guys, these dudes did this. Give them their dues...and find something worthy of your skepticism. This is NOT it.

They were on the moon. They did not get "waved off".

And p.s. The Hubble can NOT focus on the moon's surface!

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 10:25 PM
One thing to always keep in mind is that the US is not stupid in any way.

Imagine this senerio, US lands on moon, Aliens tell humans to leave moon. US fakes moon landing, people are fooled, people think that US landed on the moon, Russians are pissed.

The sad thing is that this senerio is very real. The most likely senerio is that the moon landing might have occured earlier than televized.

But then again, who knows.

good research

posted on Jul, 25 2003 @ 01:06 AM
Harrison Schmitt...

Was a civilian, like Armstrong, but he had never, ever, been a part of the military-industrial complex. He was a geologist who trained the other astronaust on how to select rocks once on the moon. He also pushed for a bonafide scientist on one of the Apollo crews.. and was rewarded with a flight on Apollo 17.

Now, if you've ever seen an interview with this guy, it is apparent that he is no more harmful, or secretive, than Doctor Peabody.

There are hours upon hours of footage of him happily walking around the moon, collecting his rocks. Not only would he not lie, but he seemed pretty happy up there.


posted on Jul, 25 2003 @ 07:24 PM
I had the pleasure of attending an Astronomy Banquet at a college near Chicago about 2 years ago when "Jack" Schmitt spoke to about 300 people. He brought in slides, rocks, TONS of pictures he passed around, and many stories. I dont doubt that we were there, I just doubt WHEN we were there.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 07:17 PM
I dont know if anyone still looks at this thread, but wouldnt it make sense that if they did get warned off by aliens and had it on video that the would have to quickly come up with cover up video as the american public would want to see the moon landing?? wouldnt it make sense to fake a moon landing and tell everyone that nothing happened on the moon except for a few monumental moving words and then we left and their false video would be the proof to document their lie??

If anyone still visits this thread i'd love to hear your opinion

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 07:24 PM
OO an oldie..

I can't recall exactly as I was just a wee-un..but wasn't there a video of walking or buggying on the moon that showed something alien in the background..
I have faint memories of that.

As for the lack of any recent returns..they're saying they 'forgot' how to get there.

I'm pretty convinced they were warned off..either directly or they saw something so intimidating they didn't need a direct instruction not to come back.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 04:52 AM
I met Armstrong a few days back and he confirmed that he had indeed seen many alien ships on the moon. They were as big as ten jumbo jets put together and contained strange looking beings standing ten feet tall. They made strange noises resembling those made by hippos.

So we can be sure that there are aliens

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Zzub

There are video recordings and photos from within the launer module and outside on the moons surface! They are in a nasa vault!!!! I know this for sure,but cannot go any further with the subject! Neil saw foot prints on the moon that were not made by them!! THIS IS ALSO 100% TRUE! NASA say they have not got a telescope big enough to see the surface of the moon!
Well they would say that!!!! Other wise you would see the architecture that is plain to see,also the many tunnels that have been mined! photos of these do also exist! I have seen them! There MOTHERSHIP, The size of Australia,is hidden within the moons structure! This is also 100% true!

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:50 AM
maybe it's best to approach this obliquely by looking at what has NOT happened since we first "landed on the moon" -- 1. We have not returned -- why is this? back in the 1960s there was so much hype about going to the moon and then this suddenly evaporated. i remember being told at school that the missions were too expensive, there's just dust up there etc etc... but look at how far technology has advanced since and ask yourself why we havent been able to establish a base on the moon? surely it would be simpler and more cost-effective than building space stations in orbit? 2. why has neil armstrong -- a phd, a brilliant aviator, a man who was renowned for his calm and technical expertise under pressure been a virtual recluse since then? in his few public appearances he looks like a man struggling with something. he has also made several nuance-laden speeches that are open to wider interpretation such as that at an event organised by clinton to commemorate the moon landing. 3. nasa is subject to control by the nsa and most of the astronauts have been military men (apprently they have all been free masons too -- whose members are swonr to a certain amount of secrecy) despite the fact that tax-payers fund nasa, the military will still intervene to protect whatever it deems to be in the "national interest" just look at how they behave in wars with regard to the media and public transparency. therefore would it be surprising that tapes/pictures and scientific evidence have been interfered with? what about the 2 minute breakdown in comms shortly after armstrong and aldrin landed on the moon? 4. what is the history of the world? power and money. all the land on earth has been more or less grabbed and claimed. what is at the heart of liberal, capitalist society? property rights. this is not necessarily a negative but is it unreasonable to assume that the US has already started mining the moon for valuable resources? classical theory confers property rights on those who labour to produce something from the land they claim. maybe this will be tested by the chinese, russians and indians when they make it to the moon again. 5. there is still no decided scientific opinion on where the moon came from/how it was formed exactly. ie. there is still widespread ignorance about what is really out there. 6. and finally, i have deliberatly attempted to keep to the facts above so as not to jump to far-fetched conclusions about aliens and ufos BUT -- it is not only nasa and the US that have remianed quiet about the moon. the soviets also redirected their efforts, whihc suggests to me that both powers came to a similar decisions SO either a. they were warned off and have never been back, b. they uncovered somethng so disturbing and unsettling for the human race that it was dangerous to retun until this planet is psychologically ready to deal with it or c. they are colluding with each other to develop and exploit the moon for some unspecified commercial or military projects.....

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:42 PM
to the moon landing hoax proponents:

and to the person who mentioned rumsfeld:

Nonsense. Post a video link to 1 video where Rumsfeld says the landings were faked.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by NavalFC

Nonsense. Post a video link to 1 video where Rumsfeld says the landings were faked.

Dark Side of the Moon is a French mockumentary by director William Karel which originally aired on Arte in 2002 with the title Opération Lune. The basic premise for the film is the theory that the television footage from the Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked and actually recorded in a studio by the CIA with help from director Stanley Kubrick. It features some surprising guest appearances, most notably by Donald Rumsfeld, Dr. Henry Kissinger, Alexander Haig, Buzz Aldrin and Stanley Kubrick's widow, Christiane Kubrick.

Hmm, the Wikipedia link does not work for some reason, but you can try to search there for "Dark side of the moon mockumentary".

Here is another source about the hoax:

So Rumsfeld says it, even though it is a mockumentary...

(Edit to try to fix first link, didn't work though...)

[edit on 9/12/08 by ziggystar60]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:48 PM
sounds interesting, i hope you can find more information, and due a follow up post on the subject!

good luck!

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by ziggystar60

Rummy did not knowingly take part:

Beside the staged interviews with actors, the quotes from notable personalities such as Donald Rumsfeld or Henry Kissinger are quotes from serious-tone interviews, taken out of context, thus playing a practical prank on the unsuspecting personalities.


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