posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 06:59 AM
Boy, is this thread the 'poster child' for Will Rogers' quip:
"It ain't what you don't know what makes you look like a fool, it's what you do know what ain't so."
Yes, Cooper made a Gemini flight too, and claiming you read in an encyclopedia that he didn't is a testimonial to your own English comprehension
skills, not any skills of Cooper's.
Cooper never claimed to encounter any UFOs on either of his two space flights. Those are purely made-up stories aimed at an eager-believer target
Ed Mitchell openly talks about UFO evidence he's obtained second hand but denies any in-space UFO experience, or knowing of any other astronaut
having such.
You guys will NEVER understand the 'UFO mystery' if all you can do is wallow in misinformation and self-induced confusion, and be PROUD of doing
IMHO, the mystery deserves better mental discipline of its fans.
And you need a sense of shame for not only falling for, but promulgating, such misinformation. Are you sure you're not being paid to MAKE 'ufology'
look laughable?