a reply to:
Sadly, I don't know the cure for that particular ailment, but then again, we don't come to this planet to be perfectly painless and completely free -
we have a job to do.
Perhaps it wil psychologically help you and her to realize she's here EXACTLY to experience that pain and suffering. It will end at some point, when
the body dies.
If we didn't suffer, our lives might be completely meaningless, so at least she can be happy that she can have meaning in her life.
For my own pains, which are probably not comparable, I was able to alleviate them with 'Health Food Store medicines' that are made out of natural
products and not the typical lab chemicals as the 'official drugs' are. Maybe you two could go to that kind of places and talk about what might help,
cure or alleviate the symptoms at least.
One thing that helped a lot was green tea - more than the 'official drugs', in fact.
Another thing I used was a 'Yantra Mat' for its 'acupuncture spike' type stuff. Acupuncture and other 'alternative medicine' might also help - have
you tried the ancient Chinese healing methods and medicines? Prayer and meditation are always a good idea in a crisis.
Then there are these methods, where you can just focus on other things - if you have a painful arm, you can focus on how good your toe feels, and so
on. You can also 'become one' with the pain, and although it does not alleviate the pain itself, it changes the EXPERIENCE because your focus shifts,
so now you are 'friends with the pain' and trying to experience it as fully as possible can make it 'more bearable', since you're not trying to escape
it, but embracing it instead.
The only ailments I know how to cure are (please note, these work for me, they might not work for you, and I am not responsible for anything YOU
decide to do):
- headache
Hold your right hand's palm against your forehead, left hand's palm at the back of your head so the palms face each other. Stay in this position as
long as you can, or at least about a minute or more.
The theory is, your right palm gives healing energy, and your left palm 'balances it out' and helps direct it where needed. You don't have to believe
in this theory for it to work, the physical doing is enough.
- stomach-ache
Same as headache cure, but of course with stomach and back - a bit cumbersome and painful position, but always make sure palms are facing each other.
Right hand's palm on stomach, left hand's palm on the back.
- heartburn
Eat a lot of cucumber (or use the 'stomach-ache cure' I just mentioned - cucumber is as anti-acidic as it gets, so it neutralizes the acid, so it
won't burn so much.
- back pain
The old QiGong-method of 'drumming' your lower back has often helped me.
- insomnia
Go to an acupuncturist, I got a long-lasting insomnia cured with one treatment, and it hasn't bugged me since. (This was many many many years ago)
- hiccups
You can either throw up, or almost throw up. If you can get the gag reflex going without actually throwing up (with practice, it's doable even without
fingers in your throat, just gagging with your throat enough). Once you get one or two 'natural gag's happening, it stops the hiccup in my experience,
every single time. This is infallible for me, at least.
- tooth ache (no cure, but temporary silencing of the pain)
There are many 'old cures' for sudden, sharp toothache - you can alleviate the pain with 'over-the-counter drugs', or you can use garlic that's cut ..
err, was it vertically or horizontally? One of those directions works better. Just hold a cut garlic slice against the gum or the painful tooth until
it starts burning so much you can't take it, try to hold as long as you can - the burning replaces the pain for awhile, then it subsides, and you
should be pain-free at least for a short while. You can also use soaked-in-warm-water green tea bags in a similar fashion, just hold it in there.
I hope this helps at least someone in some way..