The term is pro choice, because we support the basic human right to bodily autonomy, and value a living thinking humans right to abort a pregnancy
that they may be unprepared for, that resulted from rape/incest, or for any reason the pregnant person chooses because it's their body and none of
anyone else's #in business what they do with it or why.
We also have more reverence for human life than you zealots, which is made clear by a few obvious examples that you're unwilling or unable to accept
and understand;
1. You are perfectly fine with the concept of dictating the parameters of another person's freedoms, though I'm one thousand percent certain you view
similar practices by other religions barbaric, and wouldn't think it was right if it was personally affecting you, basically the motto of
Christianity, "Rules for thee, not for me"
2. While Christians, under the guise of your self ascribed superior moral philosophy, are perfectly happy to consider an abortion prevented by
whatever means necessary a job well done and call it a day, we actually understand the deeper complexity of the situation and more importantly have
the ability to empathize with an experience that does not currently and even potentially could never personally affect us, something deeply religious
people fail at constantly and emphatically, something so embarrassingly and massively hypocritical it never ceases to amaze and disappoint me.
3. Following my second point, though the baseless idea that a magical man has a plan and reason for everything is one you are fully comfortable
eschewing any sense of moral or rational responsibility and compassion to your fellow human for, we think there are worse things than being aborted
before you have developed even a remote ability to comprehend the concept of being alive and conscious, for example, if the pregnancy has a strong
possibility of killing the mother (if you're fine with this, you just discredited your argument that every life is precious), if the pregnancy has a
strong possibility of killing the mother and the fetus (if you're willing to take that chance you value life less than even you understand), if the
baby will be born with horrible birth defects and physically suffer, also resulting in a life of misery and turmoil emotionally and financially for
the parent (not your problem anymore though, you got what you wanted so who gives a #, right?) or even if the mother and baby are likely to be
healthy, but she is not emotionally or financially stable enough to provide a decent life to support a family (While working to support the homeless
in my community for over a decade, I've gotten to know literally hundreds of women who gave birth and subsequently became homeless, and I'll tell you
now the lovely church going pro lifers in my area were last in line to help them, but first to complain about the disgusting awful beggars loitering
and having the audacity to exist around them!).
Then there are the women who become pregnant because they were raped, they should be forced to give birth to a baby they don't want to have, and may
end up resenting, which they hate themselves for feeling, and end up killing themselves (not an exaggerated example, this exact thing happened to 2
girls I grew up with). That doesn't even take into account the literal CHILDREN who are raped and become pregnant (again, something I witnessed first
hand when an 11 year old girl in my city was raped by her father, and it was covered up because her father was a respected member of the community, a
preacher actually, and it was decided his reputation was more important than anything, so they sent her away to cover up the situation, but thankfully
it took care of itself because that 11 year old girl hung herself out of shame, fear and confusion).
So forgive me if I have no sympathy for your hypothetical, made up fairy tale logic for why abortion is wrong, when you have experienced these things
first hand, it becomes impossible to politely tolerate this ignorant, callous self serving bull# ideology you spout to make yourself feel better. For
the record, I've been an atheist all my life, and I didn't need to know people in these situations or see the repercussions first hand to learn what
the moral, human facts are about these issues, it only requires a modicum of empathy and understanding for others outside of yourself.
I honestly hope sometimes there is a God, if only to think you would get exactly what you deserve for your unwillingness to be a decent person despite
how easy it is to just not be a terrible person at the most basic level.
# you.
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