posted on May, 16 2022 @ 09:23 PM
originally posted by: daboxfan
why do we care what gates says?
a reply to: American-philosopher
I care only from this standpoint:
Through the actions and words of people connected to Gates, the decision makers within WHO and various other "medical governance bodies" and
infectious disease think tanks, that funding from Gates helped install, these folks demonstrated that their response to COVID was in so many ways
poorly conceived ("I've GOT IT! Let's shut down the WHOLE world! For 1 year!!" and "Hey, how much distance is 'social distance'? Meh I don't's six feet sound?"), badly executed and demonstrably skewed towards extremely rushed vaccine$ (and for example, burying and actively
suppressing information on alternative treatments like Ivermectin), that I cannot see how this does not disqualify these people from future
consideration in dealing with a global health emergency.
The time of need arrived for WHO and Gate's armada of vaccination gurus, and their efforts and results, and perhaps even worse their morale compasses,
were found wanting.
Why do I say this? Because it goes without saying, that if the CDC is
going to great lengths to withhold chunks of
data on the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, logic dictates you that this data must
not be flattering with respect to the effectiveness of
the vaccine vis a vis natural immunity or Ivermectin or anything other than injecting a relatively new immunotherapy technology (mRNA) that could have
just as easily been the tried and true method of inoculation using an attenuated or dead copy of the virus. But which was more profitable to the
investors (including Gates) that have been dumping vast amounts of cash into vaccine R&D over the past few decades? The old tried and true vaccine
techniques, or the new, hip, sexy ones that a lot of money has gone towards investigating (but not gradually ramping up use over a number of
So the "Too Long Didn't Read" version of the above is, if it seems at first blush that entrusting the literal health of the planet to a
well-documented, impetuous, morally questionable, matieralist and ruthless IT baron was not going to work out so well, we should have gone with our
gut on that one. Gates is now cementing that opinion in admission of the many many mistakes made by people running the pandemic response operation
with his funding.