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Grinning Gates: we're going to vaccinate continuously 'to stay absolutely safe'.

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posted on May, 16 2022 @ 05:09 AM
Dutch article:

English interview:

Translated from dutch for easy reading:

Billionaire Bill Gates said in an interview with CNN that people over the age of 50 or 60 should probably be boosted every six months, until we get "even better vaccines." “An infection where you get a high viral load is similar to vaccination,” Gates continued. "But just to be safe, you'll probably be vaccinated every six months." According to him, people over seventy should get an injection even more often. So we're going to be vaccinated on an ongoing basis "to stay absolutely safe," he said with a wide grin on his face.

During the interview, Gates called "conspiracy theories" about him "tragic" if they lead to people not getting their experimental corona shot. The billionaire also stated that he has not invested in corona vaccines because of the profits, but for philanthropic reasons. “We've spent billions on vaccines and saved millions of lives,” Gates claimed. “If you turn that around and say we want to make money from vaccines and not try to save lives, that's a popular conspiracy theory.”

He also said that most critically ill patients were unvaccinated. The Microsoft founder added that the government needs to be "more creative" when it comes to coming up with ways to get people to get a corona shot. Gates recently proposed hiring 3,000 people to spread “accurate information about vaccines” on social media in the future.

He didn't invest in the jabs for the money, he did it for the greater good of mankind. What a clown!
edit on 16-5-2022 by Sander1976 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: Sander1976

He's more than welcome to. He can have my share, even...I won't mind.

I have no intention of ever taking this "vaccine".

So when it's a booster every three months, or two months...will he remain as enthusiastic??

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 06:23 AM
A man who has no wife says it all for me

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: Sander1976

Just another flu shot, big whoop, lots of us do this every years anyway.

Beats missing shifts due to sickness.

+2 more 
posted on May, 16 2022 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Sander1976

Just another flu shot, big whoop, lots of us do this every years anyway.

Beats missing shifts due to sickness.

Hells YEA! If you get the shot, you won't get sick! Biden even said that, so it gots to be true.
But if you happen to get sick, and you are fully vaccinated, you won't be as sick as you would have. And no, there is no way on God's green earth to quantify that.

+7 more 
posted on May, 16 2022 @ 07:42 AM
And there you are.
I have to say I respect your tenacity.
You are an evangelistic preacher of the church of covid.
Always ready to defend the faith.

My wife, a retired chef, used to have to get the flu shot every year for her job,
and every year got sick.
Now retired as I said, no shots, no sickness for ten years.
Nothing, not a sniffle.
Keep your shots, take them all, take them often, have fun with that.
Keep the faith.

a reply to: AaarghZombies

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 09:00 AM
Gates can take my boosters in his a#$.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

He had a wife, couldn't keep up. Then looked around in the kiddy room and got a divorce on paper.

edit on 16-5-2022 by Sander1976 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I don't get a flu shot either; your point is what?

The difference between these shots is one is up to my discretion if I feel the need to take it. On the other hand, the other shot has been highly politicized, and just about everything but the goon squad showing up to hold you down while they shoot you up.

I go to my pharmacy to pick something up; "Would you like a flu shot?" "No, thank you" pleasant, easy interaction. "Your insurance will cover your Covid shot and testing kits; should we sign you up for those?" "No, thank you" then we have the dirty looks and muttered comments from the staff.

Let me make the risk calculation for myself; it's as simple as that.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 10:04 AM
Gates (all all the reptiles that consider themselves 'elites' ) deserve to lose everything they own and live happily under a bridge penniless and homeless the rest of their miserable sodding lives.
Sick to death of these self-serving lying and deceiving megalomaniac narcissistic twits!

He's financially invested in the scammy non-working 'vaccines' so he shouldn't have any platform promoting them.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: Hypntick
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I don't get a flu shot either; your point is what?

The difference between these shots is one is up to my discretion if I feel the need to take it. On the other hand, the other shot has been highly politicized, and just about everything but the goon squad showing up to hold you down while they shoot you up.

I go to my pharmacy to pick something up; "Would you like a flu shot?" "No, thank you" pleasant, easy interaction. "Your insurance will cover your Covid shot and testing kits; should we sign you up for those?" "No, thank you" then we have the dirty looks and muttered comments from the staff.

Let me make the risk calculation for myself; it's as simple as that.

That's because Covid just killed more American's than WWII.

By this time next year a combination of natural immunity and previous vaxxing will mean that it will be just another seasonal shot because covid will just be another seasonal virus.

Besides, the person who's offering you the shot is probably just some minimum wager who's supervisor is up their rear end about getting more people shots. It's not their fault, they'd much rather be doing something that pays better and doesn't involve you or your arm.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

By this time next year a combination of natural immunity and previous vaxxing will mean that it will be just another seasonal shot because covid will just be another seasonal virus.

what is this "natural immunity" you speak of? Your lord Fauci was going to look into it a year ago, but hasn't had the time. Are you spreading false information? Or is it a real thing that our leaders haven't figured out yet?

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 12:30 PM

“We've spent billions on vaccines and saved millions of lives,” Gates claimed. “If you turn that around and say we want to make money from vaccines and not try to save lives, that's a popular conspiracy theory.”

Funny. When you question the motives of these elitist psychopaths, they call you a conspiracy theorist.
We're talking about the guy who was at the helm of Microsoft. His crimes are innumerable. He's used to getting away with small fines and a slap on the wrist. Microsoft crimes
It's only logical that his next move was to hook up with Big Pharma. But he's not in it for profit. He wants to save the world.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

By this time next year a combination of natural immunity and previous vaxxing will mean that it will be just another seasonal shot because covid will just be another seasonal virus.

what is this "natural immunity" you speak of? Your lord Fauci was going to look into it a year ago, but hasn't had the time. Are you spreading false information? Or is it a real thing that our leaders haven't figured out yet?

Sorry, mate, I'm not a citizen. He's your lord, not mine.

You know full well that the Democrats always promote centralized one-size fits all systems. So why do you act so shocked when they have a single one size fits all vaxxing initiative?

Some people get covid and get a strong natural immunity, some people get it and shrug it off without getting a strong immunity. The level isn't consistent, and having different rules for different people means having a two tier system, which Liberals don't really do.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 02:35 PM
Seems it is getting worse again. The Alchemists and Witches tried to convince people through the millenium that they need medicine to survive, medicine they provided. Then when things went wrong, they pointed their fingers at the healers who tried to help people with their knowledge, including the people who knew about the Herbs and spices and killed all the Herbalists while the real culprits of deceit were spared. I would bet over half the doctors in this country are just in it for the money and prestige, out of the remaining forty eight percent, they don't have time to research to find alternate ways to fix the problem and if they did tell patients of natural ways to help stop their problems, they might lose their license to practice medicine.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Seems it is getting worse again. The Alchemists and Witches tried to convince people through the millenium that they need medicine to survive, medicine they provided. Then when things went wrong, they pointed their fingers at the healers who tried to help people with their knowledge, including the people who knew about the Herbs and spices and killed all the Herbalists while the real culprits of deceit were spared. I would bet over half the doctors in this country are just in it for the money and prestige, out of the remaining forty eight percent, they don't have time to research to find alternate ways to fix the problem and if they did tell patients of natural ways to help stop their problems, they might lose their license to practice medicine.

Maybe where you come from, where I come from monks provided a lot of the natural remedies, and the Alchemists were mostly concerned with metallurgy.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Sander1976

Just another flu shot, big whoop, lots of us do this every years anyway.

Beats missing shifts due to sickness.

But seriously ...

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: abigredneck
And there you are.
I have to say I respect your tenacity.
You are an evangelistic preacher of the church of covid.
Always ready to defend the faith.

My wife, a retired chef, used to have to get the flu shot every year for her job,
and every year got sick.
Now retired as I said, no shots, no sickness for ten years.
Nothing, not a sniffle.
Keep your shots, take them all, take them often, have fun with that.
Keep the faith.

a reply to: AaarghZombies

I cannot count the amount of times I've heard in person or online, this same story about sick every year with the shot, all better withOUT it.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Hypntick
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I don't get a flu shot either; your point is what?

The difference between these shots is one is up to my discretion if I feel the need to take it. On the other hand, the other shot has been highly politicized, and just about everything but the goon squad showing up to hold you down while they shoot you up.

I go to my pharmacy to pick something up; "Would you like a flu shot?" "No, thank you" pleasant, easy interaction. "Your insurance will cover your Covid shot and testing kits; should we sign you up for those?" "No, thank you" then we have the dirty looks and muttered comments from the staff.

Let me make the risk calculation for myself; it's as simple as that.

That's because Covid just killed more American's than WWII.

By this time next year a combination of natural immunity and previous vaxxing will mean that it will be just another seasonal shot because covid will just be another seasonal virus.

Besides, the person who's offering you the shot is probably just some minimum wager who's supervisor is up their rear end about getting more people shots. It's not their fault, they'd much rather be doing something that pays better and doesn't involve you or your arm.

Covid wouldn't have killed even a FRACTION of that amount if treatments had been allowed. But they weren't. They were and are being suppressed with LAWS. If that doesn't wake you up.....

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Apparently, forty french rats were studied to see if the V was safe for pregnant humans.The studies were carried out by people who were heavily involved as shareholders in the biotech industry. This tragedy isn't over by a long shot as long as people have financial skin in the game and it does not impact them it will continue. I was thinking who would have to be involved with keeping this going. The Doctors cant whistle blow because they would lose their license. Same with nurses. The MSM is controlled by the same people profiting from the biotech industry. The governments who made the jab compulsory can never admit that they were wrong, as they would be held responsible for the demise of thousands. It really looks like the human race has made the biggest error possible.

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