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New Species

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posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 02:40 PM
I heard from a friend of mine last night that he saw on the news (didn't say what channel) here in the US that a new species of mammal had been found. He described it as having a bear like body and a tiger like head. (He said they had footage of it). Anyone have any links, I can't seem to find anything online.

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 02:44 PM
That's cool. Do you know where it lives? Hopefully not around me as it does not sound very pleasant.

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 09:07 PM
I hope it lives around me. If I want to be safe, I had better take someone that's a slower runner than me. That way I don't get eaten.

or real though, I'd liketo see what this thing looks like.

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 09:13 PM
Greyhaven, I haven't heard anything of it and diffently have not seen anything resembling that on any of the anomalous sites I frequent.

Perhaps what he is describing is a large cougar?

Where was this 'sighting in the US" supposedly taken?


posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 11:58 PM
a friend of mine just told me what he'd seen on the news. I don't know. That's why I asked on here, thinking someone may have seen something about it. I'll be sure to ask him again when I see him, but for now, I know as much as you.

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 08:05 PM
heres some links i found. nothing in the US though, just austrailia and vietnam.

the last one is a new kind of beaked whale.

just found a new link that says the vietnam mammal is fake.

[Edited on 7/21/2003 by AegisFang]

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 03:29 AM
Maybe I'll just have to ask him.

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 11:25 AM
Whoop de do, a new animal. There are probably millions of animals out there that we haven't found. But still, always nice to find one of them so we can wipe them out like we do to everything else.

Let me know when they find an alien eating a NWO agent while riding a bigfoot.


posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 01:11 PM
"we can wipe them out like we do to everything else. "

Dang right survival of the fittest, or since we as a whole are not very fit survival of the species with the most ammo. I would have to say that if this tiger/bear half bread does exist it could not be a balanced species but simply a freak genetic accident or some experiment GONE WRONG (wow that sounds clich�). If they do exist I would love to have one as a rug. Think about it you would have the only TIGROBEAR (my name for it) rug in town, now that would be a conversation piece.

Who says TIGROBEARS can't be extraterrestrial in origin?

Could the mysterious and elusive TIGROBEAR actually be a Sehlat come from the planet Vulcan? The evidence is undeniable! (Just kidding)

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 01:42 PM
It's probably just some of the Black panthers in the Southeastern region of the United States.

I wouldn't be too worried,
I doubt there's any land animal on the planet that could survive a couple of shots from a .50 caliber rifle.



[Edited on 21-7-2003 by Tassadar]

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 03:45 AM
I live in Virginia... near DC... if any living thing larger than a squirrell came within 10 miles of where I live, the morons who drive on these roads would kill it 9 times before it got across the street. I was just interested in the validity of the subject. (it's looking like I'll have to talk to my friend). I'll let you guys know if I see/hear anything.

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 03:54 PM
on this website that there was all kinds of reports of a puma type creature. It said that most people who live around the area think its some animal brought here from another country or somthing. I dont no about the bear part of it and stuff but could b.We might not b talking abuot the same thing.Oh well

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Tassadar
It's probably just some of the Black panthers in the Southeastern region of the United States.

I wouldn't be too worried,
I doubt there's any land animal on the planet that could survive a couple of shots from a .50 caliber rifle.



[Edited on 21-7-2003 by Tassadar]

Hmmmm...what IS it with americans and their obsession with killing furry creatures? You guys managed to wipe out your wolf population, most of your grizzlies, your buffalo - and many others too. Ever hear of live & let live? Killing things does not mitigate fear....if anything, it feeds it.

[edit on 11-6-2007 by jimbo999]

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by jimbo999
Hmmmm...what IS it with americans and their obsession with killing furry creatures? You guys managed to wipe out your wolf population, most of your grizzlies, your buffalo - and many others too. Ever hear of live & let live? Killing things does not mitigate fear....if anything, it feeds it.

[edit on 11-6-2007 by jimbo999]

This is one ignorant post. Not all americans are into murdering animals. I am a falconer, and I only use raptors for hunting. Falconry tends to limit one's kills.

The wolves were making a comeback (not wiped out), now some ignorant jerks are trying to dwindle there populations again.

Back to the part about americans, though. Let's look at other parts of the world. There are poachers all over the world wiping out species. Just look at Africa! Where ever you live, people are killing animals too. Of all the larger animal species that have been wiped out by humans, most have been wiped out by non-americans.

As for the creature's identity, sounds like a wolverine. These are some tough animals. I'd say one of the toughest mammals in the world. If the accounts are true, maybe it is a new species of wolverine?


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