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GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz blasts Steny Hoyer's statement we are at war

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posted on May, 13 2022 @ 08:16 PM
GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz: Steny Hoyer Recklessly Saying "We Are At War" Proves Regime Change In Russia Is Their Real Objective

Sure sounds like that 1984 movie where society is always at war to feed the elites with more profit on the backs of the working class. Here's a couple of segment of that movie.

edit on 13-5-2022 by chinesewarrior because: added more content

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 08:26 PM

edit on 13-5-2022 by CriticalStinker because: That's better

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: chinesewarrior

When Countries try to take land that is not theirs, we will be there.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: chinesewarrior

Doesn’t Congress have to vote on going to war?

In case they do, I wonder where they will mail their ballots

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:02 PM
Removed by Staff
edit on 5/13/2022 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: chinesewarrior

Poor Matt , is the " Left " Finally Done Attacking him Yet ? Projected HATE Breeds My Personal Contempt . The Day is Coming Soon Anarchists when the REAL " America " Will CHASTISE You All as you Spiral Down to HELL .Ok , and Have A Nice Day ...)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff
a reply to: chinesewarrior

Doesn’t Congress have to vote on going to war?

In case they do, I wonder where they will mail their ballots

Did Democrats vote to authorize war in secret, like they formulated the $40 billion "aid" package for Ukraine?

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: TheUniverse2
a reply to: chinesewarrior

When Countries try to take land that is not theirs, we will be there.


The USA is currently at war with Russia.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit
I'm glad Matt didn't tuck in his tail and slither away into a dark cave, like most Republicans do when Democrats and MSM attacks them. We need all Republicans to read "Bravery for Wimps" before 2023 arrives. We're going to need a lot of it.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: choomsuba

We sort of have been since the end of WW2 in one form or another... I do not see the difference between USA arming Afghanistan when Russia invaded and Ukraine today.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: carewemust

" Did Democrats vote to authorize war in secret, like they formulated the $40 billion "aid" package for Ukraine? "

What Can 40 Billion Dollars buy you in the Way of " High Tech " Weapons that Putin and the Russians ALREADY Have Compromised ? Never Buy A Pig In A Poke My Mamma Always Used to Say............

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: carewemust

So much skullduggery that it’s hard to keep up.

I wonder if the Dems are ignorant of US Govornmental Law and the Constitution or just subversive and evil.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff
a reply to: chinesewarrior

Doesn’t Congress have to vote on going to war?

In case they do, I wonder where they will mail their ballots

Did Democrats vote to authorize war in secret, like they formulated the $40 billion "aid" package for Ukraine?

This aid package is just about as bipartisan as it could be.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: TheUniverse2
a reply to: choomsuba

We sort of have been since the end of WW2 in one form or another... I do not see the difference between USA arming Afghanistan when Russia invaded and Ukraine today.

I guess the difference is that TPTB behind Biden are actually starting to come out out and say that we are actually at war with Russia.

They should just have a press conference and make it official and declare that at war with Russia and get the approval of congress, the people just aren’t buying there bs anymore

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:21 PM

originally posted by: TheUniverse2
a reply to: choomsuba

We sort of have been since the end of WW2 in one form or another... I do not see the difference between USA arming Afghanistan when Russia invaded and Ukraine today.

It's Call " Proxy War " , and it's getting Pretty 20th Century Old IMO ..........

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: choomsuba

The US has been at war with Russia since many years ago, probably as early as the late 90s or early 2000s. Hollywood has been demonizing Russians for years. If you check out the Daredevils TV series they portray Russians as evil gangsters.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:28 PM
I guess us sheeples should just keep quiet, hold our breaths and wonder what’s going to happens next.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: TheUniverse2
a reply to: chinesewarrior

When Countries try to take land that is not theirs, we will be there.

When , in the history of the US , has this happened ?

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:33 PM
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck!

The USA is currently at war with Russia, got it?

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: choomsuba

The US is currently at war with China and Russia.

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