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Infertile due to cohona jabs.

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posted on May, 13 2022 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: InwardDiver

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

I don't think I'll be taking my cues on medical intervention from people that thought spending 80k on a gender studies BA prepares them for the workforce.

That's an over generalizing. Most people who graduate with a 4 year degree majored in something considered useful.

TextCollege Graduates by Major
College graduation statistics indicate a shift in the popularity of certain major disciplines. A majority of college students graduate with degrees in STEM fields, and most STEM graduates are bachelor’s degree earners. Business and healthcare degrees are also common among graduates." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">

The real pwn isn't getting dumb degrees. That was meant to be humorous hyperbole. It's being among the least impacted and most vaccinated, with the least effective approved vaccine on the market, that is the real pwn here.

The issues surrounding who got vaccinated and who didn't isn't really one of intellect, but it's a story about the dangers of politically motivated curation of scientific data and misplaced trust.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: Sander1976

When you can't have a world war that kills millions quickly because none of TPTB want the personal damage in their own territory, there has to be another way...

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 04:08 PM
I supervise about thirty people at work. Of this small group of people, three of them are vaccinated pregnant chicks at this time. Two other girls are out on maternity leave right now, both vaccinated.

Yeah I know, "aNeCdOtAl", but I believe what my own eyes see before I believe tweets and bitchute videos.

(post by glen200376 removed for a manners violation)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 05:33 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on May, 13 2022 @ 05:59 PM
Looks like NWO's depopulation plan is coming along nicely.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
I supervise about thirty people at work. Of this small group of people, three of them are vaccinated pregnant chicks at this time. Two other girls are out on maternity leave right now, both vaccinated.

Yeah I know, "aNeCdOtAl", but I believe what my own eyes see before I believe tweets and bitchute videos.

Rejecting bad data doesn't mean you have to accept other bad data that contradicts it.

Why do you believe COVID exists at all? Have any of this group died from COVID? Aside from symptoms that mirror a bunch of other respiratory infections what evidence of it have you directly observed?

Your beliefs about COVID are based on things you have not observed directly. Your beliefs about the vaccine are based on things you have not observed that happen to support your opinion, that and a statistically insignificant sample of vaccinated individuals. The vaccine could be many times more deadly than COVID while still showing no observable signs of adverse effects in a pool of 30. Much more common reproductive impacts could go unobserved in a group of 5 or 6.

There is really no question that there are adverse events and some of them are related to female reproduction. If that's what you're discussing you're several months late. We're not really debating if they have adverse effects. We're discussing how common and severe they are. So far data seems to increasingly deviate from the official claims that were made about the vaccines across many different safety and efficacy metrics.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

Why do you believe COVID exists at all? Have any of this group died from COVID? Aside from symptoms that mirror a bunch of other respiratory infections what evidence of it have you directly observed?

LOLOLOL! I got a "cOvId DoEsNt ExIsT"guy!

Okay. I was skeptical at first. I've been a member of this forum for almost 20 years, I question stuff.

I am a supervisor at a store. The first person I knew who had covid was one of my hardest workers. Never called in. She was gone for 6 weeks, and came back with restrictions. She had to sit down to catch her breath whenever she needed.

My sister was hospitalized and eventually permanently disabled from it. She lost her teaching job because covid causes brain damage.

A father of my friends that I grew up with, he was also my parent's friend, and I considered him a friend because I've known him my whole life. Total Trumper. Died. His last texts were to his kids begging them to get vaccinated. I have permission from his daughter to share the screenshots if you want to see them.

People get sick every year. People don't get this sick every year. That's why I believe covid exists.

Oh, and my great aunt died from it. I know old people don't count, but it counted to me. She was one of my favorite people.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: Sander1976

Everyone I work with has to have the vaccine. Tons of pregnancies. Including my wife.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

I personally know at least a dozen people who've has serious adverse reactions to the jab, including strokes, clots, heart problems and sudden blackouts while driving....are my anecdotes as valid as yours?

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

If I understand the culture over there correctly, would the Emperor just have to say publicly that there is an issue with the vaccines and to hold off taking them?

From my understanding the people have a lot of respect for him, and he would carry a lot of weight on this issue. So did big pharma get to him too, or is the royal family so insulated these days that the issues of the commoner is of no concern for them?

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
Why do you believe COVID exists at all? Have any of this group died from COVID? Aside from symptoms that mirror a bunch of other respiratory infections what evidence of it have you directly observed?

Actually they don't, some of the symptoms are completely unique to covid (as far as how common they are). While other illnesses can cause loss of taste/smell, it's not a common symptom. I very rarely saw it in patients until covid. I think it exists because I have had it, I am an RN, and I see patients with it/suffering side effects even after getting over it every day.

Might as well say the Earth is flat, that would be more believable.
edit on 13-5-2022 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:00 PM
Removed by Staff
edit on 5/13/2022 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 10:57 PM
Fake news. I believe the covid vaccine is safe and effective. I just had my second booster. I haven’t had any problems whatsoever since getting the vaccines. There is so much fake stuff out there regarding the vaccines. One has to consider the source. I don’t get my news from some random twitter account.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 11:23 PM
This coupled with the lack of infant formula and the baby-momma drama from the supremes has the makings of a beeeutiful conspiracy. It may or may not be true, but I know for a fact who's making money on this vax BS and I ain't adding to their pile. I had the rice-a-rona and it barely merited additional intake of ibuprofen, but that's still anecdotal medical mumbo jumbo. Where the money goes is easy to find out and indisputable, and I'll suffer long ass covid or whatever rather than expend one single calorie towards their enrichment.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
Why do you believe COVID exists at all? Have any of this group died from COVID? Aside from symptoms that mirror a bunch of other respiratory infections what evidence of it have you directly observed?

Actually they don't, some of the symptoms are completely unique to covid (as far as how common they are). While other illnesses can cause loss of taste/smell, it's not a common symptom. I very rarely saw it in patients until covid. I think it exists because I have had it, I am an RN, and I see patients with it/suffering side effects even after getting over it every day.

Might as well say the Earth is flat, that would be more believable.

If you disregard context, ignore several words, and make up whatever you want as my opinion then yes, in that case flat earth is more believable.

I'm not interested in what you think my opinion is and injecting it into my post doesn't excoriate me. I don't feel chastized when people correct things that I didn't say. It's bizarre and I don't understand why this is becoming a trend on ATS.

Read what I wrote again and apply it to the context of a person that doesn't practice medicine. I asked what symptoms that are not shared with other respiratory diseases they observed. Most of the symptoms directly observed will be shared with a number of other illnesses. Nevermind the fact that I very much doubt the poster has directly observed any of the forensic analysis for the virus or has case definitions handy to consult, hence his belief that COVID exists is based on data the poster has not directly observed.

There is no intrinsic quality that makes information more direct coming from network news or a press conference vs a Bitchute video. Even observation of an ill person is no more or less verification they have COVID than reading a story about a vaccine adverse event is proof, unless you have test results or are legally able to make a clinical diagnosis.

a reply to: LordAhriman

I'm sorry to hear of all the terrible things that happened to people you know because of COVID. Clearly you know it exists. I didn't imply you're lying about anything you've observed.

I asked how you came to the conclusion COVID exists given your qualifiers on data sources. You answered. The key is that your answer was all anecdotal. Bias is the only thing that gives it weight versus similarly anecdotal evidence that contradicts that opinion.

posted on May, 14 2022 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: ChiefD

Tell that to my patients who died from it.

posted on May, 14 2022 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: Flatcoat
a reply to: LordAhriman

I personally know at least a dozen people who've has serious adverse reactions to the jab, including strokes, clots, heart problems and sudden blackouts while driving....are my anecdotes as valid as yours?

There are a lot of companies that us AI to scrape content from social media in order to analyse it and to see what people are talking about. Sometimes this is for sociological research, and other times it's simply for marketing purposes.

If you analyze the data (which you can conveniently purchase for a reasonable price) you will see that there are a great many people claiming to know people who were harmed by the vax, but in most cases they don't include any useful information such as names or even states of residence.

You also see very few people talking about their own serous reactions to the vax, and very few people talking about named friends of family who have verifiable social media accounts.

If you contrast this against a hurricane an earthquake you will find tens of thousands of people talking about their own personal experiences, linking to the personal experiences of friends and family, and fundraising for repairs to their homes or businesses.

This begs the question, why are there so many personal accounts and verifiable individuals for so many other things, and so few for vax damage?

posted on May, 14 2022 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: ChiefD

Tell that to my patients who died from it.

Do they have gofundme for funeral expenses that we can donate to?

posted on May, 14 2022 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Flatcoat
a reply to: LordAhriman

I personally know at least a dozen people who've has serious adverse reactions to the jab, including strokes, clots, heart problems and sudden blackouts while driving....are my anecdotes as valid as yours?

There are a lot of companies that us AI to scrape content from social media in order to analyse it and to see what people are talking about. Sometimes this is for sociological research, and other times it's simply for marketing purposes.

If you analyze the data (which you can conveniently purchase for a reasonable price) you will see that there are a great many people claiming to know people who were harmed by the vax, but in most cases they don't include any useful information such as names or even states of residence.

You also see very few people talking about their own serous reactions to the vax, and very few people talking about named friends of family who have verifiable social media accounts.

If you contrast this against a hurricane an earthquake you will find tens of thousands of people talking about their own personal experiences, linking to the personal experiences of friends and family, and fundraising for repairs to their homes or businesses.

This begs the question, why are there so many personal accounts and verifiable individuals for so many other things, and so few for vax damage?

So no then. My anecdotes aren't as valid as those of somebody whose opinion you happen to agree with. Duly noted.

ETA. There are many, many stories of people who've suffered serious reactions to the jab with names and faces supplied. Just because you don't believe them doesn't mean they're not true.
edit on 14-5-2022 by Flatcoat because: (no reason given)

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