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The Pandemic Will Go On Indefinitely With Continued Use Of mRNA Vaccines

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posted on May, 13 2022 @ 12:22 AM
The mRNA vaccines such as the Pfizer or Moderna illicit the creation of non-neutralizing antibodies. These "vaccines" actually help drive the evolution of new variants. That is because the only thing the immune system gets exposure to is the s1 subunit of the spike protein that is a small part of the virus. It is not able to access the virions surface, or areas like the nucleocapsid. This means the virus can easily select new mutants to evolve around the minor inconvenience. That's why the small amount of immunity you "allegedly" receive goes away so quickly.

Unlike leaky vaccines, natural immunity creates neutralizing antibodies, that will allow for long lasting immunity. Part of the reason is because the immune system is able to access the whole virus and create a plethora of antibodies as well as activate robust t-cell immunity. So both "arms" of the immune system including but not limited to the b-cells that produce antibodies, and the macrophages are able to stop the virus in the future even if it changes the design of it's spike protein.

Wanna know how to stop it? You allow the young healthy, and those who aren't at risk to be exposed and develop natural immunity. You use front line treatments like repurposed drugs such as ivermectin, and other nutraceuticals like vitamin D and zinc to cure the infection. If you absolutely must obey the mainstream narrative and trust pfizer drugs, they even have an oral front line drug available called pfizermectin, i mean, paxlovid. This paradoxically shows that at least the concept of oral drugs with an antiviral effect could theoretically be effective, which was something that was dismissed for any drug that threatened the existence of the garbage vaccines.

Wanna know how to prolong it? Keep using mRNA drugs designed for a 2 year old variant that only exposes the immune system to a small fraction of the virus that the virus can use to select new variants and never ever be eradicated. But that was never really the goal was it?

Even with an 100% vaccination rate, ignoring the horrific side effects, the virus would never be eradicated, it will always mutate to evade the immune system. People like Geert Vanden Bossche have been saying this for over a year. It is also a well known fact to big pharma.

The pandemic at this point, is self inflicted with the continued use of these vaccines.
edit on 13-5-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Wanna know how to prolong it? Keep using mRNA drugs designed for a 2 year old variant that only exposes the immune system to a small fraction of the virus

If they were able to create an mRNA vaccine for the original strain in record time, why can't they do it for these newer strains? Probably because the new strains have evolved in the wild, not in a lab, and just like every other wild coronavirus, it's almost impossible to create an effective vaccine. So they just have to keep pushing the original version of the vaccine which they got emergency use authorization for. That's where all the money is for them because there are no proper checks and balances under an "emergency".

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

The problem with this is that the vax isn't a magic force shield. You get the vax against the original virus then some time later you're exposed to a variant. The vax won't stop this exposure, so you're body experiences it and you get regular ordinary natural immunity the old fashioned way. But because you were vaxxed your body can react faster to the variant so you get less sick from it.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 02:14 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Wanna know how to prolong it? Keep using mRNA drugs designed for a 2 year old variant that only exposes the immune system to a small fraction of the virus

If they were able to create an mRNA vaccine for the original strain in record time, why can't they do it for these newer strains? Probably because the new strains have evolved in the wild, not in a lab, and just like every other wild coronavirus, it's almost impossible to create an effective vaccine. So they just have to keep pushing the original version of the vaccine which they got emergency use authorization for. That's where all the money is for them because there are no proper checks and balances under an "emergency".

Because most variants are similar to the original, the vax provides at least basic protection against them. If you were to start tailoring vaxes for variants then we'd be at it forever because the further you get from the original recipe the more specialist you need to become.

If there was one vax per variant there would be your money making scheme.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

can react faster to the variant so you get less sick from it.

How do you know?

Is death the reason people get less sick?
edit on 13-5-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Because most variants are similar to the original, the vax provides at least basic protection against them.

Except the new variants have a high number of mutations in the spike protein which the vaccines target, and the vaccines are clearly becoming less effective over time as the virus mutates.

If you were to start tailoring vaxes for variants then we'd be at it forever because the further you get from the original recipe the more specialist you need to become.

They do it for the flu every year, because there are different strains of the flu every year. Of course it has to be a continuous process. Not that I want more Covid vaccines, but if they want to keep pushing their vaccines then they at least need vaccines which work, and vaccines which have gone through the proper safety checks. Not a 2 year old vaccine rushed out under emergency pretext.
edit on 13/5/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

You still are blinded by the lies that pharma and government told you.
Come on man,try using your brain to actually think for once.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 04:35 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: AaarghZombies

can react faster to the variant so you get less sick from it.

How do you know?

Is death the reason people get less sick?

I know because this is basic biology. It's how the immune system functions and is why vaccines are able to exist.

A variant is exactly what it sounds like. It's a slightly different version of the virus. A variated version.

The Vax trains your body to recognize the original virus, so when you eventually encounter it your body already understands that it's a threat and knows how to react to it. So it can react faster and thus you either get less sick or don't get sick at all.

The variants are similar enough to the original that your body still recognizes them, though maybe not as quickly, and it attacks the virus just like the original.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 04:36 AM

originally posted by: glen200376
a reply to: AaarghZombies

You still are blinded by the lies that pharma and government told you.
Come on man,try using your brain to actually think for once.

Because I understand the science I know which are the lies from big pharma and which are the lies from random people on the internet.

This post falls into the latter category.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 04:41 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Because most variants are similar to the original, the vax provides at least basic protection against them.

Except the new variants have a high number of mutations in the spike protein which the vaccines target, and the vaccines are clearly becoming less effective over time as the virus mutates.

If you were to start tailoring vaxes for variants then we'd be at it forever because the further you get from the original recipe the more specialist you need to become.

They do it for the flu every year, because there are different strains of the flu every year. Of course it has to be a continuous process. Not that I want more Covid vaccines, but if they want to keep pushing their vaccines then they at least need vaccines which work, and vaccines which have gone through the proper safety checks.

The variants may have a high number of mutations to the spike protein, but they still have the spike protein. So your body ight not respond as quickly or as well, but it still responds.

If this didn't happen then the vax would offer zero protection against the variants, and each variant would be like Covid-19 all over again.

Not a 2 year old vaccine rushed out under emergency pretext.

What pretext, there was an actual emergency. Covid-19 killed more Americans than WWII.

Simply the economic damage alone from people getting sick in bed for a week was "pretext" enough.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 05:09 AM
"The Pandemic Will Go On Indefinitely With Continued Use Of mRNA Vaccines"

They will try, yes. Will the majority of the people still or again believe these criminals against humanity?

As we know now, the harder the measures were, the more fatalities had these countries with the harder measures. As we know now, because reality shows it to us live after mask obligation fell nearly everywhere in Germany and only a few mask lovers or people with real medical problems still run around with masks, lets say 1% of the people where i live. No piles of corpses to be found. Why should only one of the genetically not manipulated people take a jab now after they refused it all the time for good reasons? After we know what we know about "efficacy" and side effects meanwhile. And even the majority of those jabbed will not take a second, a third, a booster, a fourth shot or whatever that poison is called. Because they realized that it didn´t help and many of them are constantly on sick leave while the not jabbed have to keep everything running.

It´s over because it´s over in the heads of the majority of the people who realize now slowly that they have been lied to all the time when it comes to Corona/Covid and the measures, that the measures hurt and killed more people than Corona/Covid. It´s over in the heads of the people because the WEF controlled MSM switched completely from Corona to Ukraine in around 12 hrs. And i don´t believe that the majority of these people will believe to another MSM campaign after summer. Because reality shows us whats really going on.

It´s over and now it´s time for legal reconditioning, time for the corona/covid/plandemics-great reset-green new deal-agenda 2030 criminals to be held accountable for their evil deeds. Because if this doesn´t happen we might see some of these megalomaniac, anti-democratic, anti-freedom and corrupt criminals hang a bit higher in the future, when the people will take law back into their hands because the justice systems in the few, 30-40 nations that were part of the corona measures game (almost exactly the same that are part of the pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia WEF sh!t show now, what a "coincidence"...), are undermined with WEF agents and their henchmen too (Germany, Harbarth, installed by WEF-Merkel).

They simply can´t pull that same corona stunt for a third year again because people will simply not follow any measures and rules anymore because they see the reality. But maybe this will be a very hot fall because of other reasons. Seems to get hard now for transatlantic and WEF controlled greenlings here. Because people realize slowly that their "energy-transformation", their CO2 taxes, their e-car crap, their cargo-bike future plus the average taxes here are raising the prices for everything non stop. People are really mad and getting more mad day by day because of that Great Reset BS and everything that comes with it and we witness live right now, including the wag the dog Ukraine-Russia sh!t show. It´s not that the majority of the people can see behind the curtain and realize that it´s all the fault of the world most rich oligarchs like Gates, Soros and Co, of the WEF and it´s Great Reset/Green New Deal.

But they realize that it somehow has to do with the politicians who don´t work for Germany, who don´t work for but against german tax payers, german interests.So called politicians who have german tax money or the whole world but not even some bread crumps for Germany and it´s tax paying population. People slowly realize that legally working isn´t worth anymore because you work only t make tax money that is wasted by politicians, given to ever other nation and their people but us. I coukld go on and on why it would be suicidal for these traitors, at least here in Germany, to pull another corona-forced jab- lockdown BS out of their MSM back this fall.

Because that would be definitely the drop that would break the barrel if that effing barrel isn´t broken anyway till this fall because all the Great Reset-Green New Deal-Agenda 2030 consequences german tax payers have to deal with while the politicians are proud of rising tax revenues for 2022. No wonder, they take it from the german tax payers, from us lemmings, us low wage slaves. And give it to whoever ants it except the german tax payers and Germany.

I know that the good times are over for us and i can deal with it, had never too much and had really hard times in my life, training for what will come if one likes it to see it like i do. But the majority of the german lemmings will not be able to deal with it and will start to protest. It has even begun, the monday walks (Montagsspaziergänge) are not only because of the corona politics+measures anymore but because of uncountable other problems the people have to deal with. And the worst is, especially for Germany:

Gas is too expensive so people can´t use their beloved car anymore or can´t even afford the work route anymore . Beer is getting more expensive so the germans most loved drug will maybe not be available anymore for everybody who wants it. And food, meat gets more expensive. In my eyes these are the three things that will bring the majority to the streets anyway. You can pull a corona show, lie to them and cage them in their own homes without any good reason, no problem, they stupidly follow every order. You cann pull out the most stupid laws and rules out of whatever back and germans are quiet and follow the Führer. But if you start to take them the abilty to use their cars, to drink their beer and to eat their Schnitzel and Kotelett they will slowly(typical german reaction) get really mad and nasty, the world will see what i mean in a few months.

And if somebody comes up after an almost chilled summer with that corona BS again next fall, in addition to no money, no gas/cars, no beer and no Schnitzel and no Mettbrötchen for more and more people, the working poor, this somebody either has suicidal tendencies or the NWO plans simply need riots to establish militray personal and heavily militarized police forces on the streets.

edit on 13 5 2022 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Repeating the same crap Fauci would say works about as well as
that vaccine, mask and lock downs.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 05:24 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: glen200376
a reply to: AaarghZombies

You still are blinded by the lies that pharma and government told you.
Come on man,try using your brain to actually think for once.

Because I understand the science I know which are the lies from big pharma and which are the lies from random people on the internet.

This post falls into the latter category.

Sorry, I nearly fell out of bed. You don't understand any science at all or you wouldn't still defend the injection.
There is quite a bit more to a mutation than you think.
It's not lego blocks. I could explain, because I actually have a science career behind me but I really can't be arsed to waste my typing on your ignorance.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 07:04 AM
staff edit
edit on Fri May 13 2022 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

The problem with this is that the vax isn't a magic force shield. You get the vax against the original virus then some time later you're exposed to a variant. The vax won't stop this exposure, so you're body experiences it and you get regular ordinary natural immunity the old fashioned way. But because you were vaxxed your body can react faster to the variant so you get less sick from it.

How can anyone trust 'Big Pharma' and official narratives in 2022? I mean, com on, seriously? Please start thinking again. It's good for you.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 07:25 PM
You aren't an expert. Stop trying to be one.

a reply to: v1rtu0s0

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 09:01 PM
Removed by Staff
edit on 5/13/2022 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 02:25 PM
It is a permanent pandemic, so of course it will never end. Too much profit is at stake.

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 02:31 PM
On the subject of vaccine efficacy against variants, I need some help understanding this one. The first 2 shots do nothing at all for omicron says the cdc. Makes sense, variant is far enough off of the original that it doesn't work. But a 3rd dose of the same stuff does wonders. Sounds like a straight up lie to me so I'd like someone to explain how that works.

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