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Wait...was the Popes 'death' a worldwide April Fools joke by the Vatican?

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posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 08:22 PM
I know it sounds bizarre but what if this was just some elaborate hoax by the Catholic institution to 'stage' the death of the Pope?

First we are told that he is dying, then his condition is stabilizing enough to schedule appoints for the future, then we find out that he is hooked up to a respirator, then he's dead, then he's he's dying again. People are sitting on the edge of their living room chair trying to keep up with the status of the Pope across the world. Sounds like an elaborate joke.

[edit on 4/1/2005 by Simulacra]

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 08:28 PM
I think he died several hours ago. They are saying he is still clinging to life to tye up some things.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Simulacra
I know it sounds bizarre but what if this was just some elaborate hoax by the Catholic institution to 'stage' the death of the Pope?

First we are told that he is dying, then his condition is stabilizing enough to schedule appoints for the future, then we find out that he is hooked up to a respirator, then he's dead, then he's he's dying again. People are sitting on the edge of their living room chair trying to keep up with the status of the Pope across the world. Sounds like an elaborate joke.

No honestly I do not think so. I think it was just an unfortuante coincidence his health failed on April Fools day.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 08:38 PM
The Vatican doesn't have the sense of humor necessary for such a funny joke.

I think they are hesitant to confirm his death, but chances are, he's slipping in and out.

He apparently had a heart attack, part of systemic failure, organ failure. Since then his breathing has been shallow and he's 'seen the lord' in the words of one news story. guess is he's on his way out.

The appointments he's making might be questionable, as in - are they his appointments or are they being made 'for him' by his attendants?

It's a strange situation, no doubt.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne

The appointments he's making might be questionable, as in - are they his appointments or are they being made 'for him' by his attendants?

It's a strange situation, no doubt.

I caught part of that on the news sometime today; apparently he has been making appointments for sometime meaning the past month or so, since he first became ill.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 09:56 PM
I'm telling you all the pope wont die (according to many catholic prophetic websites) we will be told he died and he will flee Italy.

This is on and many others.

We like conspiracies? Well here's one big one to ponder

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 10:10 PM
i think that is funny in a sick way

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 10:53 PM
You know I considered this exact same thing briefly... Then I decided it wasn't funny, and that this poor old man deserves peace and dignity in his final hours.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 11:48 PM
Holy crap. Cardinals are being flown in from around the world. Italian police are setting up routes for the hundereds of thousands of mourners to come. The president is being briefed constantly on John Pauls condition and you want to make a serious suggestion that this is a conspiracy? If he isnt dead by the time you read this he will be shortly, maybe while I type this..I may be a disaffected Catholic but the mere suggestions that he may fake his death and flee Italy? For what? Hes suffered tremendously...the photos of him trying to speak the other day were painful to even look at. Hes finished....the sick suggestions that you all have made are astoundingly offensive. Im stunned at the lengths too many on ATS will go in order to get their posts read.


Where are the mods? Hello? This is just one of way too many extremely offensive posts allowed through especially lately...shame..shame on you all...the black band continues....

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 11:50 PM
the vatican is not known for it's standup comedy.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 11:51 PM
This is a conspiracy site after all. Get over it.

I'm a catholic and that doesnt take away from my curiosity to find the truth.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:02 AM
Fine....Im not going to get into some stupid one up contest with other members. This is a conspiracy site and its the best one Ive ever seen. What about a conspiracy to convince people theres always a conspiracy? The truth is many times right on the surface and people dig right past it. Im sorry..its going to be a looong in the DC area the situation is allready gutwrenching even if your not Catholic...I just wish some on this site had some consideration...any Catholic mods? hmmm good bout it?

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by SonofSpy
Holy crap. Cardinals are being flown in from around the world. Italian police are setting up routes for the hundereds of thousands of mourners to come. The president is being briefed constantly on John Pauls condition and you want to make a serious suggestion that this is a conspiracy? If he isnt dead by the time you read this he will be shortly, maybe while I type this..I may be a disaffected Catholic but the mere suggestions that he may fake his death and flee Italy? For what? Hes suffered tremendously...the photos of him trying to speak the other day were painful to even look at. Hes finished....the sick suggestions that you all have made are astoundingly offensive. Im stunned at the lengths too many on ATS will go in order to get their posts read.


Where are the mods? Hello? This is just one of way too many extremely offensive posts allowed through especially lately...shame..shame on you all...the black band continues....

Maybe the show that goes on around the Vatican makes many wonder what special guy the pope is. For sure he is suffering...more or less like millions of others.....
The media hype in the western world it outragous but that is probally the food most of people wanna hear.
Life goes on..............

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:24 AM
"Im telling you the Pope wont die" Youre telling who? Thats quite a statement. Im going to give you credit though youve been on here alot longer than I have so maybe you know something about the Popes grave condition that some of the worlds best doctors treating him dont. Take a step back and please reevaluate...this is a conspiracy site after all...if you are right though and the Pope does live then Tempe Ill eat my hat and gladly be humbled...lets wait and see...

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:26 AM
It's a joke, the reptillians can't die of old age. I swear, probably trying to cover up that the ship is coming back soon so they will have him "die" so he can go back.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:29 AM
speaking of mods i havn't seen any in a while

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:33 AM
It may be jammed web traffic but Im not getting anything on your link..Then again Im not getting almost anywhere else online tonight either..until I can find the site you quoted Ill take it as yours..has anybody else noticed how hard it is to get almost anywhere tonight online? An imminent web slowdown due to massive traffic is imminent for the next few is where there may actually be a conspiracy. Information coverup news blockage and blackout.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by Simulacra
....First we are told that he is dying, then his condition is stabilizing enough to schedule appoints for the future, then we find out that he is hooked up to a respirator, then he's dead, then he's he's dying again. People are sitting on the edge of their living room chair trying to keep up with the status of the Pope across the world. Sounds like an elaborate joke.
[edit on 4/1/2005 by Simulacra]

Makes me wonder sometimes. I think the press down here leaves a lot to be desired at times but it does appear at least our reporting just sometimes is a little more consistent.

As for the joke he has been bed ridden for days be April 1. Lets face it the poor old darling is 84 for gods sake. He has been sick for years - his time is up just let him pass and get on with it.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:45 AM
The pope died???? is this for real?

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 01:07 AM
The world must look like a different planet from there. Living here especially the DC area is like having a hood on when it comes to news. The hood is only taken off when its something somebody rich and powerful wants you to or will allow you to see. Truth? What truth? These are dark dark days in America...I love my country but it has been hijacked by the rich and powerful conservatives and liberals that filter all reality through their bipartisan arguements the best they can. Which is quite allot. Ive never seen so many people have so much lewd power and flaunt it like this.


US politicians are now so obcenely rich and powerful that if your not partisan to one side or another you will most likely be crushed under their now not so subtle iron fists in one way or another. If it gets to the point where the FCC starts burning books which is the terrifying direction they seem to be going in then save a spot in Sydney for me mate!

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