a reply to:
I'm curious how housing prices have changed in your local areas, vs median income growth,
Well thanks to the people of California,Chicago,Jersey moving in drove to swfl our housing market is insane. The inventory is so low that I get
numerous text,emails, and phone calls on a weekly basis asking if Im interested in selling my investment properties even though I have no interest in
selling them.
The local average joe wages haven't kept up with the prices and many of the restaurants are way under staffed. Rent has gone up for most people in the
area by 500 - 1000 a month and many are being forced to move , not only because the rent increase but the properties are being sold under them. House
are being purchased for 2M plus and being torn down and rebuilt left and right.
Besides the commies moving down here running away from their democrat ruined states we get lots of CEO that live here with uber money. I just picked
up my Son from one of his friends friend house that is 62K sq ft on 5+acres right on the beach. That is right 62K and that is not a typo and you read
that right.
A few years back they purchased a 50M dollar house and tore it down and built a 100M house. New condos are going for 1.5M+ and new homes start around
2M. So construction is booming here. My kids son was dating a daughter of a billionaire and he felt like he wanted a soccer field so he bought the
neighbors 10M+ home and tore it down to build a soccer field. Crazy money. I can go on with first hand accounts of the crazy money stories.
The problem with that is that its impossible to get construction work done because you are competing with those 100M+ and billionaires who overpay to
get priority. I called to get a quote on adding a pool to a property and multiple companies told me it would be atleast 5 weeks to get a sales person
to call me back to setup an appointment.
To get a dock rebuilt and add a boat lift I was told it would take 1.5 years by two companies and another just said they couldn't take any more work
due to demand and worker shortage.
I'm currently also waiting on a quote on adding a patio and redoing a roof on a property for over a month and they said that the quote is only valid
for a few weeks due to shortages of supplies and labor costs changing so quickly.
As of yet I haven't received the quote from them nor from the other companies who have actually come out multiple times to take measurements nor have
I gotten the call back from the pool companies to setup an appointment.
I have just come to the conclusion that I'm putting everything on hold for a couple years besides what I can do myself because its not worth the
aggravation nor worth the time wasted.
The average joe has no chance to live and work here. Most workers are driving about 45 minutes each way with traffic. Besides the commute time they
are also getting hammered with fuel cost now.
So many are not seeing it worth working here any-longer. Also the business in the area especially the national ones haven't been able to adjust or
not willing to adjust their pay to keep the employees. Most the local restaurants appear to keep their staff but the chains always appear to be
understaffed . We had to walk out of carrabas and outback multiple times because of severe staff shortages .
Same story in the hospitals with staffing. Nurses ,cops,teachers and fire can't afford to live here so they have been trying to build affordable
housing for them which is really pathetic and kind of disgusting.
They have even talked about busing in the workforces from other places , so basically anything but raising wages and benefits to meet the demand.
Houses are still getting multiple offers and selling withing hours of being listed. However I did just started to observe price decreases which was
unheard for the last year and anytime a price change occurred it went up.
However the price decreases have been with properties that are basically tear-downs or need major remodeling and about year and half ago would have
sold for around 200K and now are going over 650K . the slow down appears to be mostly with the below median cost homes in the area which last I
checked was around 800k for the area. Also around 80% of the homes are being paid for in cash.
so yeah Its nutz and a big disconnect between what the market will bear for employee wages ,housing, and goods and services. Its like watching a
perfect storm in the making.
edit on 56531America/ChicagoThu, 12 May 2022 22:56:58 -0500000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason