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A link for viewing 2000 Mules

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posted on Feb, 18 2024 @ 12:10 PM
As highlighted in a new thread on ATS

Another Georgia election fraud claim turns to vapour

Here is an update for 2024

Conservative group tells judge it has no evidence to back its claims of Georgia ballot stuffing

True the Vote’s assertions were relied upon heavily for “2000 Mules,”

Frustrated by the group’s refusal to share evidence, Georgia officials took it to court last year. A judge ordered True the Vote to turn over names and contact information for anyone who had provided information, as well as any recordings, transcripts, witness statements or other documents supporting its allegations

In their written response, attorneys for True the Vote said the group had no names or other documentary evidence to share.

posted on Feb, 18 2024 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: RickyD

The Worst Side of Law and Order is when it is Ignored .

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