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My response from a Nellis AFB Deputy Public Affairs guy

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posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Muckwa
Mesh, great work in getting the documents to ATS (kudos to bordnlazy for the assist).

Any idea what book or reference is referred to in the Memorandum from the D/S Chief, Ground Operations Safety, third paragraph...

[Enclosure 2) "Celestial Passengers UFO's & Space Travelers" on pages 26 through 32" ]

Is that some kind of book? Did I miss it mentioned elsewhere?

I found by google that its a book printed in 1977.

Author: Sachs, Margaret & Ernest Jahn

Don't know anything more on it, might be able to find a used copy on Amazon.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 09:28 PM

QUOTE: Orignally posted by rwatkins
I found by google that its a book printed in 1977.

Thanks! I guess I should really learn to Google 1st, Post 2nd!

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 06:08 AM
This is pretty cool stuff, it seems like there was a little battle going on between the White House and NASA towards the end. The responses kept getting shorter and terser.
Makes you wonder who's really running the country.

It's a pity it took a year to get them to release the pages, but now you need to go after the attachments and find out what documents they have on that chunk of a UFO at Los Alamos.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 11:45 PM
It also states in one of the docs in the paragraph above the underlined section that President Cater believed in UFO's. Wasn't he the president that used the release of UFO info to the public as part of his campaign? I know one president had used it, I think it was in one of the history channel pieces but not sure.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 09:06 AM
Yes, Carter promised to disclose to the American people. But shortly after he took office that all changed when the CIA payed him a visit. After that, he never mentioned the word UFO again. True story.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 09:57 AM

Yes, Carter promised to disclose to the American people. But shortly after he took office that all changed when the CIA payed him a visit. After that, he never mentioned the word UFO again. True story.


Obviously one of two things happened...

Either he was simply threatened severely and believably....
Or he was shown WHY it had to be kept a secret, and that reason was more than enough for him to never speak of it again. Personally, I think the latter is more likely, and that really makes me wonder what that reason really is.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 10:04 AM
I think your 2nd option is what happened. I bet they explained to Carter that if they disclosed to the world that the U.S. gov knew that "some" UFO's which people have seen are in fact of ET origin it would lead to people demanding and searching to know what technologies the gov has learned and is studying for future military use. This is something they want to keep secret at one place (Area 51) and out of the hands of North Korea, China, Bin Laden's of the world, ect...

That's what I think.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 10:06 AM
Or maybe he found out there was nothing to disclose?

Not that i believe that for a second tho

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 10:16 AM
Yeah, but why would the CIA pay Carter a visit just to tell him "You can stop your ranting and raving about UFO disclosure to the public now because we're here to tell you there's nothing to disclose." Doesn't make sense to me. There's too much evidence to think that.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 01:34 PM
Is it just me or between the letters does it sounds like a 'pass the buck' game between offices? Looks like the Air Force says, "ah, we really don't want to deal with this mess, how about you guys NASA?" NASA writes back, "why are you making us do it? You started it!". Well, whatever it is, it's making them very uncomfortable. I'm sure the final letter on the matter reads something like, "Okay, you don't say nuttin' and we don't say nuttin' then we don't have to deal with all the (?) that comes with it." Is it a money issue? Logistics issue? Is it a government conspiracy issue? Is it more? Who knows. A gem of a thread. I enjoyed the letter reading and the soap-opera dynamics between the White House and NASA.

You have voted meshuggah1324 for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Thanks meshuggah1324 & bordnlazy!

[edit on 4-4-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 01:48 PM
It goes to show that UFO's are a major issue, and no one wants to take responsibility for it. Although I feel that to this day the Air Force knows damn well what these UFO's are.........

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 01:57 PM

These docs/memo letters simply show that the government was still talking about and interested in UFO's in the 1970's well after 1968.

I'm glad they got posted on ATS!

Yes, but it also bolsters the point that they have not had any official investigation since the Condon Report. (according to these documents) Only that they considered the idea, and then the NASA director recommended against it. Good job in obtaining them though, haven't seen them before obviously...

Author: Sachs, Margaret & Ernest Jahn

Yep, this one caught my eye too. Apparently, the author of the letter is citing pages of this book that allude to there actually being physical evidence in Los Alamos. Note the author doesn't come out and say it's a definite, just references it, but still, very intriguing... That book just made it to my "to buy" list.

BTW, I can't vote for TWATS (staff and all, but an Applause! certainly went to the original poster, and the one doing the work of putting it in a form we could so). Thanks guys!

[edit on 4-4-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by pompano
MESH I have an idea. Try and find Steven Speilbergs contact information and ask him if their is any truth to the rumor of what reagan told him while at the E.T screening.

What do you think mesh, are you goning to write Mr. Speilberg? Surely if thier is truth to that rumor he would tell us.

What would he have to be afraid of?

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 09:38 PM
Well sincerely I like the part where the white house correspondant lets the NASA know that we dont like the current publicity you guys posted in a magazine with your astronauts.

The way also they point out that no governement agenci covers this but let us show you exactly where to go to get your mouth shut. Is it just me or is that what it meant

NASA - Explorers with a leach

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